Water has to become a common good – two new reports show — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Researchhttps://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/water-has-to-become-a-common-good-2013-two-new-reports-show„We are now pushing the global water cycle out of balance, undermining the source of all freshwater – precipitation – upon which societies are completely dependent on,” Johan Rockström explains.
The 32-pages GCEW report titled Turning the Tide: A Call to Collective Action, marks the first time the global water system has been scrutinized comprehensively as well as its value to countries — and the risks to their prosperity if water is neglected.
The majority of countries depend on the evaporation of water from neighboring countries for about half of their water supply. This "green" water is held in soils and transpired from forests and other ecosystems. Countries are not only interconnected by transboundary blue water flows but also through green water, i.e., atmospheric green water flows of water vapor, flows which extend far beyond traditional watershed boundaries.
Water is not just a casualty but also a driver of the climate crisis. Extreme water events cause an immediate loss of carbon uptake in nature. Droughts lead to fires and massive loss of biomass, carbon, and biodiversity. The loss of wetlands is depleting the planet's greatest carbon store, while the drop in soil moisture is reducing the terrestrial and forest ecosystem's ability to sequester carbon.
Turning the Tidehttps://turningthetide.watercommission.org/