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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: do betonovych kvetinacu, aby se v pripade pozaru daly rychle odvezt
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: smrcky prijdou hned vzapeti a sami si je zasadime
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: stroje už nás jedou zachránit, uf
    betonáři snad postaví nějaký firewall
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: supi uz se sletaji!

    Těžební stroje budou podle ministra tvořit protipožární pásy a odstraňovat suchou hmotu. „První už je na místě a pustil se do vytváření protipožárních pásů. Další stroje jsou na cestě,“ uvedl Nekula.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Dawn of the Apocalypse - The Chris Hedges Report
    TADEAS --- ---
    největší požáry tu vždycky byly a vždycky budou

    Požár v Hřensku je největší v české historii. Místní před rizikem nedávno varovali | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: imho solidni posun
    TADEAS --- ---
    DW uz ma klimatickej livestream :)

    Live: Beyond extreme weather: How the climate crisis changes life on Earth | News Desk
    PER2 --- ---
    jedna otazka do plena, jak urcujeme historicke teploty z ruznych proxies, ice cores, sediments, ring trees etc.... jakym pomerem jsou tyto proxies rozlozene ve vyslednem grafu historicke teploty na zemi? (priklad 50% ice cores 40% ringtrees 5% sediments atd... - samozrejme tohle se asi dost lisi i v case a miste hadam)
    ke korenu toho co me zajima, kdyby tu v historii bylo nejake masivni rychle otepleni (klidne i vickrat) nebo treba nejake fakt masivni celosvetove deste v nejakem malem casovem useku (vcetne polu/ledovcu/hor atd), kdyz nam diky tomuhle roztajou nejake vrstvy ledovce kompletne, ze kterych ted delame historicke odhady(ice cores) nebudeme diky tomu mit "diry" v techlech datech? jak moc tyhle "diry" dokazou pokryt jine proxies?

    abych upresnil o cem je rec
    Scientists scramble to harvest ice cores as glaciers melt
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: now, add methane to that pls
    TADEAS: pure profit, lovin it!
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: stat za chvili zadotuje vlastnikum shorely nevytezeny kurovcovy drevo ... a pak zadotuje obnovu "lesa" sazenicema smrcku... chudaci vlastnici lesa, co by si pocali?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    randersovy&spol modely vychazeji stejne... 2.7 otepleni.

    Robert Rohde

    Thirty years ago modelers created a "business-as-usual" scenario, known as IS92a, to help understand the potential future of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    Relative to that prediction, all of our collective efforts have only slightly slowed the accumulation of carbon dioxide.

    The trajectory that is most often assumed as a baseline these days is that carbon dioxide will continue to rise during the next several decades before stabilizing near the end of the century (as emissions are brought down).

    This leads to ~2.7 °C of warming in 2100.

    TUHO --- ---
    The Guardian...

    People in many areas of the Czech Republic have been advised by the fire brigade to keep their windows closed as they fight a big forest fire.
    Parts of the Bohemian Switzerland national park, which sits on the German border, have been burning since Sunday.
    Amid record temperatures and dry conditions, strong winds have sent the smoke drifting across the country.
    Homes have been destroyed and the smell of smoke has reached the capital Prague 100km (60 miles) to the south.
    Smoke has also been detected in the Pardubice area, 180km to the south-east.
    Hundreds of Czech firefighters were deployed as the fire destroyed areas of forest and homes in the village of Mezna. The fire was also threatening the nearby village of Hrensko, close to the German border, and dozens of people were forced to flee their homes.

    Czech forest fire smoke drifts across country - BBC News
    PER2 --- ---
    THE_DARKNESS: jak se rozezna kour z braniborskeho lesa a od hrenskeho lesa? jina prichut? :)

    stejne je vtipne jak je lidsky(opici) mozek porad naprogramovany, ve ctyri rano vas to proste vzbudi ..... kour! nebezpeci! cas utikat!

    a tohle finalni reseni kurovce mu stejne konecne ukaze

    dementi be like:
    Lidé létají nad hořícím lesem s drony. Ohrožujete záchranáře, kárá je stát.

    DZODZO: s meduzama maji problem i na severu, ucpavaji jim nasavani chlazeni od jadernych elektraren

    uzijte si reky, dokud je mame:
    Glaciers vanishing at record rate in Alps following heatwaves

    jinak old, but gold

    DZODZO --- ---
    ad odsolovanie vody a zavodnovanie izraela alebo ... sahary napr. nie je to asi uplne bezudrzbove

    Izraelské pobřeží zaplavilo obří hejno medúz - Novinky.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: no, přesněji:
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tohle je uz farma jen skrz negaci otevreneho ekosystemu, farma asi tak jako divocina je tovarna :D
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam