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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
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    Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk 2022 – Adapt Research Ltd


    Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk - Day 2

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    citadely, regionalni off-grid

    Island refuges – Adapt Research Ltd

    Our work to date has been largely conceptual and theoretical, although we are currently undertaking an analysis of food exports in the New Zealand setting and the logistics of redirecting these locally, under circumstances of reduced yield, in a refuge situation.

    Next we want to identify a range of concrete steps that specific islands can take to improve their resilience to global catastrophe, and examine the cost-effectiveness and ethical dimensions of these approaches.

    - Undertake case studies of selected islands to determine what investments and developments are yet needed to ensure enduring self-sufficiency

    - Undertake case studies of promising island refuges to determine which key agricultural, industrial or fabrication technologies might be developed to maximise potential to reboot civilisation

    - Investigate the ethical aspects of island refuges, in particular stranded citizens, equity, representation of humanity, lifeboat ethics, and business harm from ‘false alarms’.

    - Determine the day-to-day benefits that might accrue to islands that address some of the above issues, eg improved public health, economic growth, and resilience to common natural disasters.

    - Undertake cost-effectiveness analysis of the most promising interventions

    We aim to spread the idea that islands are well placed to survive some of the most devastating catastrophes. But more than that, we want to help ensure that some islands are prepared enough that their populations will flourish even under these seriously adverse circumstances.

    Ultimately we envision a think tank directly addressing the issue of islands as refuge, an accessible maturity model (a play book!) of actions island societies could take to optimise resilience to pandemics and nuclear winter, and a global network of island policymakers sharing ideas.

    Ensuring flourishing hubs of complex thriving society can protect the long-term flourishing of humanity.

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    U.S. Senate Deal is a Historic Opportunity to Address the Climate
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    Mission: Regeneration | California Academy of Sciences
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    pro sirsi temata ohledne planety a intra/extra planetarniho viz [planetarita - 'making life planetary']
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    Adam Frank on Civilizations and Climate Change | California Academy of Sciences
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    ‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert | Climate crisis | The Guardian
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    The Anthropocene as Planetarity in Deep Time | Living with Tiny Aliens: The Image of God for the Anthropocene | Fordham Scholarship Online | Oxford Academic

    In light of contemporary accounts of the Anthropocene, this chapter re-figures the relationship between human being and nature, such that nature is not the dialectical antithesis to human being and our reflexivity with nature is not easily marginalized. It proposes a simple definition for this relationship: human beings are planetary creatures in deep time. This definition indicates how the Anthropocene disorients us both in terms of the spatial (i.e., planetary) and temporal (i.e., deep time) boundedness of our subjectivity. Building on supporting ideas—‘planetarity’ and a ‘Sapiezoic’ eon—that help us imagine the implications of the Anthropocene’s disorientation of our subjectivity, this chapter articulates the potential symbolic power of the Anthropocene to imagine human beings as intra-active agents.
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    The Prioritization of Island Nations as Refuges from Extreme Pandemics

    we suggest that it is useful to rank island nations as potential refuges for ensuring long-term human survival in the face of catastrophic pandemics (or other relevant existential threats). Prioritization could identify the several island nations that are most suitable for targeting social and political preparations and further investment in resiliency. We outline a prioritization methodology and as an initial demonstration, we then provide example rankings by considering 20 sovereign island states (all with populations greater than 250,000 and no land borders). Results describe each nation in nine resilience-relevant domains covering location, population, resources, and society according to published data. The results indicate that the most suitable island nations for refuge status are Australia, followed closely by New Zealand, and then Iceland, with other nations all well behind (including the relatively high-income ones of Malta and Japan). Nevertheless, some key contextual factors remain relatively unexplored. These include the capacity of the jurisdiction to rapidly close its borders when the emerging threat was first detected elsewhere, and whether or not large subnational islands should be the preferred focus for refuge design (e.g., the Australian state of Tasmania, the island of Hokkaido in Japan, or the South Island of New Zealand). Overall, this work provides conceptual thinking with some initial example analysis.
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: njn mohli by ekonomovia kazdy rok postovat nejaku suvahu, kolko nas stala tranzice na bezfosil vs kolko nas stala mitigace nasledkov bussiness as usual, tam by sa potom mozno ukazalo, ze tie baterky a panely nas stoja menej nez neustale vyjazdy hasicov a skody na majetku
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    njn, spatny pocasi, to se stava

    Extreme weather caused $65 billion in losses in first half of 2022
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    Global Supergrids Could Be the Future of Energy
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    Kelp’s Carbon Sink Potential Could Be Blocked by Coastal Darkening - Eos

    “Coastal darkening, an environmental threat researchers are only beginning to study, is found to dramatically reduce the productivity of kelp.”

    “In New Zealand’s Hauraki Gulf, waves crash against cliffs and pull dirt into the ocean, while boats and storms stir up silt from the seafloor. Rivers carry fertilizer from the mainland that causes light-blocking algal blooms, which mingle with pollution from nearby Auckland. Together, they cloud the coastal ocean, depriving organisms living deeper in the water column of their main source of energy—sunlight.”

    Coastal Darkening - Kelp Is Endangered
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    Scientists measure how quickly crucial Antarctica glacier is melting
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    A window of opportunity for methane to slip by nature's filters -- ScienceDaily

    In a new study, just published in Communications Earth and Environment, Stranne and colleagues from Stockholm University and Linnaeus University have combined a new model of the biological behaviour and vertical movements of this microbial filter with existing models of seafloor sediments' physical behaviour. The physical parts of the model include processes such as how cracks form and methane can move up thorough the sediment after methane hydrates melt.

    Christian Stranne explains: "Imagine that the amount of methane rising through the sediment suddenly increases, as might happen if methane hydrate begins to melt faster. It can take decades for the filter to adjust itself to consume methane at the new rate. Our new study shows that during the time that the filter is not reestablished, substantial methane can leak past the filter, and into the ocean water."

    Despite this "window of opportunity," methane from melting hydrates that reaches the seawater faces further methane-destroying processes. These processes make it nearly impossible for substantial methane from methane hydrate melting to reach the atmosphere. However, methods as demonstrated in this study can be applied to other regions where seafloor-released methane is much shallower and is more likely to reach the atmosphere, such as the Arctic continental shelves, according to Christian Stranne.

    "Methane hydrates are a massive storehouse of carbon, so it remains important to understand how they interact with ocean changes, and potentially, the atmosphere, over long and, in the case of our study, rather short timescales. We now know that there is indeed a possible process for melting methane hydrates to temporarily bypass what was previously thought to be a strong filter in the sediment," says Christian Stranne.

    The warming rate is, however, of great importance: "Our results suggest that if our oceans warm at a pace significantly lower than 1 °C per 100 years, the filter can keep up with the pace and remain highly efficient. Unfortunately, we see higher warming rates than that in some of our oceans."
    XCHAOS --- ---
    KEB: "Vzdání se benzínu a nafty by mělo efekt pouze v případě, že by Evropská unie nadále nakupovala ropu a následně ji skladovala v nádržích. To by se týkalo i plynu a černého uhlí.".

    No ano. Ideální by bylo právě koupit ty zásoby v té formě, že by rovnou zůstaly nevytěžené pod zemí. Což se ale dělá blbě, protože to se může tvářit kdekdo, že chce být placený za to, že netěží ropu či uhlí, že jo :-) (protože se blbě dokazuje, že sice má, ale netěží)

    Tyhle moudra opomíjejí jednu věc: to, jak budou vypadat Evropa, budou nakonec otrocky napodobovat rozvojové země. Různé zkresleně, dříve nebo později. Ale napodobovat to budou. A zrovna napodobení elektromobility nakonec poptávku po ropě sníží a poptávku po lokálních zdrojích elektřiny z OZE zvýší. Takže kroky, co děláme v Evropě, je nutné hodnotit nejen z hlediska jejich přímého dopadu - ale i z hlediska toho, že budou nejspíš napodobovány (a to někdy i slepě)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: jak znám naše chrabré úředníky, tak v srpnu šalamounsky na těch 19° nastavěj klimatizaci, aby měli splněnou vyhlášku :-)
    KEB --- ---
    Špičkový německý ekonom Sinn tvrdí: Evropská unie bez spalovacích aut emise CO2 nesníží - Ekonomický deník
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    kvuli klimatu ale ne

    EU se dohodla, jak sníží spotřebu ruského plynu. Například ve veřejných budovách se bude méně topit | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)

    to spojeni, ze klimaticka destabilizace je primo spojena s provozovanim civilizacni energeticky infrastruktury proste nejde pochopit
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam