When working with living systems, we constantly face the cyclical nature of life – birth, growth, death, and decay – that allows all energy to come into existence, serve its purpose, and eventually give all that it has in order for new life to do the same.
Just as grass, humans, livestock, and all living things exist within this circle, so do our ideas, beliefs, and actions. Just as old oxidized forage must be grazed or trampled down to allow for regrowth, old ways of being must sometimes fade away to allow for our continued growth.
We're making a concerted effort to give energy to those new perspectives, ideas, and beliefs that will best serve our context while acknowledging the stepping stones of humanity that served a purpose long ago but whose time has now come.
This shift from reductionist thinking to embracing the interconnected nature of living systems is the essence of holism, one of the four Key Insights of Holistic Management.
Based upon the original graphic of Jan Konietzko's concept "Carbon Tunnel Vision," and reiterated most recently by Bridget McKenzie's "Earth Crisis Blinkers," we've adapted these graphics to fit our Holistic Context.