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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Kubala


    Ačkoliv to česká média ani politiky moc nezajímá, protože tomuhle tématu vůbec nerozumí, píšou se v dnešních dnech dějiny klimatické politiky. Emanuel Macron právě oznámil vystoupení Francie z Energetické charty, která je jednou z největších hrozeb pro budoucnost klimatické politiky a demokracie. Je na čase, aby vystoupila ČR (Petr Fiala a Jozef Síkela šup šup) a taky celá EU.

    Za poslední dva týdny o vystoupení z Energetické charty rozhodlo Polsko, Španělsko a Nizozemsko (Itálie z ní vystoupila už v roce 2016). Velkou roli v tom hraje tlak koalice NoECT, který jsme trochu podpořili i v ČR, ale který byl hodně silný v jiných zemích EU. Hodně na tom odpracoval taky bruselský think-tank Corporate Europe Observatory, který je podle mě jednou z nejlepších a nejchytřejších organizací zabývající se EU politikou.

    Největším průserem toho paktu jsou takzvané mezinárodní arbitráže, což je paralelní soudní systém vymyšlený korporacema na ochranu svých investic.

    V současnosti ho využívá fosilní průmysl na to, aby zastrašoval státy, které chtějí skončit dříve s uhlím nebo plynem. Případně je žaluje u nespravedlivých arbitráží o desítky ba stovky milionů eur (RWE například žaluje Nizozemsko, které si dovolilo schválit dřívější konec uhlí).

    Napsal jsem o tom v minulosti pár článků, které si nikde jinde nepřečtete (protože jak říkám, takřka nikdo z novinářů či novinářek u nás tomu tématu nerozumí). Tak si je dejte:

    Článek ze středy o tom, jak státy Energetickou chartu opouštějí: https://denikreferendum.cz/clanek/34539-staty-odchazeji-od-energeticke-charty-ceska-republika-i-eu-by-mely-nasledovat

    Komplexní článek o tom, proč je Energetická charta zlo: https://denikreferendum.cz/clanek/32130-energeticka-charta-ochrankyne-fosilniho-prumyslu-ktera-nici-klima-i-demokracii
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    Dnes 10:30 až 11:30 - Využití Open Data z dálkového průzkumu země k hodnocení zdraví ekosystémů s Jakubem Zeleným (Člověk v tísni), odkaz pro připojení: https://1url.cz/Ir3VK
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Zeihan je trosku “out there”, nevychazi ze spatnych premis ale imo to prehani do opacnyho extremu

    Takze ja si beru mainstream narativ a Zeihana a prumeruju si to :D
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: rikal nekdo cina?
    "Expect to learn why China will lose half of it's population by 2050, why globalisation is coming to an end even though we're more connected than ever, why population demographics are one of the most important factors in determining the future, whether automation will help or hinder us, whether food shortages are actually something to panic about and much more..."

    The Old World Order Is About To Collapse - Peter Zeihan | Modern Wisdom Podcast 514
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We need to get China’: John Kerry calls for return to bilateral climate talks | John Kerry | The Guardian

    China’s freeze with the US should not, in theory, affect negotiations on the climate crisis, which are supposed to be held in a separate bubble from other geopolitical concerns.

    But Kerry said China had in effect stopped negotiating with the US on climate issues, as well as on other matters. He said: “It’s been impossible, really. China has pulled out of the talks for now.”

    Some sections of the Chinese government were pursuing “wolf diplomacy”, he said, by which climate was treated “like all the other issues” and subject to a “suspension [though] not a termination”.

    Kerry said: “I personally vehemently disagree with that. Climate is a universal issue, a universal threat. Without political ideology, without political party. It does not represent global competition. It represents a global threat to the world, which the two largest emitters and two largest economies could greatly benefit the world by coming together and cooperating to try to deal with it.”

    The rupture between China and the US came just as cooperation between the two was looking more promising than it had done for years. At the Cop26 UN climate summit in Glasgow last November, the two countries astonished observers with the sudden announcement of a bilateral pact. They agreed to work on clean technology, methane and other ways of reducing emissions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    blázni, o co jim jde

    Aktivisté polili Monetův obraz bramborovou kaší, pak se přilepili ke zdi - iDNES.cz
    PER2 --- ---
    Climate Emergency Denial Evil
    TUHO --- ---
    The Paris Agreement proposed to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. It was thus the first international treaty to endow the 2 °C global temperature target with legal effect. The qualitative expression of the ultimate objective in Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has now evolved into the numerical temperature rise target in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. Starting with the Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an important task for subsequent assessments has been to provide scientific information to help determine the quantified long-term goal for UNFCCC negotiation. However, due to involvement in the value judgment within the scope of non-scientific assessment, the IPCC has never scientifically affirmed the unacceptable extent of global temperature rise. The setting of the long-term goal for addressing climate change has been a long process, and the 2 °C global temperature target is the political consensus on the basis of scientific assessment. This article analyzes the evolution of the long-term global goal for addressing climate change and its impact on scientific assessment, negotiation processes, and global low-carbon development, from aspects of the origin of the target, the series of assessments carried out by the IPCC focusing on Article 2 of the UNFCCC, and the promotion of the global temperature goal at the political level.

    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Dekuju. Btw maj tam peknou infografiku
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Bohuzel paywalo

    On December 26, 2019, Erin Pettit trudged across a plain of glaring snow and ice, dragging an ice-penetrating radar unit the size of a large suitcase on a red plastic sled behind her. The brittle snow crunched like cornflakes underneath her boots—evidence that it had recently melted and refrozen following a series of warm summer days. Pettit was surveying a part of Antarctica where, until several days before, no other human had ever stepped. A row of red and green nylon flags, flapping in the wind on bamboo poles, extended into the distance, marking a safe route free of hidden, deadly crevasses. The Thwaites Ice Shelf appeared healthy on the surface. But if that were the case, Pettit wouldn’t have been there.

    Antarctica's Collapse Could Begin Even Sooner Than Anticipated - Scientific American
    TUHO --- ---
    Je to sycak, ten trh

    Znamená to, že trh tvořil příliš nízké ceny, které neumožnily výrobcům investovat do nových elektráren?

    Je to tak, dlouhá léta. Měli jsme luxusně nízké ceny elektřiny. Dlouhá léta, možná dekádu platilo, že velkoobchodní cena elektřiny byla plus mínus padesát eur za megawatthodinu.
    Ale za padesát eur se nevyplatí postavit ani nová jaderná, ani nová plynová elektrárna. Uhelné elektrárny jsou zase nežádoucí kvůli emisím. Je evidentní, že změna pravidel je nutná.

    Léta jsme měli luxusní ceny elektřiny. Za ně se nové elektrárny stavět nedaly - Seznam Zprávy
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Nevim kam jinam to dat
    Zni to trosku lip nez bezny hoax, ale stejne tomu moc neverim :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Kdyz tedka kazdej druhej mluvi o rozlejvani polivky jako o terorismu.
    Tak neco ke skutecnymu ekofasismu a ekoterorismu...

    “Eco-fascism” has recently regained prominence following two of the most lethal extreme right terrorist attacks: the murderous assault on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which killed fifty-one, and the massacre at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, which killed twenty-two. Both of these attacks were justified by their perpetrators, at least in part, in environmental terms. Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch terrorist, went so far as to proclaim himself an “eco-fascist.” Whilst “radical right” populism is often associated with climate denial, “extreme right” environmentalism, with its roots in the “blood and soil” thinking of Nazism, is concerned with protecting the spiritual link that supposedly exists between man and nature. Having established the historical lineage of such ideas, the article explores how contemporary extreme right groups have reacted to population growth, migration, and climate change. It explores the emergence of a particular form of “dark green” environmentalism that builds upon the “blood and soil” ideas of Nazism, synthesizing them with an anti-human ecology derived from several sources including Greco-French Hitler-worshipper Savitri Devi; the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski; and the Finnish environmentalist and misanthrope Pentti Linkola. The misanthropic ideas of these three ideologues and their extreme “solutions” to environmental degradation and overpopulation represent an increasingly prevalent ideological tendency within extreme right subcultures online. The violent panaceas they advocate and envisage as being necessary to defend the natural environment will undoubtedly gain greater prominence as climate change-driven migration northwards to Europe intensifies.

    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: americania tie bakterie zacnu pestovat a maju infinite supply metanu, este im ostane aj na vyvoz do eu
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Hot house beauty

    Na Aljašce rozmrzá permafrost. Vznikají nová jezera, ve kterých bublá metan - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Johan Rockström | A safe and just future within planetary boundaries
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Chinese Steel Manufacturers On The Brink Of Bankruptcy | OilPrice.com

    Nizsi emise incomming
    TUHO --- ---
    Rok 1992, popojedem .))

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