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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Dutch City Is World's First to Ban Meat Advertising - EcoWatch

    Billions of dollars are spent each year on food and beverage advertising in order to sway people’s food choices. In an effort to reduce the consumption of meat and the greenhouse gas emissions it produces, the Dutch city of Haarlem will become the world’s first to ban advertisements for meat in public spaces.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Switching The World To Renewable Energy Will Cost $62 Trillion, But The Payback Would Take Just 6 Years - CleanTechnica

    The researchers looked at onshore and offshore wind energy, solar power, solar heat, geothermal electricity and heat, hydroelectricity, and small amounts of tidal and wave electricity. Batteries were the most common electricity storage solution, with the team finding that no batteries with more than four hours of storage were necessary.

    The researchers say switching to renewable energy would avoid utility grid blackouts and save consumers trillions of dollars. One of the main reasons for that finding is that the combustion-based energy systems most countries rely require a lot of energy just to function. In switching to a clean, renewable energy system, Jacobson states that worldwide energy usage would go down by 56% immediately.

    Those savings are attributable to the efficiency of clean energy over combustion systems, as well as the efficiency of electrified industry. There would no longer be a need to explore for oil, coal, and gas, drill wells or dig new mines, transport oil to refineries, build and maintain pipelines, or truck petroleum products to end users, according to My Modern Met.


    The cost of making the changeover to 100% renewable energy would be a staggering $62 trillion. Wow! That is a ton of money, people. But here’s the thing. Jacobson and his team say the savings from switching the world to 100% renewable energy would be $11 trillion a year. In other words, the initial investment would be paid back in just 6 years! Many people have a hard time distinguishing between an investment and an expense. They tend to see that $62 trillion as an expense and ignore the payback.

    There’s one other aspect of renewable energy that you can’t put a price on but it’s extremely valuable nonetheless — energy security. Nations that generate their own electricity don’t need to be at the mercy of lunatics and despots who can decide at any time to cut off the supply of oil, or unnatural gas, or coal. How much is that worth? It may be hard to answer that question, but it is clearly not nothing. The people of Europe are facing a long cold winter because the supply of cheap methane from Russia has ended abruptly.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Wild food foraging accounts for nearly 250,000 cubic meters of produce consumed annually in Zambia
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: v problematice se neorientuju, ale na svuj pozemek bychnsi agrivoltaiku umistoval prave do tech trvalejch kultur, kde nejak i v dnesni dobe pravdepodobne nejvic resis logiku usporadani, napr. v liniich, podel vrstevnic, nejvic se o to staras, pripadne je to v kombinaci s intenzivnejsim pestovanim nejake zeleniny, pasenim zvirat.

    asi je otazka, jestli ma byt mozne kdekoliv na orne pude udelat fve, nepochybuju o tom, ze budou vznikat dobre silenosti... oni by to chtelo cele mit koncepcne v ramci nejakeho sirsiho krajinneho planu, jenze ten nemize existovar, protoze se na tom nedohodneme, vlastnicke vztahy nerespektuji vztahy v krajine a regulatori nerespektuji potrebu umistovat volneji stavby typu fve nebo vte... takze misto tohody a dobreho spolecneho planu z hlediska usporadani v krajine se to zmasti prosazovanim tech ci onech zajmu
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Lab-grown meat, dense cities, and nuclear energy need a rebrand
    TUHO --- ---
    Věnek Bonuš
    Stát chce v době bezprecedentní energetické krize a nejdražších cen elektřiny v EU zabít nadějný nový zdroj - agrivoltaiku.

    Ta na jedné ploše kombinuje zemědělství a fotovoltaické panely. Některé plodiny ocení méně přímého slunce, takže jde o moderní win - win řešení. /1
    Včera jsem se účastnil konference k vypořádání připomínek k novele zákona o ochraně zemědělského půdního fondu.

    Proti funkční agrivoltaice se postavily ministerstva životního prostředí, zemědělství, průmyslu a místního rozvoje. Nechtějí ve skutečnosti rozvoj, ale "testování". /2
    Za funkční agrivoltaiku se postavila překvapivá koalice Zeleného kruhu, Svazu průmyslu a dopravy, Hospodářské komory a Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí (děkuji @MJureka). /3
    V čem konkrétně je problém? Dohoda 4 ministerstev počítá s tím, že agrivoltaika bude možná jen pro tzv. trvalé kultury - vinice, chmelnice a ovocné sady. To je nelogické, protože většina plodin z těchto kultur potřebuje všechno světlo, co v Česku dostane. /4
    Ptal jsem se na argumenty pro omezení na trvalé kultury a byly slabé - prý aby se nerozoraly kabely, že trvalé kultury jsou "vhodnější" a že se tak prostě dohodli. No dotaz proč nenechají starost o kabely na zemědělcích jsem odpověď nedostal.
    Zavedení agrivoltaiky by navíc vyžadovalo změnu územního plánu - tato náročná administrativní překážka má potenciál rozvoj zabít či přinejmenším hodně zdržet a omezit. /5
    Doufám, že relevantní aktéři ještě zabojují a funkční řešení prosadí - stále je čas. Ministři by měli prosadit rozvoj levného zdroje energie nezávislého na Rusku.
    Jaký je např. názor @PiratIvanBartos na podmínku změny územního plánu, kterou chce zachovat MMR? /konec
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PETER_PAN: je to trochu ot tady, ale veris, ze vodik je ta spravna cesta pro leteckou dopravu?

    U baterii se dalsi progress ocekavat s jistotu da (nejiste je jen kdy), ale u vodiku je ta hmotnost zasadni problem - tlakovy nadrze a jejich zabezpeceni... i kdyz u tryskacu to asi muze bejt mensi problem, nez u standardnich linkovejch jumbo jetu...

    Aktualne jsem mel spis na mysli ty reverzni carbon neutral paliva (synthetic fuels), ktery uz sou v zapadnim svete relativne dostupny, jen proste drazsi

    (Vodikovy palivovy clanky nacteny nemam)
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Jo u malejch letadel to dava velky smysl uz ted. Znamej co resil rizeni vysokootackovych motoru pro drony atd. rikal ze treba sportovni ultralight uz je elektrickej lepsi nez benzinovej v mnoha aspektech. Mimojine i protoze 80kW elektro-motor do toho ultralightu je velky jako 2,5l pet lahev a odneses ho v igelitce metrem :-) A nemusi se servisovat a ma ucinnost 97%+.
    TUHO --- ---
    resp zas tak hrozne vyznamnej neni, ma 40 letadel, ale pry je to nejvetsi hydroplanova spolecnost na svete .))
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Btw Harbour Air - celkem vyznamej poskytovatel charterovejch letu v Kanade pry jde all electric prave ted.

    Seaplane airline Harbour Air continues to make progress toward making its entire fleet of planes electric by successfully completing its first point-to point test flight in Canada. The eBeaver electric plane flew 45 miles with plenty of reserve power left when it landed.
    Harbour Air began operations in 1982 with two small seaplanes as a service for the forestry industry in British Columbia, Canada, and is now North America’s largest seaplane airline. With over 40 aircraft in its current fleet, the company completes up to 300 scheduled flights per day, including scenic tours and private charters on the West Coasts of Canada and the US.

    Harbour Air completes point-to-point test flight in all-electric plane
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SHEFIK: Souhlasim. Hlavne penize bohatych vylakat na zaplaceni vyvoje next generation jetu, ktere budou na vodik. Prvni jet-vodikovy letadla budou soukromy jety a az postupne ta technologie probubla do velkych letadel (bude velkotonazni infrastruktura, poptavka, uspory z rozsahu, ...).

    Tam je dulezite kdyz se clovek podiva ne na vodikove jety, ale na potencial vrtulovych (pomalejsich) elektrickych letadel (dava smysl od 400 Wh/kg energeticke hustoty baterie, zatim jsme u nejlepsich pod 350 Wh/kg, predposledni generace Tesly mela 265 Wh/kg - jen BTW) tak to cestovani vychazi s nizsima ekologickejma externalitama nez vlakova doprava. Ale dostat se tam pujde pres kombinaci zprisnovani prumyslovych norem + early adopters u malych letadel.
    A tenhle princip nejak utilizovat i do vodikovych jetu a obecne technologii ktere se ted nevyplati, protoze palit fosil je levnejsi, ale drive ci pozdeji budou levnejsi/dostupne nez cokoliv srovnatelneho predtim.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Feeding Seaweed to Cows Can Reduce Their Methane Emissions | Time

    listopad 2021, nevím jestli zde proběhlo

    In 2020 Australian researchers found that replacing 3% of a cow’s diet with a type of seaweed native to Australia resulted in up to an 80% decrease in methane emissions.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ekoložka

    Watching me make a meal looks like an environmental travesty. I almost exclusively use the microwave. I don’t take time to savour the process: a meal that takes longer than ten minutes is one that’s not worth having. It nearly always comes from a packet. My avocados are shipped over from Mexico, and bananas transported from Angola. It’s rare that my food is produced locally. Or if it is, I don’t check the label enough to notice.

    This is the opposite of what seems sustainable. The image we have in our head of the ‘environmentally-friendly meal’ is one that’s sourced from the local market; produced on an organic farm without nasty chemicals; and brought home in a paper bag, not a plastic wrapper. Forget the processed junk: it’s meat and vegetables, as fresh as they come. We set aside time to cook them properly, in the oven.

    I know that my way of eating is low-carbon. I’ve spent years poring over the data. Microwaves are the most efficient way to cook. Local food is often no better than food shipped from continents away. Organic food often has a higher carbon footprint. And packaging is a tiny fraction of a food’s environmental footprint, and often lengthens its shelf-life.

    Yet it still feels wrong. I know I’m doing the right thing for the environment, but there’s still a part of me that feels like a traitor. I can see the confusion on peoples’ faces when they hear about some of my decisions. I feel embarrassed that people might think that I’m being a ‘bad’ environmentalist.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: clanek je zamcenej, ale jen me tak napada, nebylo by lepsi jim treba naridit napr. vyuzivat jen carbon neutralni palivo?

    Pac root causem otepleni neni tryskac ani cesta samotna ani smetanka samotna. Navic by se prebytecne panize smetanky alokovaly ve prospech transformace / akcelerace ciste energetiky.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Notes on Progress: An environmentalist gets lunch

    Ekologické chování si lidi spojují s tím "jak se žilo dřív". Data ukazují něco jiného
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    A co megajchty? Horší mor než private jets.
    TADEAS --- ---
    on a related note

    Exclusive: How Shell and BP financed Britain’s Cold War propaganda machine

    Formerly top secret files show how the two oil corporations bankrolled UK covert propaganda operations during the 1950s and 60s. The goal was to secure British access to key oil supplies across the developing world.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global fossil fuel subsidies almost doubled in 2021, analysis finds | Fossil fuels | The Guardian

    Subsidies for oil and gas production reached a record level of $64bn. The IEA said in May 2021 that no new fossil fuel projects should be developed if the world is to meet its climate goals.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Burning forests for energy isn’t ‘renewable’ – now the EU must admit it | Greta Thunberg and others | The Guardian
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