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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Bread and Circuses: "They knew. They lied. They need to pay for this. …" - Climate Justice Social
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: The drought in parts of France is so bad right now that some authorities have banned new home-building projects—for the next four years. Despite a severe housing shortage in France, new homes just aren’t worth the drain on water resources that construction, and eventual new residents, would cause, say nine communes in the south of the country. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/europe-drought-2023
    TADEAS --- ---

    Why we need a new economics of water as a common good

    Today, the sector concentrates on flows of ‘blue’ fresh water — liquid that runs off the land and is stored in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and underground aquifers. Utilities capture and extract this water locally for drinking and sanitation, agricultural irrigation and industry. They assume it will be continually replenished, naturally, within historical ranges. In many places, that premise already no longer holds.

    Each 1 °C of global warming increases global mean precipitation by 1–3%, and it could rise by up to 12% by the end of the century compared with the period 1995–20141. The impacts will be felt unevenly, with the frequency and severity of both floods and droughts rising. Deforestation, land degradation and infrastructure development are also altering precipitation patterns and affecting where water comes from and ends up2. Excessive extraction for irrigation and industry is aggravating water shortages in river basins, from the Colorado in the United States and the Yangtze in China to the Murray–Darling in Australia.

    To meet these growing challenges, water must be recast as a global common good. That means states establishing an obligation under international law to protect the global water cycle for all people and generations, and acknowledging that actions in one place have impacts in another — for instance, that deforestation in Brazil affects rainfall in Peru. It means assessing the role and economic value of not just blue fresh water, but also ‘green’ water that is held in the air, biomass and soils. And it means governments and the private sectors reformulating their roles and responsibilities, to develop objectives, policies and funds that can reshape markets and better manage global water supplies.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Water has to become a common good – two new reports show — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    „We are now pushing the global water cycle out of balance, undermining the source of all freshwater – precipitation – upon which societies are completely dependent on,” Johan Rockström explains.

    The 32-pages GCEW report titled Turning the Tide: A Call to Collective Action, marks the first time the global water system has been scrutinized comprehensively as well as its value to countries — and the risks to their prosperity if water is neglected.

    The majority of countries depend on the evaporation of water from neighboring countries for about half of their water supply. This "green" water is held in soils and transpired from forests and other ecosystems. Countries are not only interconnected by transboundary blue water flows but also through green water, i.e., atmospheric green water flows of water vapor, flows which extend far beyond traditional watershed boundaries.

    Water is not just a casualty but also a driver of the climate crisis. Extreme water events cause an immediate loss of carbon uptake in nature. Droughts lead to fires and massive loss of biomass, carbon, and biodiversity. The loss of wetlands is depleting the planet's greatest carbon store, while the drop in soil moisture is reducing the terrestrial and forest ecosystem's ability to sequester carbon.

    Turning the Tide
    TADEAS --- ---

    Alexander Skarsgard, Partha Dasgupta and the Answer to Everything | NYT Opinion
    TADEAS --- ---

    studie: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/962785/The_Economics_of_Biodiversity_The_Dasgupta_Review_Full_Report.pdf

    Opinion | Alexander Skarsgard Explains the Answer to Everything. (It Involves Doing Some Math.) - The New York Times

    Partha Dasgupta is a Cambridge University economist who in 2021 prepared a more than 600-page report for the British government about the financial value of nature.

    Not your average bedtime reading.

    But believe us when we say his report, the culmination of decades of scholarship, is incredibly important. Or at least believe the United Nations, which awarded him the title Champion of the Earth for his work. Or King Charles III, who this year made Mr. Dasgupta a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire — an extremely rare honor — for his services to economics and the natural environment.

    Mr. Dasgupta’s voluminous study is so important, that we decided to publish a short film about it, the Opinion video above
    TADEAS --- ---

    Humble yourself to the sight of the mother
    You gotta know what she knows and
    We shall lift each other up
    Higher and higher
    We shall lift each other up

    We Shall Lift Each Other Up
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jozef Pecho

    Americká NOAA a austrálska BOM predpokladajú, že v tomto roku príde ďalšie El Niňo (už pomaly štartuje). Počiatočný stav je však taký, že globálne oceány sú teraz ešte teplejšie ako počas vrcholenia posledného El Niňa na začiatku roka 2016. Neuveriteľné! Tipujem, že ak by sa prognózy NOAA/BOM naplnili a El Niňo 2023/24 by bolo aspoň stredne silné, odchýlka globálnej teploty v roku 2024 bude aspoň +1,5 °C (február až apríl 2024 budú mať možno až +2,0 až +2,5 °C). A čo to bude znamenať? No minimálne to, že niektoré systémy sa priblížia k "tipping pointom" svojej stability (napr. koralové útesy). Inými slovami povedané, čakajú nás tri veľmi turbulentné roky, kedy nebudeme ani stíhať zapisovať "klimatické" extrémy a uvidíme veci, o ktorých sme rozprávali len v tých najviac pesimistických scenároch.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Scott Duncan
    Scott Duncan - We just observed Earth's 2nd warmest March... | Facebook

    We just observed Earth's 2nd warmest March on record. Some of the strongest hotspots with many records were found in Argentina and across a vast area reaching from NW Africa all the way through Asia.

    It wasn't warm for everyone though. Swipe through...

    Intense cold lingered over large portions of North America. Some very striking cold anomalies and particularly stormy weather for the west coast (delivering much needed rain and mountain snow). It was also cold in Iceland & Fennoscandia. Very notable intensity to the cold especially late in the month.

    But the area of significant warmth from Morocco to Kamchatka really is impressive. Large portions of Central Asia averaged more than 5°C warmer than the 1981-2010 baseline.

    A look at the Southern Hemisphere... Relentless heatwaves in South America with the Bullseye in Argentina. Long-standing monthly records were broken.

    Also, no more La Niña...

    TUHO --- ---
    ‘Headed off the charts’: world’s ocean surface temperature hits record high | Oceans | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---

    Explained | World's Water Crisis | FULL EPISODE | Netflix
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: u nás jsem to ještě vypásat neviděl, to ale neznamená, že se to nedělá. ono teda to vypasení je sice o stupnn lepší než sekačka, nerozmydlí to členovce v porostu, maj čas zdrhnout, ale luční společenstvo květin tam rozhodně nevznikne a to je ta škoda.
    SEJDA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: na techto maji spasace, zadne koseni jsem tam nevidel.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe’s Energy Transition Continues After COVID-19 Blip

    "Pokud jde o Evropu, domněnka ze strany USA, že Putinova válka prokázala nepostradatelný význam fosilních paliv a vyvolala všeobecný ústup od (evropské) energetické transformace, je jednoduše v rozporu s fakty." píše Adam Tooze.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: no ten travní management posekat trávu v libovolným počasí je stále stejnej, jasněže roundup je ojedinělej, ale najdeš bez nějakýho šťourání
    SEJDA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: no tak jsi videl jeden zluty .. tady jsem si do google zadal "solarpark", v okoli jedne z poslednich nemeckych jadernych elektraren Isar II, muzes si zazoomovat na kterykoli s nich, jejich tam jak uvidis hodne, hlavne v okoli dalnice, nebo zeleznice, kde doslo linovou stavnou k rozdeli poli na nesmyslne mrnave kousky:
    Mapy Google
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    BOREC: jj neníá to pravidlo, ale regulátor by mohl myslet na diverzitu, to je ideállní prostředí
    BOREC --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: na těch polích u dálnice na Mělník je normální půda
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: šmejdil jsem pracovně u loun, na takový místo by ses fakt při procházce nedostal, žlutej humus. pravda byl oto v extrémním létě 2019 a tam je suchá oblast. ale nějaká tráva rostla všude jen ne kolem panelů... tam nebyly ani skalničky
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