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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: heh, kdyby vedeli jak se scrapuje hromada elektroniky jen kvuli tomu , ze je to nekde skrabnuty, ale jinak uplne v pohode a funckni :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    Patagonia Founder Gives Away the Company to Fight Climate Change - The New York Times
    TADEAS --- ---

    Faith-based responses to disruption and distress from global heating

    This year I learned that in many religious communities the idea that humanity is in ‘#apocalyptic’ times or #EndTimes is becoming widespread. Although not unusual in the history of humanity, today that view relates to environmental change. Whether such a perspective leads to more or less ‘prosocial’ responses will influence how any future breakdowns occur. In particular, whether ‘#WorldviewDefence’ trumps active compassion as people become more anxious will be key to how societies respond. Even if you are not actively engaged in any particular religious community, their responses will definitely shape your future experience. That is because #FaithBasedOrganisations (FBOs) remain influential across most of the world. Globally, they manage or own 8% of habitable land, 50% of schools and 10% of financial institutions. They influence how people understand their choices in life, participate in their community, support people in need, and interpret current affairs. Even people who’ve abandoned their #faith still often find themselves praying when something awful happens to a loved one - it’s so deeply ingrained it’s seemingly inescapable. Thankfully, both #IndigenousWisdom and the teachings of many traditions remind us that, in even the most emotionally challenging times, kind and collaborative responses are possible.

    I am not pre-determinist, and so I regard aspects of our future to be unwritten – including the way people of faith respond to the unfolding #polycrisis and beyond. Therefore, I believe there is an opportunity to help faith leaders who might, or currently, engage in a ‘#collapse agenda’ to reduce the potential for harm and to promote beneficial responses from faith communities (as well as other people who cite religious teachings).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Private equity still investing billions in dirty energy despite pledge to clean up | Private equity | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Louky Bílých Karpat se rozmanitostí rostlin podobají deštnému pralesu, zjistili vědci - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    MATT: to nezacina vznikat, v kalifornii uz to funguje minimalne 10 rokov, tam su popredu :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Marine heatwaves drive recurrent mass mortalities in the Mediterranean Sea

    “What is happening is quite dramatic,” Joaquim Garrabou, a marine conservation ecologist at Spain’s Institute of Marine Sciences and the study’s lead author, said in an interview. “It’s like having a forest fire in the marine habitat.”

    But unlike the visible destruction that comes with a forest fire, the tranquil surface of the sea belies the upheaval just below, Garrabou said, with little outward sign of “what’s going on under this blue layer.”

    What’s going on is the shocking loss of the superlative biodiversity found in the Mediterranean, he said. Though small compared to the world’s great oceans, the Mediterranean Sea is home to 7-10% of all marine species, many of them found nowhere else on Earth. What’s more, seafood harvests from that biological bounty support many of the 400 million people living in the region

    To bring the changes to these coastal ecosystems into sharper focus, Garrabou led an effort to bring together research on the effects of climate change from around the Mediterranean Sea. Ultimately, he said, he hopes this evidence will convince leaders and policymakers of the importance of protecting the basin’s ecological communities.
    TADEAS --- ---
    V Rusku skupina lidí podává klimatickou žalobu na stát za to, že nechrání klima a plánuje zvyšovat množství vypuštěných emisí.

    В России впервые обратились в суд из-за климатической политики страны
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak jen pripominam, ze stat v nejake dobe zavedl napr. solarni dan na rapidne vznimajici fotovoltaiky, a to bez dostatecneho rozliseni, za jakych podminek dany projekt vznikl, nektere to utlumilo na hra u profitability (nemusi vse byt profitabilni, ale at si neprofitabilni podniky zainvestuje sirsi spolecnost sama), tj. neni to níc nevidaneho. k velkym regulacim imho dojde, a k nejakymu zdaneni nebo presmerovani kapitalu, i pres protesty ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Join this FREE online event with Dr Vandana Shiva, Ernst Götsch and John Liu speaking about co-creating a world where all humans and animals have guaranteed access to LIVING SOIL.

    Join the LIVE zoom here: https://unity-earth.zoom.us/j/83700886201

    This event is part of Peace Week 2022 that is also launching the global initiative of #7CoreNeeds as a unifying vision and practical pathway for rapid social and ecological healing.

    To join Peace Week 2022 register for free at

    Peace Week |

    To learn more about #7CoreNeeds please visit https://peaceweek.org/core-needs/
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: zminuji i citizen assemblies, randers rika, ze si nemysli, ze transformativni scenare se naplni, padne dotaz na to ktery regiony socialne kolabuji jako prvni - ty ktere maji vysokou miru nespokojenosti v dusledku klesajici zivotni urovne, jako priklad dava usa ,) ... vesely poslech :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Earth4All | Club of Rome | BPK 30. August 2022 (English Audio)

    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ty to prirovnavas k rakovine, ja v tom vidim cervenou kralovnu na hospodarsky urovni.

    Ad cechy a krach prumyslu - muze byt. Hned mam chut srovnat strukturu hdp vs. mnozstvi emisi za jednotlive roky, ale sem na dovoleny :)
    MATT --- ---
    YMLADRIS: mě přijde, že znaky rakoviny de fakto vykazuje obecně život.

    btw: jsem zaregistroval, že začínaj vznikat různý "vodní policie", který dávaj pokuty za zalévání atd.. tak jsem si říkal, že fašismus přijde s nedostatkem vody..
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ano asi to patri spis do Klimaticka reseni, nebo kam. nemuzu si ale odpustit poznamku, ze ceske emise klesly proto, ze cesky tezky prumysl zkrachoval (nebyl konkurence schopny). emise se presunuly do Ciny.

    obecne krouzim kolem toho, ze kapitalismus vykazuje znaky rakoviny (moc optimalizuje jakesi sve parametry; nema dobre zabudovane kontroly aby kdyz neco moc buji, dostatecne rychle to dobrovolne pachalo sebevrazdu). myslim ze bude nutne kapitalismus reformovat. ty na to typicky rikas, ze nic lepsiho nez kapitalismus neexistuje, takze zpet na stromy se nelze vracet. kapitalismus ale neni posvatny; muze se vyvijet. srovnej kapitalismus volne souteze a kapitalismus Svedsko.

    EU zkonfiskuje zisky energetickych hracu z v teto valky. kdo by si to dovolit driv vyslovit nahlas. ( = zmeny jsou mozne)

    ale ok, je to tady off topic
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: hele ja nevim, asi nemam moc silu dal vysvetlovat proc je demokraticko-kapitalisticka spolecnost 'lepsi' nez nejaky centralne rizeny mocensky rezim. Ani to sem asi nepatri... ale zkusim to naposled

    Je tam obrovsky mnozstvi rozdilu, ale to co je spojuje je mira efektivity (at uz prace, nebo vyuziti materialu v totalu, ne jednotlivych pripadech).

    Diky efektivite jsou pak volnejsi rezimy, ktery zaroven deleguji odpovednost nize (i se vsim spatnym, chybami a nedokonalostmi) ve vsem na dlouhy trati rychlejsi (tedy vcetne cerpani zdroju) cimz ale nikdo netvrdi, ze je v kazdou svoji chvili dokonalejsi nez situace, kterou si dokazeme zidealizovat podle vlastnich, napr. moralnich hodnot. Nic neni v zadnou chvili dokonale, zadny clovek, zadne chovani, zadny proces. Jde jen o uhel pohledu a casove meritko.


    Jeste jeden odkaz k nasi diskuzi pridam.

    Czechia: CO2 Country Profile - Our World in Data

    Je tam hezky srovnani emisi pri nasem centralne rizenem komunismu, kde lide moc osviceni a uvedomeli ani nejsou , pac rezim jim to nedovoli a stara se o ne jak o ovce, vs porevolucni konstantni pokles emisi, ktery nebyl hnany nijak zavratnou zelenou propagandou, jako spis pocitem nenasycenosti schopnych lidi. pricemz hdp i zivotni uroven rostla. (A to se mozna za komunismu ani to mliko nevylilo)

    Vic budu rad pokracovat v poste. Pac nechci klimatickou krizi stacet k politicko-trznim nastavenim.

    Root cause klimaticke krize je dle meho nazoru jinde. V procesech, ktere volime, ve vyrobcich, ktere volime, v rozhodnutich, ktere delame.

    To je a bude nezavisle na politicko-trznim rezimu, jako takovem (az na ty rozhodnuti, pac ty souvisi se vzdelanim). Rezim nastavuje primarne efektivitu a rychlost.
    MATT --- ---
    A včera jsem byl na exkurzi v dolech Bílina a Tušimice a na obou místech (a dle sdělení dalších účastníků i na ostatních dolech) jim docházej lidi, kteří jsou pro ně vůbec ochotni pracovat. Odhadují, že až skončí generace současných 55níků, bude definitivně konec.
    MATT --- ---
    Hlásim z pozorování an HGIG kongresu, že hydrogeologové na změnu už věří, vnímají vyšší odpar v důsledku nárůstu teploty o 2°C za posledních 60 let. na green deal stejně prskaj.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    clanek v nature

    A planetary budget to survive and thrive
    We must define science-based targets to ensure that we stay within the limits of what our planet can support, argue eight sustainability and policy researchers. Next year, a global task force of natural and social scientists (including many of the authors) will issue its first report outlining these ‘Earth system boundaries’. Here, they outline how researchers can help cities and companies to understand complex, interlinked systems — water, nutrients, carbon emissions and more — to avoid cascading effects and stave off tipping points in Earth’s systems.

    Nature | 11 min read
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