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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    MATT --- ---
    PETER_PAN: jsem asi u patyho odstavce, ale až moc se to shoduje se 4 roky starym článkem, dokonce ve stejném guardianu..

    How tech's richest plan to save themselves after the apocalypse | Silicon Valley | The Guardian
    MATT --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Assessing the size and uncertainty of remaining carbon budgets | Research Square


    If we take 280 ppm as the pre-industrial CO2 level and 3 ºC as the climate sensitivity, we see that 350 ppm would be just below +1.0 ºC.

    For a climate sensitivity of 6 ºC, all of the numbers DOUBLE in the temperature column above. Thus 350 ppm causes +2.0 ºC of heating. For whom is that safe? Two degrees is not safe for Africa, the Amazon, and especially not for low-lying island nations.

    Two degrees is probably a safe limit for the civilization of Western capitalism – the real "stakeholders" at COP meetings. But as shown on the chart, the CO2 level that will ensure such warming was reached way back in May 1986 !!

    By April 2012 there was enough CO2 in the atmosphere to cause +3.0 ºC. That's enough heating for no ice in the Arctic, Greenland or West Antarctica, no coral reefs, no Amazon, scarce food crops – and probably no civilization. At 420 ppm we are today assured of +3.5 ºC.

    The premise of today's obscene "carbon budgets" is a target of +2.0 ºC heating, while using a short-term climate sensitivity of only 3 ºC. That would explain the plutocratic hubris to drive the planet up to 450 ppm. It's short-term physics for short-term profiteers.

    We are now collectively starring into the abyss of decimated ice albedo and crashing biological systems that turn sinks into sources. Skies are red, the Arctic is blue, and fields are brown.

    Methane seems to be pouring into the atmosphere so fast that we can barely keep track of its sources.

    These inevitable feedbacks and paleoclimate research tell us the same thing, over and over: Climate sensitivity is much higher. 450 ppm will give us +4.0 ºC instead.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: treba sa zamerat na vyskum bielych solarov a sme za vodou
    TADEAS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: uz tu bylo vickrat, me ta prezentace prijde takova tendencni, eg: these guys were obsessed with outrunning the end of the world that they were creating through their drive to outrun the end of the world. They were singularly uninterested in preventing the end of the world, or even in surviving it through solidarity and mutual aid

    "these guys jsou nejaky tech miliardari. muzou mit potencialne velkej informacni vliv ale nemyslim, ze ten financni, ten je porad ve svete fosilu, nerostnejch zdroju, starsiho prumyslovyho kapitalu, v opozici vuci nemuz ten technologickej vyrost ale otazka jak moc je nezavislej. tj. neprecenoval bych to jejich "they are creating"

    Just 10 Big Shareholders Hold Key To Controlling The Climate Crisis TADEAS

    Within the CU200 group, just 10 shareholders own 49.5 percent of the potential emissions from the world's largest energy firms and have a gargantuan influence over the fossil fuel market.

    These actors included: Blackrock, Vanguard, the Government of India, State Street, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dimensional Fund Advisors, Life insurance Corporation, Norges Bank, Fidelity Investments, and Capital Group
    TADEAS --- ---
    Velká klimatická stávka studentů z celé východní Evropy bude v Praze - Studentské listy

    Česká odnož hnutí Fridays For Future Česká republika Fridays For Future připravuje v reakci na blížící se listopadovou klimatickou konferenci OSN společně s dalšími organizacemi z Česka i zahraničí východoevropskou stávku za klima s navazujícím klimatickým kempem. Proběhne 21. října v Praze. Akci Friday For Future oficiálně představilo dnes, avizovalo ji už minulý týden na svém sjezdu, kterému předcházela páteční klimatická stávka
    TADEAS --- ---

    Jem Bendell - The biggest mistakes in climate communications, part 2 - Climate Brightsiding - Brave New Europe

    this second part of my essay on key mistakes in climate communication, I explore what kind of alarm is warranted about the climate crisis.
    TADEAS --- ---
    COVID-19: the case for prosociality - The Lancet

    The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic, published on Sept 15, lays bare what has been nothing less than a massive global failure—a failure of rationality, transparency, norms of public health practice, operational coordination, and international solidarity.
    The Commission gives recommendations in three main areas.
    Third, ambitious proposals to ignite a renaissance in multilateralism, integrating the global response to the risk of future pandemics with actions to address the climate crisis and reversals in sustainable development. In this way, the Commission boldly sets out a vision of a different future, defined by a properly financed and better-prepared global architecture that is driven by cooperation and shared responsibility rather than globalised profit-seeking.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Skleníkové peklo Španělsku prospívá. A nám by možná mohlo pomoci taky - Ekolist.cz

    V roce 2018 už byl tento „fakt“ akceptován a doložen další studií, kdy už se hovořilo o ochlazení v regionálním měřítku o 1 °C. A tehdy se také začalo šířeji diskutovat o pozitivech skleníkové krajiny Plastového moře.


    Až 45 % celkové uhlíkové stopy zdejšího skleníkového zemědělství lze považovat za kompenzované zvýšeným albedem, které neutralizuje globální oteplování v oblasti, a také v planetárním měřítku, kde částečně kompenzuje celkovou uhlíkovou stopu.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    doporučuju sledovat https://twitter.com/NWSAlaska v tuhle chvíli, kdy se post-tropická bouře Merbok opírá do Aljašky a přechází do Arktického oceánu #collapseporn

    The center of ex-typhoon Merbok is about to make its way through the Bering Strait and enter the Chukchi Sea this morning. GOES water vapor imagery from the overnight hours. #akwx
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: nejsem si uplne jisty v jakym kontextu linkujes? CBSnews rika, ze recovery ozonove diry zpusobene freony by melo byt do 2070. Plus rika, ze v roce 2021 byla dira vetsi nez se v techto modelech ocekavalo.

    Clanek ktery jsem linkoval ja rika, ze, ze krome freonu nove objevili, ze je vyznamny i Iodine, ktery v atmosfere pribyva diky antropogennimu pusobeni (oceany+tani polarnich ledovcu)

    PETER_PAN: me prijde, ze ta 'nevira' ve spolecnost a jeji schopnost prekonavat prekazky neni jen na strane super-rich...
    DZODZO --- ---
    v minulosti vedeli, ze lietadlo je 16x viac zrave co sa tyka pohonnych hmot, ale este si to nevedeli dat do porovnania s emisiami

    Karosa ŠD 11 - diaľničný expres (1980)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Mexican mangroves have been capturing carbon for 5,000 years

    The team expected that carbon would be found in the layer of peat beneath the forest, but they did not expect that carbon to be 5,000 years old. This result, along with a description of the microbes they identified, is now published in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series.


    There are more than 1,100 types of bacteria living beneath the mangroves that consume and excrete a variety of chemical elements. Many of them function in extreme environments with low or no oxygen. However, these bacteria are not efficient at breaking down carbon.


    These sites are protecting carbon that has been there for millennia. Disturbing them would cause a carbon emission that we wouldn't be able to repair any time soon," said Matthew Costa, UC San Diego coastal ecologist and first author on the paper.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Ozone layer depletion has a new cause and its not CFC. Read here to find out | Mint

    The study further noted that atmospheric increase in Iodine loading due to enhanced anthropogenic Ozone-induced ocean Iodine emissions, as well as the thinning and shrinking of Arctic sea ice expected in the near future, will probably lead to increases in Iodine emissions.

    "These results indicate that iodine chemistry could play an increasingly important role in the future and must be considered for accurate quantification of the ozone budget in the Arctic," IITM said in a release.
    TUHO --- ---
    The recent declines in surface winds over Europe renewed concerns about a “global terrestrial stilling” linked with climate change. From 1978 until 2010, research showed a worldwide stilling of winds, with speeds dropping 2.3 percent per decade. In 2019, though, a group of researchers found that after 2010, global average wind speeds had actually increased — from 7 miles per hour to 7.4 miles per hour.
    Despite those conflicting data, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts slowing winds for the coming decades. By 2100, that body says, average annual wind speeds could drop by up to 10 percent.
    “Why do we have wind at all on the planet?” asks Paul Williams, who studies wind as a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Reading in England. “It’s because of uneven temperatures — very cold at the poles and warm at the tropics. That temperature difference drives the winds, and that temperature difference is weakening. The Arctic is warming faster than the tropics.”

    Global ‘Stilling’: Is Climate Change Slowing Down the Wind? - Yale E360
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