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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    AYOS: podle me je zatim maximum priznani statusu citicich zvirat delfinum a hlavonozcum. vic z toho nevytluces.
    zakon na ochranu zvirat pred tyranim resi taky jen obratlovce.

    ja jen nechapu, proc proste musi bejt v ekologii tolik utopickych magoru :D jezis jeste ze v tom sektoru nedelam.
    TADEAS --- ---
    neprsi, nefouka, netece, nesviti

    Severe drought in California is affecting the state’s hydropower resources, leading to a decrease in hydropower generation and an increase in other forms of more polluting types of electricity generation, such as natural gas. In 2019, hydropower provided approx 19% of California’s in-state electricity generation, dropping to 11% in 2020. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that figure will drop to 8% during the summer of 2022.

    California’s largest reservoirs, Lake Shasta and Lake Oroville, are both at historically low levels, which has led to the reservoirs’ dams producing less electricity. As the drought continues through the summer, reservoir levels are expected to deplete further, requiring more harmful means of generation to come into prominence. The EIA predicts that natural gas will generate 50% of California’s electricity this summer, contributing emissions equivalent to 211,000 automobiles. In addition to the increased pollution, energy costs could increase by 5 to 7% across the state.

    Přihlásit se k Facebooku
    TADEAS --- ---
    AYOS: podle me v tech mentalnich copingovejch strategiich figuruje na strane toho privilegovanyho/bohatyho ten "jackpot"/klimaholokaust (
    TADEAS: The scope of these reactive interests is to survive what they perceive as the collapse of human civilisation, and the subsequent global holocaust, bottleneck, or Jackpot, in which several billion humans lose all human rights and are de facto ‘deniably’ murdered), kterej se ale prave (jen) timhle stylem prezit neda (bez skutecny mitigace)... zbrojak je pak analogii tohoto pro chude ,) ... zbrane nejsou k hovnu, kdyz jede obcanska valka, ale potopu to nezastavi
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carbon Dioxide Levels Are Highest in Human History - The New York Times
    PER2 --- ---
    BLAHOVEJ: zname :)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Ukrajina dominuje zájmu veřejnosti, klimatická krize ale nikam nezmizela, varuje náměstek Dusík | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Evropské země od začátku ruské invaze na Ukrajinu hledají způsob, jak nahradit dodávky surovin z Ruska. Podle některých politiků je potřeba přestat brát ohled na životní prostředí a vrátit se k uhlí. Jiní vidí cestu v přechodu na obnovitelné zdroje. „Válka na Ukrajině dominuje zájmu veřejnosti, ale neznamená to, že by problém změn klimatu někam zmizel,“ upozorňuje náměstek ministryně životního prostředí Jan Dusík v Interview Plus.
    BLAHOVEJ --- ---
    A co vy, znáte svůj ppmopočet?

    TADEAS --- ---
    randers a earth4all tym bude publikovat zas nejakej update poradnej, ma to mit release snad v cervnu nebo nejak tak
    TADEAS --- ---
    This one is by Bruno Grippay, expert in mobility. It was published first on linkedin, now it is reproduced on my blog with his kind permission.

    The Seneca Effect: Once Upon a Time There Were Five Young Scientists. The "Limits to Growth" 50 years later

    More reverberations of the 50th anniversary. This post is a detailed retelling of the whole story, written by someone who clearly understands how things went and who was not swayed by the many legends that surrounded the LTG book along its history.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Change Activist Ties Herself To The Net At French Open - Watch


    Climate change protestor Woman walks into court and tie herself to the net during the game between Ruud vs Clilic at the french Open.Say “we have 1028 days to live”
    TADEAS --- ---
    AYOS: zbrojak je "hloupa adaptace", chytra adaptace je to co do 5-10 let udela horni 0.1 procento - zacnou se vyprodavat reality a puda tam, kde klima scenare ukazujou nejmensi dopad ze nejvic dlouho, nicmene neni to druhove relevantni krok, tim je pouze klimaticke povstani a transformace k regenerativni ekologistice ,)
    PER2 --- ---
    AYOS: ja bych si celkove pral, aby lidi nesli odpovednost za svoje ciny(v jakekoliv sfere vlivu), ale to je bohuzel v tehle spolecnosti silna utopie

    lepsi nez zbrojak bude nejaky obri bunkr vybaveny na x desitek let :) ale to musis byt ropny magnat ,abys sis neco takovyho poridil :p
    PER2 --- ---
    AYOS: no a ja ti muzu napsat potreti: hodne stesti u soudu
    PER2 --- ---
    AYOS: dokaz mi, ze to byl umysl, see ya in hell
    PER2 --- ---
    AYOS: "Genocidium
    (1) Kdo v úmyslu zničit úplně nebo částečně některou rasovou, etnickou, národnostní, náboženskou, třídní nebo jinou podobnou skupinu lidí"

    ja bych rekl, ze klimaticky kolaps si nebude vybirat podle rasy nebo nejakych skupin hele :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: spis je to sporny nez ze by nebylo

    Is the Paris Agreement legally binding? | World Economic Forum

    The power of the Paris Agreement, in other words, relies on a fluid agreement about the consequences for violating an international agreement, one not precisely defined.”It depends on what the British philosopher H.L.A. Hart referred to as their ‘internal point of view’,” Brodansky added, “a sense that a rule constitutes a legal obligation and that compliance is therefore required rather than merely optional.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    AYOS: rozcilujes se pekne, ale schvalovani valky nebo terorist. cinu je ukotveny zakonem, u klimatu nic takovyho neni.
    PER2 --- ---
    AYOS: staci se podivat na trestni tribunal pro jugoslavii a tam nebyly tresty smrti, nez se neco odsoudi, vsichni budem mrvi a pokud obzalujes nejaky ropny magnaty etc tak good luck, tam budou uplne jiny financni toky a pravnicky hratky
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