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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    CAROLIAN --- ---
    PER2: na druhou stranu

    271 days and counting since Las Vegas saw its last 100-degree day | KSNV
    PER2 --- ---
    ja vijm, je to nic moc rekord, ale dam si zase pauzu dokud to nebude pristeaspon o petstupnu vic :p

    Phoenix is currently breaking the record for the number of consecutive days above 45°C, making it one of the first cities in the world at risk of being uninhabitable without air conditioning due to extreme heat. It has to be near the top of the list for cities facing extremes
    For those asking - I should have stated - It’s 18 days and counting with no end in sight - that’s consecutive days with 110-degree F or higher temperatures.

    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: jak tam maji lidar obrazek carolina bays z usa s popiskem fairy circles, a rikaji, ze to je v dusledku vodiku, tak to je pekny bullshite :)

    jinak pripomnelo:
    China Has Started Digging a Mysterious 10,000-Meter Deep Hole : ScienceAlert
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: tak obviňovat GM z nepochopení potřebnosti a smysluplnosti policies je podle mého naivní. ten citát je ale trefnej, bo bylo dost zjevný, že každej jede po vlastní koleji a na naslouchání oponentovi se zvlášť nesoustředí. AS tlačil holistic grazing a její bohatý dopad na biodiversitu jako prevenci klimastrofy, JM pak hrotil humanistickej rozměr výkmu 10B lidu jednobuněčkama. Oba hráli anglickej styl debatního duelu a potud mi přišla ta vzájemná ignorace jako legit. Alan měl vtipnější chvilky hardwarového charakteru, když v palčivých otázkách z publika (čim je teda způsobena klimastrofa?) , neslyšel, bo má vybitý naslouchadlo a GM dostal tu zajimavou nabídku od čínskýho velkochovatele. Nad motivy vyzyvatele debaty - AS - je třeba se hlouběji zamyslet.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Regenetarianism – A conscientious regenerative plate
    TADEAS --- ---
    Italian hospitals report sharp rise in emergency cases as Rome hits 41.8C | Italy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    ramdom evening read

    Global heatwaves pave the way for disaster capitalism | openDemocracy

    Disastrous Disasters: A Polemic on Capitalism, Climate Change, and Humanitarianism

    Capitalizing on chaos: Climate change and disaster capitalism | Ephemeral Journal
    TADEAS --- ---

    Savory vs Monbiot: The Wise Man & The Fool? | Praise the Ruminant

    I don’t think Allan got through to him at all. George was so caught up in his carbon arguments to be able to see beyond what Savory was trying to show.

    Allan was trying to show that reductionist management is the main issue and root cause. This is why Allan mentioned government policies and how government policies were (and are) the root cause of desertification and loss of biodiversity.

    But George just doesn’t get it. He’s missing the broader picture. Monbiot is convinced that he’s arguing against Holistic Management as a “grazing system” and has based his arguments around that.

    The only problem is that he doesn’t understand what Holistic Management actually is. How the hell can you argue against something that you simply do not understand? I’ll tell you: by creating a lot of strawmen arguments and being so arrogant and ignorant that you miss the forest for the trees.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Allan Savory v George Monbiot debate | Is livestock grazing essential to mitigating climate change?

    tak savoryho spíš hejtěj ,)

    jestli už dědula není moc zastaralej reprezentovat svou favorite cause
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: když země, tak země


    The Malian discovery was vivid evidence for what a small group of scientists, studying hints from seeps, mines, and abandoned wells, had been saying for years: Contrary to conventional wisdom, large stores of natural hydrogen may exist all over the world, like oil and gas—but not in the same places. These researchers say water-rock reactions deep within the Earth continuously generate hydrogen, which percolates up through the crust and sometimes accumulates in underground traps. There might be enough natural hydrogen to meet burgeoning global demand for thousands of years, according to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) model that was presented in October 2022 at a meeting of the Geological Society of America.


    Geologic hydrogen (H2) has recently gained interest as a potential primary energy resource. To guide decision-making, policy makers, resource managers, exploration companies, and investors will need information as to the extent of the potential resource. However, the uncertainties associated with the generation, migration, accumulation, and preservation of H2 in the subsurface make it impossible to precisely determine potential resource volumes at this time. Despite the uncertainties, the occurrence and behavior of H2 in the subsurface is not completely unknown. Additional inferences on the occurrence of H2 in the subsurface can be made by employing knowledge derived from studies of fluid migration, accumulation, and preservation related to other geologic resources (e.g., petroleum, geothermal energy, noble gases, etc.). These factors can be combined to provide some constraints on the possible magnitude of geologic H2 resources in the subsurface.


    Stochastic model results indicate a greater than 98% probability of geologic H2 production meeting at least 50% of the forecast green H2 production by the year 2100 and beyond, with long-term renewable H2 production potentially in the range of 100s of Mt per year. Moreover, the model indicates that the residence time of H2 in reservoirs and the annual flux of H2 to the atmosphere are the most influential factors affecting the resource potential, whereas variations in biotic and abiotic consumption of H2 have relatively little effect. These results strongly suggest that additional investigation of the resource potential of natural H2 is warranted. This model provides an initial framework for assessing global H2 resource potential and can be an important tool for guiding future research initiatives.
    DZODZO --- ---
    tuma vs 30tka :)

    MENTÁLNĚ ZHROUCENÁ EKO HYSTERKA se na magistrále zakousla do mikrofonu. Kde jsou hranice protestů?⛔🪧
    TADEAS --- ---
    KAMAHL: a je to dostatečně rekordní?
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Ah shit, here we go again

    XCHAOS --- ---
    NYRLEM: "nositel Nobelovy ceny za rok 1973"... jo jo, to bude bystrý mladík :-)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    NYRLEM: třeba je problém ten, že teplejší vodní pára bude mít vyšší tendenci zůstat v plynném skupenství, tedy průhledná pro viditelné světlo a neprůhledná pro IR, a bude mít menší tendenzi kondezovat do podoby reflektivních vodních kapek a tedy mraků?

    CO2 je samozřejmě jen špička ledovce, to je pravda. nebo spíš takový nepatrný prst, vychulující rovnovážný stav stále nepatrně jenom jedním směrem.... zatímco voda střídavě funguje jedním (skleníkový plyn) i druhým směrem (mraky)
    DZODZO --- ---
    NYRLEM: moc ten cloud-based thermostat nefunguje, ked sa ocean ohrieva a koraly odumieraju
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: tak ciste ve smyslu ze je to podvod elity a tedy ze ten jev ma jen tu subjektivni, socialni povahu.

    paradox je, ze on to tak nejak podvod nebo neuprimnost te elity opravdu je, ve smyslu ze bylo vedome jednano v neprospech velkeho mnozstvi lidi i nelidi, akorat opravdu ne timto zpusobem :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: a jaka je nase agency vuci mrakum? jakoze muzeme si nastavovat miru zastineni? samozrejme by to bylo fajn, jenze my kontrolujeme zatim jen nektere sklenikove plyny do nejake miry, tj. mame tam velkou miru agency (v jejich produkci) - potencialne to muzeme zastavovat a regulovat, mraky ne. ten navrh vyrabet mraky z morske vody nad poly, aby to zastavilo tani, tu je, ale nejspis je momentalne organizacne nerealizovatelny, takze kontrolu nad mraky nemame.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam