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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts | Nature Food

    tldr by mr. T: kdyz mas degenerativni food system, tvoje stopa stoupa s vyssi konzumaci zvirat.

    nic to nerika o moznostech nedegenerativniho food systemu
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows | Food | The Guardian

    The biggest difference seen in the study was for emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas produced by cattle and sheep, which were 93% lower for vegan diets compared with high-meat diets.
    PER2 --- ---
    to se tak nekdy stane...

    World will miss 1.5C : "I think most people fear that we give up on the 1.5C which I do not believe we will achieve, in fact I'm very pessimistic about achieving even 2C” 2C is locked in at this point. Thermal mitigation is required.

    World will miss 1.5C warming limit - top UK expert - BBC News
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: člen SKULL and BONES, nesmrtelnost mají v popisu práce ,-)

    Skull and Bones - Wikipedia
    DZODZO --- ---
    cital som tam prvykrat americky zlocinec pro klimaticke otazky :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: nesmrtelný dědula john kerry
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: Třídenní jednání Spojených států s Čínou o spolupráci na ochraně klimatu skončilo bez dohody.
    Americký zmocněnec pro klimatické otázky John Kerry řekl, že je potřeba „více práce“. Ocenil ale obnovení jednání a „upřímný“ dialog.

    Obě strany se nyní podle amerického zmocněnce pro klima Johna Kerryho při „upřímných rozhovorech“ shodly, že změna klimatu je naléhavá a že se chtějí držet globálního závazku nenechat oteplení výrazně přesáhnout 1,5 °C ve srovnání s předindustriální érou.

    Podle deníku New York Times se Kerry při ohlašování výsledků jednání tvářil, že je „nadšen“ už jen z toho, že se podařilo restartovat zmražené jednání. Čína souhlasila, že v jednání s USA bude pokračovat a další kolo je v plánu před klimatickým summitem OSN COP28, který se odehraje na podzim v Dubaji.

    US envoy John Kerry says China-US climate relations need 'more work' | Reuters
    Kerry's trip to China yields no breakthrough on climate - POLITICO
    Společná ochrana klimatu největších ekonomik nebude. Čína s USA se nedohodly - Seznam Zprávy

    TUHO --- ---
    Strike threats in Italy and stoppages in Greece as workers struggle with heat | Europe | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    “It’s not just the magnitude of change, it’s the rate of change that’s an issue,” said Ellen Thomas, a Yale University scientist who studies climate over geologic timescales. “We have highways and railroads that are set in place, our infrastructure can’t move. Almost all my colleagues have said that, in hindsight, we have underestimated the consequences. Things are moving faster than we thought, which is not good.”

    This summer’s searing heat has fully revealed to the world a message that Hansen attempted to deliver 35 years ago and scientists have strived to convey since, according to Huber. “We have been staring this in the face as scientists for decades, but now the world is going through that same process, which is like the five stages of grief,” he said. “It’s painful to watch people go through it.

    “But we can’t simply give up because the situation is dire,” Huber added. “We need to say ‘Here is where we need to invest and make changes and innovate’ and not give up. We can’t just write off billions of people.”

    ‘We are damned fools’: scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: zajimavy

    People tend to have a limited trust of computer models, and quite rightly so. The computer models are not completely trustworthy, as the modelers themselves are aware. Unfortunately, we have no other choice. It would be difficult to make predictions, almost impossible, without computer models, so we simply have to take the real scientific risk that the models are far from perfect.
    For example, the models are deliberately designed to be stable. You can't do anything with an unstable model, and therefore by design they're incapable of showing any horrible, abrupt, very unlikely, but totally catastrophic thing that might happen. They're just not able to show those things.
    Then there's the public relations risk. People would like to have it all written down, and if you're an engineer, you'd like to have the basic equations that prove that it's going to get three degrees warmer. Models just can't provide that, so people are suspicious.
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi, ale zajimavej rozhovor s fyzikem a historikem vedy Spencerem Weartem o jeho studii klimaticky vedy

    WEART: Intellectually, the thing that surprised me the most was to find out how cut off these scientists were from each other. I would be reading an article, and I'd think, doesn't this person realize that this was discovered 10 years ago? No, this person doesn't realize it, because he was working in a somewhat different field!
    There were cases of someone understanding something very important about global warming in the 1930s, and other people didn't catch onto it until the 1960s. The field was so broken up into different specialties. Now, that has been solved by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but it was quite amazing to me to find out how poor the communications were among scientists of different specialties up until the 1980s and 1990s.

    TADEAS --- ---
    John Kerry in China: climate crisis must be separated from politics | John Kerry | The Guardian
    CAROLIAN --- ---
    díky dlouhé / studené zimě (El Nino) se zpozdil monzun v Mexiku - tam se to formuje teprve teď - což je ten vzorec, který by měl přinést vláhu / bouřky a potažmo ochlazení.
    CAROLIAN --- ---
    PER2: na druhou stranu

    271 days and counting since Las Vegas saw its last 100-degree day | KSNV
    PER2 --- ---
    ja vijm, je to nic moc rekord, ale dam si zase pauzu dokud to nebude pristeaspon o petstupnu vic :p

    Phoenix is currently breaking the record for the number of consecutive days above 45°C, making it one of the first cities in the world at risk of being uninhabitable without air conditioning due to extreme heat. It has to be near the top of the list for cities facing extremes
    For those asking - I should have stated - It’s 18 days and counting with no end in sight - that’s consecutive days with 110-degree F or higher temperatures.

    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: jak tam maji lidar obrazek carolina bays z usa s popiskem fairy circles, a rikaji, ze to je v dusledku vodiku, tak to je pekny bullshite :)

    jinak pripomnelo:
    China Has Started Digging a Mysterious 10,000-Meter Deep Hole : ScienceAlert
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: tak obviňovat GM z nepochopení potřebnosti a smysluplnosti policies je podle mého naivní. ten citát je ale trefnej, bo bylo dost zjevný, že každej jede po vlastní koleji a na naslouchání oponentovi se zvlášť nesoustředí. AS tlačil holistic grazing a její bohatý dopad na biodiversitu jako prevenci klimastrofy, JM pak hrotil humanistickej rozměr výkmu 10B lidu jednobuněčkama. Oba hráli anglickej styl debatního duelu a potud mi přišla ta vzájemná ignorace jako legit. Alan měl vtipnější chvilky hardwarového charakteru, když v palčivých otázkách z publika (čim je teda způsobena klimastrofa?) , neslyšel, bo má vybitý naslouchadlo a GM dostal tu zajimavou nabídku od čínskýho velkochovatele. Nad motivy vyzyvatele debaty - AS - je třeba se hlouběji zamyslet.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Regenetarianism – A conscientious regenerative plate
    TADEAS --- ---
    Italian hospitals report sharp rise in emergency cases as Rome hits 41.8C | Italy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    ramdom evening read

    Global heatwaves pave the way for disaster capitalism | openDemocracy

    Disastrous Disasters: A Polemic on Capitalism, Climate Change, and Humanitarianism

    Capitalizing on chaos: Climate change and disaster capitalism | Ephemeral Journal
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