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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: cabinet ministers warned of legal action over UK’s failure to tackle climate crisis | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TADEAS: tak zase zima a sníh na západě USA je něco, na co tam čekají jak na smilování už snad pět let.
    TADEAS --- ---
    EU countries delay vote on landmark law to end sales of CO2-emitting cars | Automotive emissions | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Everyone should be concerned’: Antarctic sea ice reaches lowest levels ever recorded | Antarctica | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: “We need to find the right mix of financial, technological and policy solutions to reduce emissions while keeping the world fed.”

    nejak zapomneli na biologicky reseni, napr. podpora cyklu ekosystemu takova, aby mikrobialni system pro rostliny dodaval dusik svou beznou cestou, coz dela v dostatecnem mnozstvi
    TUHO --- ---
    Until now, no one has mapped global fertilizer emissions—from manufacturing to runoff
    Seeing the whole picture like this not only shows that most emissions occur directly on farms, it also points the way to huge tech-ready interventions.

    Until now, no one has mapped global fertilizer emissions
    XCHAOS --- ---
    CO2 Emissions May Be Starting To Plateau, Says Global Energy Watchdog - Slashdot
    TADEAS --- ---
    Too late to save environment, says Green Party co-founder - BBC News

    One of the founders of what would become the Green Party of England and Wales has declared "it's too late" to save the environment.

    Michael Benfield, who helped set up the new political movement in the 1970s, said he believed the "battle for the world's environmental survival" was "at this moment, lost".

    Speaking at an event to mark the party's 50th anniversary, Mr Benfield told the BBC he had become "somewhat of a doomsayer" about efforts to protect the environment.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Justice key to live within Earth system boundaries — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Earth system justice needed to identify and live within Earth system boundaries | Nature Sustainability

    Living within planetary limits requires attention to justice as biophysical boundaries are not inherently just. Through collaboration between natural and social scientists, the Earth Commission defines and operationalizes Earth system justice to ensure that boundaries reduce harm, increase well-being, and reflect substantive and procedural justice. Such stringent boundaries may also affect ‘just access’ to food, water, energy and infrastructure. We show how boundaries may need to be adjusted to reduce harm and increase access, and challenge inequality to ensure a safe and just future for people, other species and the planet. Earth system justice may enable living justly within boundaries.
    TUHO --- ---
    V Ekvadoru zavrazden aktivista proti tezbe fosilnich paliv

    In Ecuador, Eduardo Mendúa, an A’i Cofan Indigenous leader who fought against oil extraction in the Amazon rainforest, was assassinated Sunday. He was a member of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador. The group said Mendúa was shot 12 times by two armed men wearing hoods while he was at his home garden in the town of Dureno. Mendúa’s murder is believed to be linked to the community’s fight to block Ecuador’s state-owned oil company, Petroecuador, from expanding its drilling in the region of Sucumbíos.

    Ecuadorian Indigenous Leader Eduardo Mendúa Assassinated at His Home | Democracy Now!
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak bílé střechy a bílý asfalt mi přijdou nekontroverzní, ale ovlivní to jen míkroklima...
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Mníšek pod Brdy má jasno.

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jak pise TUHO. Plus ty metody jsou navic fakt hodne moc extremni.
    1] Mnohem rozumnejsi by mi prislo vynalozit penize a bezemisni elektrickou energii na CO2 capture a vyuziti na syntezu materialu s dlouhodobou fixaci uhliku. Skalovatelne a nemusi to byt 1 monster projekt.
    2] Kdyz uz monster projekt tak neco co je drahe jen na zacatku ale ma to nulove negativni externality a je to samoregulujici a udrzitelne zalevno. GMO, rostliny s absorbci a drahama na zpracovani methanu.
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Bohuzel zadna z tehle metod neresi prave to okyselovani morsky vody spojeny s rozpoustenim co2 v oceanech. Coz zacina bejt fuckup jak svin.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    SHEFIK --- ---
    #ccs z morske vody, nekolikanasobne mene narocny nez ze vzduchu

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Plovoucí systém z MIT odstraňuje uhlík přímo z mořské vody

    Oxid uhličitý je možné pohlcovat také z mořské vody. Jak stoupá obsah oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře, stále více se ho rozpouští v mořské vodě. Momentálně se tam ukládá asi 30-40 procent celkových ročních lidmi způsobených emisí tohoto plynu.

    Není to bez následků. Mořská voda se okyseluje, což ovlivňuje podmořské ekosystémy. Výhodou je, že oceán a atmosféra představují propojený systém, takže ukládání oxidu uhličitého z mořské vody vede k jeho úbytku v atmosféře. Ještě lepší je, že tenhle plyn je ve vodě více než stokrát koncentrovanější než ve vzduchu.
    V první z nich se působením elektrod uvolňují do vody protony, které vodu okyselují. Přitom dochází k přeměně rozpuštěných bikarbonátů na plynný oxid uhličitý, který je odsáván pomocí vakua. V druhé komoře s elektrodami se protony vracejí zpátky z vody, její kyselost klesá k normálu a voda se vypouští zpět do oceánu. V určitých intervalech se vymění polarita elektrod v komorách, aby nedošlo k jejich úplnému vyčerpání a zahlcení. Uvedené procesy spotřebují dramaticky méně energie než pohlcování oxidu uhličitého ze vzduchu.

    Tvůrci nového systému odhadují náklady na pohlcení 1 tuny oxidu uhličitého na zhruba 56 dolarů. Tato částka ale nezahrnuje náklady mimo elektrochemický systém. Pro obsluhu systému ale bude možné využít další zařízení, které zpracovávají velké objemy mořské vody, jako jsou například odsolovací provozy.
    TUHO --- ---
    On March 28, the U.S. Federal Budget request for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY2023) was released, officially kicking off the Congressional budget season and the ensuing posture testimonies, staffer briefs, and associated deep dives into the details of the budget. With that first release, however, the Department of Defense (DoD) had not yet made available the budget details – instead providing just an information appetizer in the form of an overview slide deck. The slides indicated that the DoD characterized $3.1 billion of its budget request as “climate investment” in four categories: Installation Resiliency and Adaptation ($2 billion); Science and Technology ($807 million); Operational Energy and Buying Power ($247 million); and Contingency Preparedness ($28 million). These categories roughly line up with similar categories from FY2022 but represent significant increases in each. The FY2022 budget identified $617 million in similar categories. That said, while the categories remain the same, the contents are slightly different and it is hard to make an apples-to-apples comparison between the two.

    As of April 21, however, the Pentagon has now released the first-ever detailed justification book on DoD climate spending that outlines these investments across 42 pages. (If you want the one-page summary, you can look at page 4-17 of the Budget Request Overview.) This provides the details and various accounts that indicate how the Department calculated the $3.1 billion.

    Unpacking the Pentagon’s $3.1 Billion Climate Request « The Center for Climate & Security
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