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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: asi nemam motivaci to cist momentalne, ta studie co odkazuje viz dole shefik je zajimava, tu jsem se jal studovat :) az udelam zas par kolecek a na neco prijdu, dam report .)

    ja bych si hrozne pral, aby tyhle lidi meli k dispozici skutecnej produkcni ekosystme a byli nuceny delat ty kratkodoby a dlouhodoby management rozhodnuti, aby fakt vstoupili do hry :)
    TUHO --- ---
    "unless I've missed something" - neco si nasel? Ja nemam moc silu prochazet ty zdroje, ktery tam daval. Ale Mobiot obvykle dela svoje domaci ukoly vetsinou docela poctive.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: ted si jejsem jistej, ty s nim souhlasis?

    Imho je nejpodstatnejsi tohle

    ix. Claims about carbon storage in pasture have been hugely exaggerated and tend to rely on junk science. This study found no case of pasture absorbing more than 60% of the greenhouse gases the livestock produce: the system doesn’t even wash its own face.

    Ale nic z toho co rika porad nevylucuje, ze dobytek neni soucasti celkovyho mixu reseni. Pro me je zasadni co sem videl v Carbon cowboys, kdy dobytek zabranuje desertifikaci (cimz udrzuje biodiverzitu/vodu v krajine) a pri nejakym rozumnym managementu ty hranice 'pouste' muze i posunovat
    KEB --- ---

    Obnovitelne.cz má podcast, ještě jsem neslyšel, ale třeba někoho zaujme
    TUHO --- ---
    Kdybyste meli chvili, poprosil bych o vyplneni kratkeho dotazniku o klikma dezinformacich. DIk

    O čem se málo mluví v klimatických dezinformacích
    PER2 --- ---
    to nemuzeme dopustit!

    People in US and UK face huge financial hit if fossil fuels lose value, study shows | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    300 days of sandstorms a year by 2050

    TADEAS --- ---
    urodna mezopotamie

    Ninth sandstorm in less than two months shuts down much of Iraq | Iraq | The Guardian

    Iraq is ranked as one of the world’s five most vulnerable nations to climate change and desertification.

    The environment ministry has warned that over the next two decades Iraq could endure an average of 272 days of sandstorms a year, rising to above 300 by 2050.

    Iraq’s previous two sandstorms sent nearly 10,000 people to hospital with respiratory problems and killed one person.
    TADEAS --- ---
    jsem zvedav kam se posunul ,)


    It’s publication day! In researching Regenesis, I found hope where hope seemed absent. I stumbled across astonishing stories and unimagined possibilities. I pieced together what I see as a plausible future for humanity and the wonderful life with which we share this planet.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Antonio Guterres

    My message to graduates as they embark on their professional careers:

    Don’t work for climate-wreckers.

    Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.

    We all have a responsibility not to squander our skills, but to use them in a responsible and constructive way.
    TUHO --- ---
    nejaky relativne dobry zpravy. rychly prirustek biomassy po pozarech v australii. chapu-li to spravne, tak uvilnenej uhlik uz by mel byt zpatky v biomase?

    Here, we analyzed space-borne optical, thermal, and microwave images to assess changes in the structure and function of vegetation using four vegetation indices (VIs), leaf area index (LAI), solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), gross primary production (GPP), and aboveground biomass (AGB). We found that all eight variables show large losses in 2019, driven by fires and climate (drought and high temperature), but large gains in 2020, resulting from the high resilience of most trees to fire and rapid growth of understory vegetation under wet condition in 2020. In 2019, the forest area has an AGB loss of 0.20 Pg C, which is ~15% of the pre-fire AGB. Attribution analyses showed that both fire and climate (prior and co-occurring severe drought and record high temperatures) are responsible for the AGB loss in 2019, approximately 0.09 Pg C (fire) and 0.11 Pg C (climate), respectively. In 2020, the forest area has a total AGB gain of 0.26 Pg C, composed of 0.22 Pg C from fire-affected forest area and 0.04 Pg C from fire-unaffected forest area. Fire-adapted Eucalyptus forests and above-average annual precipitation in 2020 brought by a moderate La Niña drove the recovery of vegetation cover, productivity, and AGB.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: organické carbon capture podporuju asi všichni, ideální by mi přišla renesance dřeva jako stavebního materiálu. Ale jsem skeptický k industriálnímu carbon capture. Kapacita by se musela zvýšit spíš milionkrát, než tisíckrát...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Sidetopic - population degrowth expected

    Subscribe to read | Financial Times

    Growing complacency about COVID-19 and politicization of the pandemic response will cost lives as the world is hit by new waves of the virus in the coming months, Pfizer’s chief executive has warned.

    Albert Bourla said people were growing “tired” of the measures introduced to slow the spread of the virus, while “politicians want to claim victory.” Compliance with authorities’ requests for people to get booster shots would fall even among those who are already vaccinated, he predicted.

    This, combined with waning immunity from previous infections and vaccinations, is likely to lead to “constant waves” of COVID variants and deaths, he said.
    DZODZO --- ---
    iba taka perlicka, mapa poziarov v US

    National Fire Situational Awareness
    TUHO --- ---
    Mgr. Petr Štěpánek, Ph.D., Klimatická změna v České republice
    TADEAS --- ---
    How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy
    TUHO --- ---
    Bohuzel pro me paywall

    Farmers in England are starting to bury a charcoal-like material in their fields to see if it could offer a new large-scale way of putting the brakes on climate change.
    Biochar is the carbon-rich material left over from burning wood and other biomass at high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment. Most of its use today is at the small scale, such as gardeners using it as a fertiliser.

    Carbon capture: Farmers in the UK will bury burnt wood in fields to capture CO2 | New Scientist
    TADEAS --- ---
    Back to the commons: five turnarounds for the world - Jørgen Randers,
    TADEAS --- ---

    Jorgen Randers: Looking Back at the Last 50 yrs, Looking forward to the Next 50 -on Limits of Growth
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