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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: ve filosoficko antropologickym smyslu, vychazejicim z uvah tohoto typu:


    PALEONTOLOG: to co srovnavam jsou ramce ve kterych operuje clovek-hyperpredator a k cemu ekosystemove vedou.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: obrázek z Dimbangombe, to je subrovníková afrika se střídáním období sucha a deště. to fakt nemůžeš srovnávat s orbou v mírným pásmu. nebo můžeš, ale :)

    MATT: prezentovaný fotky mě překvapily, takže radikální změna režimu v krajině je očividně možná. ale za tímhle bude stát nějaká geologická-morfologická struktura, imho
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: v jakym významu používáš slovo hyperpredátor? mě to evokuje ekologii.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperpredation
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: má
    MATT --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: TADEAS: Teorii znam, je to muj chleba, ale prave proto bych moh sarkasticky dodat, ze tam je voda, protoze treba tvar terenu nebo vhodny geologicky usporadani. Ale predpokladam, ze za tim na byt nejaky management krajiny, nebo se pletu?

    PALEONTOLOG: muzes link, pls?

    ZAHRADKAR: PALEONTOLOG: V tom článku přijde primárně bizarní, to co tomuhle předchází..
    Rodina Grassotových, která u nedalekého města Pals pěstuje už po pět generací rýži, tvrdí, že vláda „léta věděla, že taková situace přijde, a nepřijala žádná opatření, aby tomu předešla“.

    pěstovat rejži při 430mm ročně, když udávané minimum je alespoň třikrát vyšší.. ?
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: tak jsou i lidi ve smyslu vedomejch ekosystemovejch regulatoru / hyperpredatoru, ktery o tom vedej vic nez prd. to jen v ČR a okolnich skanzenech se furt oře :)

    alejandro carillo, chihuahua desert


    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: pak ještě záleží na reliéfu krajiny, ta trvalá vodní plocha může bejt v depresi, může vyznikat na obrovský zvodni podzemní vody a 1m rozdíl v hladině můžou bejt třeba miliony kubíků vody v podzemí. víme o tom prd, ale vypadá to dobře :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: obecne asi kvalita toho pudniho systemu ma zasadni vliv na tu akumulacni kapacitu, je to mnohonasobne vic nez co lze zadrzet v nejakych povrchovych nadrzich vody. kdyz je ta kapacita velka, tak ta voda je dostupna pro rust i v dlouhem obdobi bez deste.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MATT: prostředí je asi ssaturovaný vodou, právě jsem shlídnul video se savorym, jak to dělají. ty jeho fotky před a po berou dech. no pokud se voda vsakovala dostatečně dlouho, tak je v podzemí zásoba. a pokud má ten jeho grassland velkou plochu, tak je to taky možnej důvod, proč se zásoba podzemní vody neodpařila.
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: no me zajimalo, proc je tam mokro i po X mesicich bez deste..
    TADEAS --- ---
    jen pres agro-komplexni mrtvolu

    EU nature restoration laws in balance as member states withdraw support | European Union | The Guardian

    The EU’s nature restoration laws are hanging in the balance after a number of member states, including Hungary and Italy, withdrew support for the legislation.

    Spain’s environment minister, Teresa Ribera, said it would be “enormously irresponsible” for countries to drop the laws, which have been two years in the making and are designed to reverse decades of damage to biodiversity on land and in waterways.
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: a co bys rad? zimbabwské hyperpredátoření ,)

    je to savory hub v zimbabwe kde je aktivni savoryho dcera

    Africa Centre for Holistic Management – Welcome to the Africa Centre for Holistic Management… stay, learn, explore

    Sarah Savory


    dusledek tohoto:

    MATT --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: tusim ze tam byl navrh pouzit jadernej spad jako marker.
    TUHO: kde jsi na to narazil? zrovna to sem nesu.. se stepanem jsem sedel v kanclu ;)

    YMLADRIS: tak mozna by stacilo engineerovat nad Atlantikem, tam jsme doted engineerovali aniz bychom si to uvedomovali... ;)

    PALEONTOLOG: trosku mi to evokuje lidi, kteri nemaji ceske vzdelani a jen prebiraji (a samy si prekladaji) anglicte terminy.

    TADEAS: mas k tomuhle neco pls?
    PAN_SPRCHA: letosni zima byla bohata na srazky, podzemni vody se lehce doplnili, ale s hodnocenim sucha bych pockal alespon na cerven..

    PALEONTOLOG: Aladin je ciste model.. nejaky aktualni data snad v aplikaci CHMU+

    PAN_SPRCHA: Zminky o polarnim viru se zacli objevovat tenkrat, jak byly v USA ty brutalni mrazy. Vir mel spomalit, vice meandrovat a nad a pod se meli vyskytovat stabilnejsi uzemi s extremnim teplem/zimou. Mozna ze i Cilek to vyzdvyhnul..

    TUHO: Rusove dlouhodobe vyhlizej plavitelnost severnim led. oceanem.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: ze strany tv nova je to obesivni, zminovat to stale dokola. kdyz je rec o kvalite zpravodajstvi v cr. ale je mozny, ze za 20 let to budou mit mladi v hlavach, jako ja mam okluzni frontu ze spcialistickyho zpravodajsrvi
    PER2: no probehlo to pred par lety i ceskym rozhlasem, novinka to fakt neni a delat z toho nadpis clanku stale dokila je bizardni
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: tohle mi prijde zajimavy

    Through three provocations, we ‘stratify’ the concept of sovereignty: in the ‘royal metals’ of early modern states; in the rise of neoliberalism as a re-privatisation of mineral-energy infrastructures against the claims of social democracy; and in anticipatory extensions of mineral sovereignty to outer space. Mineral sovereignty discloses methodological problems for energy and climate policy. Pre-analytical distinctions between public law and the private power of fossil capital imply a hierarchy and separation that cannot be presumed, but must be achieved. We must ‘leave it in the ground’: this requires the re-assertion of democratic control over the mineral estate.
    TUHO --- ---
    On mineral sovereignty: Towards a political theory of geological power
    Jeremy Walker a, Matthew Johnson

    The Anthropocene thesis invokes the ‘enormous geological power’ of industrialism: driven by hydrocarbon combustion, manifest in planetary heating. Yet political theory has proceeded as if the organisation of geological power were incidental to history. Geological agency, we submit, is precisely what mining industries are organised to achieve, materially and politically. We propose mineral sovereignty as a term of method to analyse geological power in its legible, institutional and intentional forms. We deploy it to excavate an entwined genealogy of state and corporation: one evident in the constitutional (or extra-parliamentary) technologies of sovereignty and property that order the appropriation and distribution of mineral wealth. Through three provocations, we ‘stratify’ the concept of sovereignty: in the ‘royal metals’ of early modern states; in the rise of neoliberalism as a re-privatisation of mineral-energy infrastructures against the claims of social democracy; and in anticipatory extensions of mineral sovereignty to outer space. Mineral sovereignty discloses methodological problems for energy and climate policy. Pre-analytical distinctions between public law and the private power of fossil capital imply a hierarchy and separation that cannot be presumed, but must be achieved. We must ‘leave it in the ground’: this requires the re-assertion of democratic control over the mineral estate.
    TUHO --- ---
    Russia in the Arctic—A Critical Examination
    Summary: Russia has big Arctic plans, but how they will be realized is uncertain. For the United States this will likely mean the return to a Cold War–like environment rather than a new chapter in great-power competition in the Arctic.

    Russia in the Arctic—A Critical Examination - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    TUHO --- ---
    How Russia is leveraging its Arctic region for global influence

    For the past decade, while the rest of us weren’t looking, Russia has invested seriously in its Arctic region. Now, some 20% of the country’s GDP and 30% of its exports come from these chilly lands. Climate change has softened the landscape where critical oil and gas reserves were stuck underground, while melting ice caps have allowed tanker ships to transport that fuel across Eurasia.

    It’s a fascinating trend that’s set to get more critical in the coming decades. To learn more, we spoke with Malte Humpert, senior fellow and founder of the Arctic Institute. Our interview transcript was lightly condensed and edited for clarity.

    FREIGHTWAVES: Just to get started, who or what entities or companies or countries are currently shipping through the Arctic Ocean?

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Ghosh included Cop27, which begins on 6 November in Egypt, in this damning assessment. “Cop27 will be just another talking shop. Greta Thunberg got it right when she called it ‘blah blah blah’. For those of us who have been watching negotiations for years, that has always been clear – but it came as a shock to her. One hope is that young people create a cultural change, and quickly.”
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