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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    There's a backlog of vessels waiting to cross one of the world's crucial maritime passageways which saves ships from travelling thousands of kilometres.
    Low water levels in the Panama Canal prompted capacity cuts earlier this year and carriers are still facing months of navigating restrictions.
    Here's why the canal is drying up and what it could mean for the world's maritime commerce.

    Why is the Panama Canal drying up and what does it mean for global shipping? - ABC News
    TUHO --- ---
    “It’s been a shocking summer,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA. “We know most of this is happening because of long-term warming of the climate system so it’s not surprising, sadly, but you still get shocked by these extremes. Records are not just being broken, they are being shattered by wide margins.”

    The record temperatures are being driven not only by global heating caused by the burning of fossil fuels but also by the onset of El Niño, a periodic climate event that heats up part of the Pacific Ocean, causing temperatures to spike around the world.

    “We have seen an unusual summer and these ‘unusual’ summers will become more and more frequent in the future,” said Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at the Nature Conservancy. Hayhoe said high temperatures, El Niño and natural variability have all combined to create the sort of conditions not seen before by humans. “It’s like an overloaded camel with an extra bale of hay and then some additional weight on top,” she said.

    After America’s summer of extreme weather, ‘next year may well be worse’ | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Zemědělci budou více zavlažovat, pitné vody zbyde méně, říká expert - Seznam Zprávy
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    SEJDA: Aha, to byla nějaká mimořádná úroda, když v Severní Americe byl neúroda a thajské konzervárny zrovna neměly do čeho píchnout. Už to chápu, já myslel, že to takhle funguje pořád :-)
    SEJDA --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: tve znechuceni prameni z toho, ze si myslis, ze existuje neomezene mnozsvi penez, lodi a zemedelske produkce. Zbozi jako i lode se pohybuji po ekonomickem gradientu. Navic, kdyz by hrusky nenasly odbitiste v USA, snedli by je argentinci?
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    SEJDA: Opravdu nevím, co se zbytečného vozí z USA do Thajska.
    Hrušky vypěstované v Argentině a kompotované v Thajsku pro US trh mi přijdou jako absolutní zhovadilost.
    SEJDA --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: jestli ti kompot nepripada jako hodnotne zbozi, tak se zamysli nad tim, co se vozi z USA do thajska
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    SEJDA: A co ta druhá část putování kompotu?
    SEJDA --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: objevitel logistiky? thajsko je exportni zeme, nalozi lod v thajsku, ta odveze naklad do argentiny .. a zpatky pojede prazdna ..
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    RED_KOMUSO --- ---
    Historka z Hobitína:
    Na jednání se zástupcem odboru životního prostředí jsem se meziřečí dozvěděl, že zakazuje cca jednu fotovoltaickou elektrárnu týdně z důvodu ochrany krajinného rázu.
    Že to je prej "móda" a chtěl by je chtěl každý.

    Takže ropa lepší.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: ok, uz nebudu eskalovat 20°C nad maximalkama v danem obdobi :)

    (10ty percentil maxima, aby me nekdo nechytal za slovo)
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: daval jsem to jen pro predstavu, co to je za specificky misto, aby nekdo nenabyl dojmu, ze tam ted ma byt na konci zimy -10°C a timpadem je 45°C hrozne peklo
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: mas na mysli jarni rekordy? Zatim mame zimu. Maximalky v srpnu se dlouhodobe pohybuji o 20 stupnu niz

    The hot season lasts for 5.1 months, from October 5 to March 9, with an average daily high temperature above 87°F. The hottest month of the year in Villamontes is December, with an average high of 90°F and low of 72°F.

    The cool season lasts for 2.5 months, from May 13 to July 30, with an average daily high temperature below 77°F. The coldest month of the year in Villamontes is July, with an average low of 55°F and high of 76°F.

    Villamontes Climate, Weather By Month, Average Temperature (Bolivia) - Weather Spark
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Hdp frci dle predikce nordhause strme nahoru, koupaci sezona v plnym zimnim proudu .)

    A ty ucty za zimni klimatizaci, to posle hdp taky do nebeskych vysin :)

    History of climatology is rewritten with 45.0C at Villamontes in Bolivia.
    This ties the highest temperature ever recorded in meteorological winter in the whole Southern Hemisphere.
    South America is living something extraordinary.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Largest wildfire in EU this year has burned 700 square kilometers | DW News
    NJAL --- ---

    Greece wildfires: 79 people arrested for arson - BBC News
    TADEAS --- ---
    agro dezinfo

    Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange - CounterPunch.org

    Environmentalists throughout the world owe an enormous debt of gratitude to political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of Wikileaks — and most of them don’t know it.

    It wasn’t only secret recordings pertaining to war and crimes-against-humanity that Wikileaks published, based on the heroic work of Chelsea Manning who downloaded thousands of secret US military files. A slew of cables Assange published revealed massive U.S. government attempts on behalf of Monsanto to coerce governments to allow foreign corporate land ownership, and with it genetically engineered agricuture throughout the world, and to squelch opposition to GMOs, breaking down existing laws prohibiting the genetic engineering of agriculture.

    The cables revealed U.S. officials applying financial, diplomatic, and frequently military pressure on behalf of Monsanto and other biotech corporations
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: fajn, asi bylo nutny si odpustkama projit
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam