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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: to je chytre, cim viac svieti, tym viac stavy maju na chladenie
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carbon emissions from global SUV fleet outweighs that of most countries | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ty redukce emise ciny nejsou zasluhou ciny, ale externich vlivu. Pred 2025 bych zlom u nich moc necekal, jeste nedospeli k nejaky rozumny urovni nasycenosti.

    Confusion surrounds China’s energy policies as GDP and climate goals clash | China | The Guardian

    Wave of permits for coal-fired power plants sparks concern as ambitions for GDP growth and lowering emissions come into conflict
    A crude conversion of the 3% GDP growth reported by China and its 0.8% reduction in the carbon intensity of economic activity – as stated in the communique – indicates emissions may have risen 2.2% last year.

    Pollution growth should also have been subdued in 2022, a year when economic activity was slowed by rolling Covid curbs.

    As Myllyvirta’s centre reported on Monday, China was busy granting permits for an average of two power plants a week in 2022, or six times more capacity than the rest of the world combined. One executive boasted of securing approval to build a 4,000-megawatt coal-fired plant in just 63 days after taking ownership of the project.

    Should a large proportion of the 106GW of new coal projects permitted – more than four times 2021’s 23GW tally – begin operation, global efforts to keep climate heating to the Paris accord temperature limit of 1.5C are, frankly, cooked.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jozef Pecho

    Tento rok bude sucho na veľkej ploche euróspkeho kontinentu pravdepodobne ešte hrozivejšie ako v minulom roku ... a v dôsledku malých zásob snehu v Alpách bude mať zrejme problém s vodou aj Dunaj ...

    Letošní sucho v Itálii je hrozivé. Horám chybí sníh, řekám voda — ČT24 — Česká televize

    :o Tá prognóza SPEI24 indexu na tento rok (sev. Taliansko a Alpy) vyzerá skutočne desivo!


    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change, ecosystems and abrupt change: science priorities

    Ecologists have long studied patterns, directions and tempos of change, but there is a pressing need to extend current understanding to empirical observations of abrupt changes as climate warming accelerates. Abrupt changes in ecological systems (ACES)—changes that are fast in time or fast relative to their drivers—are ubiquitous and increasing in frequency. Powerful theoretical frameworks exist, yet applications in real-world landscapes to detect, explain and anticipate ACES have lagged. We highlight five insights emerging from empirical studies of ACES across diverse ecosystems: (i) ecological systems show ACES in some dimensions but not others; (ii) climate extremes may be more important than mean climate in generating ACES; (iii) interactions among multiple drivers often produce ACES; (iv) contingencies, such as ecological memory, frequency and sequence of disturbances, and spatial context are important; and (v) tipping points are often (but not always) associated with ACES. We suggest research priorities to advance understanding of ACES in the face of climate change. Progress in understanding ACES requires strong integration of scientific approaches (theory, observations, experiments and process-based models) and high-quality empirical data drawn from a diverse array of ecosystems

    MARASAN --- ---
    TUHO: z roku 2014. Vyborny.
    PER2 --- ---
    pocasi je v pohode

    TADEAS --- ---
    O počasí v Česku je jasno. Extrémní sucha, prudké povodně a loučení se sněhem - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: V prednasce je i odkaz na sbornik, ktery se problematikou zabyva. Pokud mate nekdo tip na aktualnejsi literaturu, budu rad za ne rad .]

    Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises |The National Academies Press
    TUHO --- ---
    Skvela starsi prednaska o nahlych zmenach klimatu od Jamese Whitea. Aneb to co jsme videli doted, je pravdepodobne nic oproti tomu, co prichazi. Dobry je to zvlast pro milovniky cernyho humoru, kterym prednasejici nesetri .]]

    #abrupt climate change

    Abrupt Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future

    James White
    James W. C. White | Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research | University of Colorado Boulder
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    SEJDA: uz to zacalo.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Pneumatiky nové generace? Možná z březové kůry

    Podle údajů od společnosti Reselo vytvoří jedna pila každý rok průměrně 100 000 tun zbytků březové kůry a jen ve Finsku a ve Švédsku lesnictví vyprodukuje dostatek suroviny, aby mohla společnost Reselo vyrobit 200 000 tisíc tun unikátní pryže. Koncept biorafinérie využívaný společností Reselo je navržen tak, aby se minimalizoval vliv materiálu na životní prostředí.



    Carbon emissions from 550 kg CO2 eq to 840 kg CO2 eq per car tire in the use stage.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: trochu vic kontextu:

    bp to invest up to $8B additional in transition growth engines by 2030, for cumulative $55-65B over 2023-2030 - Green Car Congress

    bp says that it will invest more in the energy transition and bp’s own transition, with up to $8 billion more slated for transition growth engines (TGEs) by 2030. These include higher-return bioenergy, and convenience & EV charging; and focusing hydrogen and renewables & power where bp can leverage integration.

    In 2022, bp invested $4.9 billion—around 30% of its total $16.3 billion capital expenditure—nto its transition growth engines, including the acquisition of Archaea Energy. This compares to around 3% in 2019. bp continues to expect this proportion to grow to around 50% in 2030.

    bp aims to increase investment in its TGEs by up to $1 billion a year on average, or up to a cumulative additional $8 billion to 2030. bp’s investment in its TGEs is now expected to reach $7-9 billion a year in 2030—with cumulative investment over 2023-2030 around $55-65 billion.


    bp will also invest up to a cumulative $8 billion more into oil and gas by 2030—targeting short-cycle fast-payback opportunities with lower additional operational emissions. This investment will help to meet near-term demand for secure supplies of oil and gas, generating additional earnings that can further strengthen bp and support investment in its transition, the ocmpany said.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    European Parliament approves zero CO2 for new cars and vans in 2035 - Green Car Congress
    TADEAS --- ---
    Environmentální žal | Psychologie.cz

    Dokud budou psychologové scvrkávat environmentální žal na dětinské vztekání, nikam se nepohneme – A2larm
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