ZAHRADKAR: pro me je tohle furt strasne antropocentricky pohled. lidske spolecenstvi je ve svem pusobeni misaligned se zajmy planetarni seberegulace (funguje jako disregulator, o kontrole ve smyslu zpetnovazebni regulace taky nemuze zatim byt rec, to je chybne premise, i kdyz spravne tema:)
ten slovnik neni spatny, ale je to zbytecne oborove specificky. navrhuju vyskrtnout slovo -artificial-, to jen znaci ten antropocentrismus a prilis uzke pojeti inteligence.
We outline how the deployment of
planetarily misaligned
intelligences might irreversibly undermine
human control over the world planetary self-regulation, and briefly review research directions aimed at preventing this outcome.