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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Green light for world-first seaweed farm - Technology - Aquaculture, Emissions, Innovation, Oceania Summit - Farmers Weekly

    Construction of a land-based aquaculture farm to produce methane-reducing supplements for cattle from native New Zealand seaweed will start later this year at Ocean Beach near Bluff in Southland.

    In what CH4 Aotearoa said is a world first, the company is to construct an ecopark to farm and cultivate a NZ-native seaweed, Asparagopsis armarta, for its animal supplements.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Spolek klimatická žaloba chce, aby stát dodržoval uhlíkový rozpočet - Ekolist.cz
    PER2 --- ---

    Flash floods wreak havoc in Pakistan; 4.6 million people affected: 300,000 homeless; over 1000 dead. 90% crops in sindh province ravaged.

    Pakistan's meteorological department has warned of more flash flooding ahead.
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Antarctic: Sea-Ice Concentration/Extent – Zachary Labe

    TADEAS --- ---
    New study on Siberia (#Arctic):

    "...the industrial-era warming to be unprecedented in rate & to have elevated the summer temperature to levels above those reconstructed for the past seven millennia (in both 30-year mean & frequency of extreme summers)"

    Current Siberian heating is unprecedented during the past seven millennia | Nature Communications
    TADEAS --- ---

    A crusade against pastoralism in the @guardian. So should we give up the idea of agroecology & high nature value farming? As a landscape researcher, I am very uncomfortable with George Monbiot‘s view. Some thoughts in a thread. https://t.co/GhgWfZiYBU
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    UK oil and gas company Rockhopper has just successfully sued the Italian state for over €190 million plus (substantial) interest — over Italy's decision to protect its environment and its people by banning Rockhoppers' fracking project.

    Řeší to energy charter treaty. Vezmou se v úvahu ušlé zisky v budoucnu a vlády to musí zaplatit
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jorgen Randers - Earth4All at the BI Green Growth Conference
    TADEAS --- ---
    BBC admits ‘we get climate change coverage wrong too often’ | Climate science scepticism and denial | The Guardian

    The BBC has accepted it gets coverage of climate change “wrong too often” and told staff: “You do not need a ‘denier’ to balance the debate.”

    In a briefing note sent to all staff warning them to be aware of false balance, the corporation has offered a training course on how to report on global warming. The move follows a series of apologies and censures for failing to challenge climate sceptics during interviews, including Nigel Lawson
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: pristi dekadu zmrznes, pac nebude v zime ruskej plyn, rikal to babis a ten ma vzdycky pravdu ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    We Are Not the First Civilization to Collapse, But We Will Probably Be the Last

    Calculations of humanity’s footprint suggest we have been in ‘ecological deficit,’ taking more than Earth’s biological systems can withstand, for at least 30 years. Topsoil is being lost far faster than nature can replenish it; 30 percent of arable land has been exhausted since the mid-20th century.

    We have financed this monstrous debt by colonizing both past and future, drawing energy, chemical fertilizer and pesticides from the planet’s fossil carbon, and throwing the consequences onto coming generations of our species and all others. Some of those species have already been bankrupted: they are extinct. Others will follow.


    This time the collapse will be global. It will not be possible, as in ancient societies, to migrate to new ecosystems rich in natural resources. The steady rise in heat will devastate crop yields and make much of the planet uninhabitable. Climate scientists warn that once temperatures rise by 4℃, the earth, at best, will be able to sustain a billion people.

    The more insurmountable the crisis becomes, the more we, like our prehistoric ancestors, will retreat into self-defeating responses, violence, magical thinking and denial.

    The historian Arnold Toynbee, who singled out unchecked militarism as the fatal blow to past empires, argued that civilizations are not murdered, but commit suicide. They fail to adapt to a crisis, ensuring their own obliteration. Our civilization’s collapse will be unique in size, magnified by the destructive force of our fossil fuel-driven industrial society. But it will replicate the familiar patterns of collapse that toppled civilizations of the past. The difference will be in scale, and this time there will be no exit.
    TUHO --- ---
    ATOMINATOR: Tyve, doba ledova za nekolik tisic let me teda stresuje hrozne. Uplne sem z tech nervu zapomnel na to, co bude pristi dekadu :D
    PER2 --- ---
    Climate change could push flood damage to $3 billion a year in western US, study says
    Climate change could push flood damage to $3 billion a year in western US, study says

    KARACHI, Pakistan, Aug 25 (Reuters) - Historic monsoon rains and flooding in Pakistan have affected more than 30 million people over the last few weeks, the country's climate change minister said on Thursday, calling the situation a "climate-induced humanitarian disaster of epic proportions."
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    JIMIQ: Taky prý...

    Blíží se další doba ledová, říká archeolog, geolog a antropolog Petr Šída - Novinky
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Světová populace by se do roku 2100 mohla snížit o polovinu - Novinky

    Vsechno cajk, move on :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: and also... earlier this month Beijing announced it was freezing its cooperation with Washington on global heating
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Nejlidnatější zemi světa a jednoho z největších znečišťovatelů planety dostihlo extrémní sucho. Rekordní teploty způsobily, že některé čínské řeky vyschly. Vliv to má na vodní energii, nedostatek pitné vody, mimo to se také zastavila lodní doprava. Situace je nejzávažnější na jihozápadě. Kvůli vyšším srážkám Číňané zkouší i metodu „setí mraků“. Úspěchů zatím ale nedosahují, předpověď není příznivá ani na další měsíc.

    (...) Během srpna se například ve městě Čchung-čching teplota vyšplhala jedenáct dní po sobě přes 40 stupňů.
    (...) Jedním z důsledků veder je vypařování vody. Zmenšují se hladiny vodních ploch, některé až o tři čtvrtiny své původní velikosti
    (...) Průtok Jang-c’-ťiang, nejdelší řeky celého euroasijského kontinentu a třetí nejdelší řeky na světě, se snížil o polovinu oproti průměru za posledních pět let.
    (...) Řeka má přitom zásobovat pitnou vodou na 400 milionů Číňanů. Do oblastí, kde voda vyschla, vozí vodu kamiony.
    (...) Řeka Jang-c’-ťiang vysychá tak rychle, že ryby nestíhají unikat. Na suchých místech se objevují jejich mrtvá těla.

    Chinese city dims lights as record heatwave hits energy supplies | China | The Guardian

    Prázdná koryta řek, odkryté buddhistické sochy i mrtvé ryby. Čína pociťuje dopady nevídaných veder | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    XCHAOS --- ---
    podle mě to patří sem - je to trochu příklad té změny paradigmatu, kterou si zatím ještě neumíme v rámci stávajícího paradigmatu představit, jak jsem tu vysvětloval :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam