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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    jo jo, tohle nás spasí. (když navíc špunty ve velké části případů v atmosféře nekončí, teda pokud neprojdou spalovnou). každopádně, svět se pořád točí kolem víček, zdá se...
    Climate crisis: Coca-Cola trial to make bottle tops from CO2 emissions - BBC News
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: make alaska and siberia great again!
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: Amazonie, ale v širším smyslu i Sahel, jsou teda úlet...
    TUHO --- ---
    Historical emission per capita a vyvoj

    Per capita CO₂ emissions - Our World in Data
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A v emissions per capita je to teda jeste vic wild .))

    Top 10 Countries by CO2 emissions per capita (1800-2014)
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    Pekna vizualizace CO2 emisi. Az do poloviny 40. let jsme se pomerne casto drzeli v prvni desitce

    Top 10 Polluting Countries by CO2 Emissions (1840-2021)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jessica Tierney je spoluautorka (myslim, ze zatim nejaktualnejsi) rekonstrukce teplot za poslednich 24000 let. Publikovane v Nature pred dvema lety.

    Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum | Nature

    Dale od ni zajimave:

    A major cause of uncertainties in climate projections is our imprecise knowledge of how much warming should occur as a result of a given increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Paleoclimate records have the potential to help us sharpen that understanding because they record such a wide variety of environmental conditions. Tierney et al. review the recent advances in data collection, statistics, and modeling that might help us better understand how rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will affect future climate.

    TUHO --- ---
    Geosciences Colloquium Series - Jessica Tierney
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Hm, moc drahy to preziti. Se nenvyplati!
    PER2 --- ---
    The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data
    Climate | Free Full-Text | The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data

    The IPCC AR6 concluded that “climate models can only reproduce the observed warming […] when including the effects of human activities […], in particular the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases”, and that “simulations that include only natural process, including internal variability related to El Niño and other similar variations, as well as variations in the activity of the sun and emissions from large volcanoes […], are not able to reproduce the observed warming” (AR6, FAQ 3.1, p. 515) [1]. Largely on this basis, AR6 concluded that contemporary climate change is “overwhelmingly due to human influence” (Technical Summary, p. 11). However, in this article, we argue that this confident “detection and attribution of climate change” statement was unjustified because it failed to satisfactorily assess two key ongoing scientific debates:

    1. How much of the warming since the 19th century implied by current global temperature estimates is an artifact of urbanization biases?
    2. Have we established a reliable solar forcing dataset for estimating the solar contribution to these trends?
    PER2 --- ---
    Empirical assessment of the role of the Sun in climate change using balanced multi-proxy solar records

    • Factors other than direct TSI forcing account for around 80% of the solar influence on the climate.
    • Important solar-climate mechanisms to be investigated before developing reliable GCMs.

    ...empirical studies often found that the solar contribution to climate changes throughout the Holocene has been significant, whereas GCM-based studies, which only adopt radiative forcings, suggest that the Sun plays a relatively modest role.

    The CMIP6 GCMs appear to greatly underestimate the Sun’s role in climate change because of two major limitations: erroneous solar forcings have likely been integrated into the models; and TSI alone appears to likely be not the most important solar forcing. Additional solar-magnetism related forcings and associated mechanisms are not included in the GCMs because they are currently poorly understood, despite the fact that there are several empirical indications that they might sufficiently modulate the cloud cover system (by 5% or less) to explain a significant component of the observed climatic changes.

    At least about 80% of the solar influence on the climate could be generated by processes other than direct TSI forcing. If this result is correct, several solar-climate mechanisms must be thoroughly investigated and fully understood before reliable GCMs can be developed.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Za dva biliony euro by Evropa mohla být zelená a energeticky nezávislá - Seznam Zprávy

    Europe could become energy self-sufficient in $2 trillion push, study says | Reuters

    The report, led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said the continent would require annual investments of 140 billion euros by 2030 and 100 billion a year in the decade thereafter to get there.

    While most of the sum would be needed for onshore wind expansion, solar, hydrogen and geothermal resources would be additional pillars of a strategy that would enable Europe's electricity needs to be powered exclusively from renewables by 2030.

    It would take another decade to convert the entire energy system, including things such as heating currently powered by oil or gas, to renewables, according to the study, which was shared with Reuters.
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Change So Mythic, It Breaks Our Very Language: How To Recast Climate Transformation | Rupert Read
    TADEAS --- ---

    The growing energy footprint of artificial intelligence
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Můžeme se brzy dostat do zajímavé situace, kdy zastavit globální oteplování může znamenat zastavit růst AI...
    [XCHAOS @ Artificial Intelligence AI]
    TADEAS --- ---
    IMF should give poor countries $300bn a year to fight climate crisis, says Joseph Stiglitz | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Kubala

    Dneska zamrzne peklo. Poprvé v životě jsem napsal pochvalný článek na ministra průmyslu a obchodu. Jozef Síkela se totiž v minulých týdnech postavil zájmům uhlobaronů a zejména vytáhl na světlo fakt, že Daniel Křetínský využívá svá média k politickému boji.

    Síkelova odvaha odhalila, že Křetínský manipuluje médii, která vlastní
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam