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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    Days ago, voters in Ecuador approved a total ban on oil drilling in protected land in the Amazon, a 2.5m-acre tract in the Yasuní national park that might be the world’s most important biodiversity hotspot. The area is a Unesco-designated biosphere reserve and home to two non-contacted Indigenous groups. This could be a major step forward for the entire global climate justice movement in ways that are not yet apparent.

    The people of Ecuador just made climate justice history. The world can follow | Steven Donziger | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: Like regular cirrus clouds, contrail cirrus clouds have two competing effects on climate. They shade us by reflecting incoming sunlight back into space. But they also trap heat radiating from the earth’s surface, so causing warming in the air below.

    During the day, cooling compensates part of the warming. But at night, with no sunlight, only the warming effect operates.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Nad Evropu se vytvořil mohutný Omega blok, způsobí dlouhé období slunečných dnů i vydatné deště | In-počasí

    XCHAOS --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: jenže já ještě před pár lety četl, že contrails ochlazujou, protože albedo... že by ráno byly pozitivní a večer negativní? :-O
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Čáry za letadly vznikat nemusí. American Airlines zkouší létat oklikou | Byznys | Lidovky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    J Berardelli

    We have a #medicane in the making. Storm #Daniel in the Mediterranean now has tropical characteristics heading south and will make landfall tonight near Benghazi, Libya. TheThe dark shades of purple are winds 50 mph+
    TADEAS --- ---
    PROTESTAS: La Fiscalía pasa a considerar a 'Extinction Rebellion' y Futuro Vegetal como grupos "terroristas"

    In Spain, the public prosecutor's office now classifies Extinction Rebellion and Futuro Vegetal (the local Last Generation) as "terrorist" groups.

    As in many countries, the criminalization of the climate movement is progressing.

    In recent months, these groups have become increasingly more prominent in climate protests with direct sabotage actions against private jets or megayachts due to their high emissions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Scientist Rebellion Netherlands

    Police water cannons are yet again turned on the scientists. Today an estimated 10,000 peaceful protestors in the Hague, are demonstrating against Dutch government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, totalling at least 37.5 billion euros a year.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2023 States and Experts: Assembling Expertise for Climate Change and Pandemics

    This dissertation addresses the issue of expertise in climate change and pandemic preparedness. Economies and societies around the world are increasingly facing the consequences of a changing climate and more frequent infectious disease outbreaks. These problems are generally articulated as issues that require for their handling new forms of expertise and expert institutions that enable states to intervene in new ways. However, most existing research on climate and pandemic preparedness expertise tends to either focus solely on the transnational sphere or see the state and expertise as distinct. As a result, the role of the state in shaping climate and pandemic preparedness expertise remains underexplored.
    TADEAS --- ---
    UK heat and floods in south-east Europe blamed on ‘omega’ weather system | Extreme weather | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Celý svět bije na poplach kvůli oteplení, Češi jsou výborní houbaři
    TADEAS --- ---
    Deadly humid heatwaves to spread rapidly as climate warms – study | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    The research analysed data from thousands of weather stations across the world to show that 4% had already experienced at least one six-hour period of this extreme heat stress since 1970, with the frequency of such events doubling by 2020. However, these have been confined to date to hot places, including the Gulf in the Middle East, the Red Sea and the North Indian Plain, where people expect extreme heat.

    The analysis, which also used climate models, shows that extreme heat stress will spread rapidly to other regions with global heating of only 2C. The climate crisis has already raised global temperatures by about 1.2C. At 2C, more than 25% of the weather stations would suffer the extreme heat stress once a decade on average.

    The east coast and midwest regions of the US and central Europe, including Germany, are among places that would experience the arrival of unprecedented heat stress conditions. In places that are already hot, like Arizona, Texas and parts of California, periods of extreme heat stress would become annual events at 2C.


    PER2 --- ---
    absolute gold, jako vzdy

    Honest Government Ad | Canada 🇨🇦
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: stop it!

    The Thessalian plain in central Greece has literally turned into one enormous lake.

    ~70,000 hectares of land are under water.


    - https://twitter.com/parents4future/status/1700084951381594415?s=19
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Věděli jste, že v US je nelegální koupit uhelný důl a zavřít ho?

    Scott Alexander má program do republikanskCh I demokratických primárek :)

    Fight Climate Change And Racism With Giant Statues
    20% of CO2 emissions come from coal. But attempts to decrease reliance on coal have met political resistance. The industry of some key swing states centers around coal mining, and despite calls that coal miners should “learn to code” or go into the caring professions, re-skilling them has proven difficult and they’re unwilling to go on welfare.

    Some environmentalists have argued that we should buy coal mines to shut them down. Fearing job loss, states with coal mines have responded by making it illegal to own coal mines and not use them.

    One environmentally friendly compromise would be to buy the coal mines, mine the coal, but not burn it. But then what do we do with all the coal?

    I propose building giant statues of black people. Coal is already artistically suited for this, and it would help address our nation’s 300 year history of racial oppression. If each statue were the size of the largest existing statue, the Statue of Unity in India, then it would take about five thousand statues to fully consume the US’ yearly coal production. Wikipedia’s List Of [Famous] African-Americans has about four thousand names, so that would only last us about one year. I would encourage more African-Americans to become famous, so we could continue using this solution to the environmental crisis.

    Still, this would only buy us a few more years, and eventually we would have to think bigger. Mt. Rushmore (the whole mountain, not just the faces) is big enough that copying it would take twenty years of national coal production. Given that all the faces on Rushmore are white, I propose a companion mountain on the opposite side of the observation plaza, “Mt. Racemore”, featuring Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Henrietta Lacks, and Ibram X Kendi.

    Probably this will also create jobs or something.

    My Presidential Platform - by Scott Alexander
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Nová zpráva energetického think thanku Ember přináší čerstvá data o výrobě a spotřebě elektřiny v evropských zemích: https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/eu-fossil-generation-hits-record-low-as-demand-falls/

    Obnovitelné energetické zdroje v Evropě zaznamenaly rekordní nárůst

    Státy napříč Evropou lámou rekordy ve výrobě elektřiny z obnovitelných zdrojů. V českých zemích zatím obnovitelné zdroje ale oproti trendu stagnují.

    Základní zjištění jsou tři: zaprvé ve srovnání se stejným obdobím loňského roku se výroba elektřiny z fosilních paliv v letošním prvním pololetí propadla o sedmnáct procent. Zadruhé spotřeba elektřiny napříč evropskými státy o pět procent klesla. A především Evropa zažívá rapidní nárůst ve výrobě solární elektřiny, který doprovází mírný růst elektřiny generované z větru.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Sněmovna projednává tzv. Lex OZE II, novelu energetického zákona, která zavádí energetická společenství a sdílení elektřiny vyrobené z obnovitelných zdrojů. Zpožděnou novelu napadají hlavně některé energetické firmy.

    Dobře se dívejme, kdo se ve Sněmovně pokusí torpédovat komunitní energetiku

    Minulý týden projednali poslanci v prvním čtení návrh novely energetického zákona, takzvaný Lex OZE II. Jeho nejdůležitější součástí je zavedení energetických společenství a možnost sdílet vyrobenou elektřinu z obnovitelných zdrojů. (...) Sdílení elektřiny při využití veřejné distribuční sítě otevírá domácnostem, obcím i firmám šanci investovat společně do místních zdrojů a přímo využívat jejich produkci. Kromě posílení energetické soběstačnosti a bezpečnosti umožňuje také zapojení občanů do rozhodování o umístění zdrojů. Je ale nutné, aby zákon umožnil „větší než malou“ velikost energetických společenství a využití plného potenciálu sdílení.

    Návrh Lex OZE II je důležitým krokem k první etapě komunitní energetiky v Česku – Svaz moderní energetiky
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: očistný rituál, stěhujeme se do nové doby, nepotřebné odchází
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: jaky je ten svet globalne prepojeny co? :)

    Škoda Auto pozastaví výrobu - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    řecko attentionwhoring, zapršelo a hned se z toho hroutí...

    #Floods in Metamorfosi, #Karditsa (Καρδίτσα) #Thessaly #Greece 7/9/2023

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