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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Desert to Grasslands

    Greening the Deserts (From Desert to Grassland) with Rodger Savory
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vanuatu makes bold call for global treaty to phase out fossil fuels | Vanuatu | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Death Project: Knowing and Willingly Creating Mass Murder In 2022 | 18 Sept 2022 | Roger Hallam
    TADEAS --- ---
    Thousands call for ‘climate reparations and justice’ in global protests | Environment | The Guardian
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Brian Tang
    Hurricane Fiona will undergo a meteorologically spectacular and rapid transition from a hurricane to a hybrid superstorm this afternoon, resembling a powerful nor'easter with a hurricane-like core. Please see https://weather.gc.ca/hurricane/statements_e.html
    for expected impacts.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    The 'Ironclad Rule of Carbon' Means We Have to Change How We Think About Design

    "Embodied carbon is the net carbon emissions from all of the consumed energy used in the processes to produce and construct a building. Essentially, embodied carbon is the carbon it took to make the building, and operational carbon is the carbon it takes to run the building. In this way, embodied carbon is not actually embodied at all, but is actually the upfront carbon emissions. Embodied carbon is like our environmental downpayment, and operational carbon is like the ongoing environmental mortgage payment, speaking strictly metaphorically. The two are how we calculate the building’s carbon footprint."
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #tangible_targets #leading_country

    California Pushes Its Aggressive Climate Action Plans Forward - CleanTechnica

    The Governor’s office says that over the next two decades, the California Climate Commitment will:

    - Create 4 million new jobs
    - Cut air pollution by 60%
    - Reduce state oil consumption by 91%
    - Save California $23 billion by avoiding the damages of pollution
    - Reduce fossil fuel use in buildings and transportation by 92%
    - Cut refinery pollution by 94%

    Vse uzakoneno v dnes podepsanem climate package bill
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MARSHUS: doběhnem až do gronska?

    Hurricane Track - Environment Canada
    MARSHUS --- ---

    tak teď co si Fiona podala Portoriko se chystá na Kanadu. Očekává se zdaleka nejsilnější uragán v historii.
    TADEAS --- ---
    England fracking ban lifted – with limits on seismic activity set to be raised | Fracking | The Guardian

    TADEAS --- ---
    Otevřený dopis Klimatické koalice ke konferenci Green Deal Summit 26. 9. 2022
    SHEFIK --- ---
    No conclusion, still improving

    Updated climate models are clouded by scientific biases, researchers find

    Cloud and radiation biases over the Southern Ocean have been a long-lasting problem in the past generations of global climate models," said corresponding author Yuan Wang, now an associate professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University. "After the latest CMIP6 models were released, we were anxious to see how they performed and whether the old problems were still there."
    Wang said the researchers were also motivated by other studies in the field that point to the Southern Ocean's cloud coverage as a contributing factor to some CMIP6 models' high sensitivity, when the simulations predict a surface temperature that rises too quickly for the rate of increased radiation. In other words, if improperly simulated, the Southern Ocean clouds may cast a shadow of doubt on the projection of future climate change.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Sikovny pro skleniky a apokalyptickej svet

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Solární systém dělí ve skleníku světlo pro potřeby rostlin i výrobu elektřiny
    SHEFIK --- ---

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - „Opékač cihel“ slibuje rázně omezit emise uhlíku

    O'Donnell si rovněž pochvaluje investice od Breakthrough Ventures Billa Gatese. Je přesvědčen, že technologie založené na jejich opékači cihel mají potenciál během desetiletí omezit emise uhlíku o 1 procento a během 15 let o 15 procent. Jednoduchá technologie ve spolupráci s ekonomickými mechanismy podle něj může přinést ohromující výsledky. Podle komentáře New Atlasu to je jako blitzkrieg v zelené energetice, který veškeré úsilí soustředí na rychlost, výrobu ve velkém a nízkou cenu.
    DZODZO --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    češtinářské okénko: je změna klima nebo změna klimatu? ;)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DZODZO: jak znam manazerstvo, vazeny prumer cen k vypoctu nepouzili, proto chybi MWh :) i tak to je nezanedbatelny cislo.

    Ale jak pises, pokud je potencial jen v osvetleni takovyhle, jaky asi bude prostor v hlavnich polozkach v prumyslu?

    Je fajn, ze tahle energeticka krize vznikla, narovna to lecjaky 'plytvani'
    DZODZO --- ---
    200 mega len na osvetleni je slusna palka pokial je to iba 1 firma, este mohli uviest kolko je to usetrenych MWh rocne
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Je videt, ze i ocelarny maji od komunismu porad prostor pro energeticky uspory :)

    Firmy se vrhly na úspory energií, odsouvají jiné druhy inovací - iDNES.cz

    Jako absolutní prioritu vnímá energetické úspory přes 40 procent firem oslovených v průzkumu ČSOB zabývajícím se zaváděním inovací v Českých firmách.


    „Liberty Steel, bývalý AccelorMittal, vyměnily žárovky v celém provozu a ušetřili 200 milionů korun ročně na elektřině, dodal Fousek.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam