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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Ja mam trochu obavy aby nakonec elonovy elektromobily nebyly historicky hodnoceny podobne jako hitlerovy dalnice :))
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: já vycházím ze svých pocitů když koukám třeba ty lexovy rozhovory a pod. ohledně jeho motivaci a vizi.
    Nakonec každej nemá nic jinýho než svoje pocity, takže každej si elektromobilitu ve světě bez tesel může představovat dle sebe
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no, ten clanek vo jsem postoval teda ukazuje, ze musk a) jede tezky selfpeomo a tezce prefukuje to, jakej ma tesla realne vliv b) v poslednich letech se hodne zmenil a jeho cile uz jsounekde hodne jinde
    SHEFIK --- ---
    To vypada vazne

    V poušti už kopou základy pro 170 km dlouhý skleněný mrakodrap. Saúdové jdou přes mrtvoly. Doslova – VTM.cz

    Jinak imho to musk s twitterem prestrelil. Mel se drzet technickejch veci...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    na tom puvodnim narativu XR se mi libilo, ze se tam zduraznovalo, ze jsme v pruseru vsichni spolu, no blaming and shaming, ze je treba zasypavat prehrady a snazit se domluvit, co s tim teda udelame. To mi pripada, ze je davno pryc. Misto aby se resilo jak snizit emise, tak se resi, ze, ano, Musk sice redefinoval prumysl elektroaut, bez Tesly by se do toho zadna jina automobilka vubec nepustila, udelal prvni sexy e vozidlo a vubec dokazal nemozne, ale je autista a chova se jinak nez je normalni, takze proc vlastne neverit tomu, ze nikdy nic nevymyslel a dela to cely pro prachy. mars me nezajima a kdyz jeho zajima, jasne je to psychotik. je to jak s tim gatesem. stravi x let eradikaci obrny a shani miliardy na energo projekty, ale jednou je to zly miliardar a autista takze z principu spatnej, bylo by lepsi kdyby jeho finance rozdelily nejaky normalni ministerstva svym normalnim mafiim a firmam, takze moc vycniva
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: tak muj nazor asi znas

    - drzim mu palce
    - nevidim, proc by nemel mit kolem twittru kvalitni plan, inzenyrsky pristup a uvazovani "from the first principles", tak jak to dela u vseho
    - o co mu jde: 1. twitter jako nejspolehlivejsi info zdroj na planete 2. miliarda lidi sledujici twitter 3. free speech bez hejtu
    - duvody meltdownu: a) zpusob rizeni projektu: v jeho firmach lidi pracuji na max, protoze chteji. chteji se podilet na necem total unikatnim (tesla, spacex, neuralink..) a dat do toho vsechno. atmosfera nekonecneho startupu. zamestnanci vyzyvany ze kdyz vidi problem, je jejich ukol to resit. To je uplne jinak atmosfera nez velka IT korporace (Dorsey: posral jsem twitter tim, ze z protokolu jsem udelal byznys a moc rychle nabral moc lidi). Musk nemuze mit normalni firmu s plno meetingama a usmivanim se na sebe a myslenim si sveho. Tak to prorezal na max (at tu zustane jen ten kdo je fakt oddanej moji vizi). Bud to da (jeho zpusob rizeni a agilniho postupu ma svoje kouzlo a do svych firem tim laka vynikajici lidi ktery jde o to delat nejlepsi projekt na svete), lidi prijdou. Nebo to neda. To psal v tom prvnim mailu, ze je mu jasny, ze to muze zhavarovat. Zatim nevidim jak by to mohlo zhavarovat, kdyz technicky neni alternativa. b) woke echo chamber. Lidi co z nej delaji Joffreyho si myslim jsou lidi, kterym v jejich strane ideologicke US valky vyhovovalo, jak to tam bylo nastaveny (ktery narativy se blokovaly). Bere jim jejich fajn pohodlny twitter. Hruza. Pojdme do autistickeho miliardare promitat Zlo(TM).
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Musk comfortably fits the bill, for the definition of eco-fascist. He doesn’t deny climate change, but he’s primarily concerned with profiting from it, and protecting himself and those he deems worthy from its impacts at the expense of millions of others. He’s spouting right-wing tropes far more than ever before, and he’s using his power over Twitter to hurt progressives and boost white nationalists and fascists. He’s wringing his hands about population decline, and he is just flat-out cruel. He has a dedicated cultish fandom that’s becoming increasingly militant; following his example in cruelty and bigotry. Every day, he’s becoming less subtle with his neo-fascist signalling.
    TUHO --- ---
    btw sledujete meltdown muska kolem twitteru? co o tom myslite?

    Twitter, a place I’ve called my digital home for just over a decade now, is being eaten alive by billionaire child-king Elon Musk. He’s gorging on it so he can enter his next stage of evolution: Eco-Fascist Joffrey Baratheon.

    Out of his depth, mean-spirited and watching his genius myth dissolve, Musk’s mask has slipped. It’s clear to more each day he’s an enemy of the climate movement – his achievements are severely exaggerated and his efforts in support of fossil fuels and fossil-loving political parties like the Republicans are getting worse. He’s pouring toxic waste into an irreplaceable space for climate activism and networking, and he’s happy about it.

    Elon Musk’s far-right lurch helps the fossil fuel industry – Ketan Joshi
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: nemam jeste, jsem akorat ted narazil pri hledani dalsich praci toho typka o rewildingu, ale zkusim sehnat
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: mas text?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: podpora pro koncept hyperpredatora a korekce snu o rewildingu. jo?
    TUHO --- ---
    trochu abstraktneji o “miliardarskem” problemu

    Because contemporary climate change is driven by anthropogenic forcings, it is necessary to factor humanity’s impact into climate models. Given that not all humans are responsible for current climate change, and that many people are already unequally impacted by climate change, it is necessary to develop a more nuanced understanding of the human in climate modeling. Without this nuance, future climate policy, as determined by climate modeling, will potentially replicate historic inequalities that are already present in attributions to and impacts from a rapidly changing climate. This paper begins by briefly outlining how climate models are built, and the ways they are used in climate politics. Then, borrowing methods from climate modelers, this paper turns towards Sylvia Wynter’s work to model the human. The ultimate aim of this paper is to think more expansively and creatively about how genres of humanity can better be represented in climate science and policy with an eye towards more just futures.

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: ted jsem doposlouchal a docela zajimavy :)
    typkobi nedavno vysel paper na tohle tema

    The Curse of Conservation: Empirical Evidence Demonstrating That Changes in Land-Use Legislation Drove Catastrophic Bushfires in Southeast Australia
    TUHO --- ---
    z global greening se stava global browning….

    TADEAS --- ---
    The ideology of wilderness 'destroying this continent' - ABC Radio National

    What does a natural landscape look like to you? Maybe you think of a dense forest, or a sparkling body of water. Somewhere untouched by humans, right? Maybe the word "wilderness" comes to mind.

    Today we're hearing from someone who wants you to think twice about this idea of wilderness.

    Michael-Shawn Fletcher is a geographer and a descendant of the Wiradjuri – and he wants to challenge the idea that country that's untouched by humans is a good thing.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sophia Kianni at COP27
    TADEAS --- ---
    mirrors / meer


    MEER Update - November 2022
    TADEAS --- ---
    The MCC 's CO 2 clock shows how much CO 2 may be released into the atmosphere in order to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C or 2°C. With one click you can compare the estimates for both temperature targets and see how much time is left in each scenario.

    Verbleibendes CO2-Budget - Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: mineno jestli na tom zbohatnou solarni baroni nebo jaderni baroni nebo kdo. to uz se musi hosi uplatit mezi sebou. ale uz v ramci te projektove dokumentace "toto nas dostane na Mars"
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: a co chtej?
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