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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    MARSHUS --- ---

    The Philippines have now been hit by four typhoons in the span of just 10 days.

    Can't say I recall ever seeing this before.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Countries must set aside differences and agree climate finance deal, says German minister | Cop29 | The Guardian

    Poorer nations need $1tn a year by 2030 in climate finance, top economists find | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    about half of the $1tn could come from private sector investment, about $250bn from multilateral development banks such as the World Bank, and the remainder from a mixture of sources including direct grants from developed countries to vulnerable nations, special drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund and new forms of taxation, such as levies on aviation and shipping.

    “Developed countries should embrace the logic of this analysis,” he urged. “Kicking the can down the road doesn’t help.”


    “While private finance has a role to play in building new renewable energy, it has failed miserably to tackle adaptation needs of vulnerable communities. That’s why it’s vital we get a commitment of grant based, public finance to address the issues which profit-seeking private finance can’t address.”

    Raising ambition and accelerating delivery of climate finance Third report of the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no jako ty scény vypadaly na to, že pár stovek aut to spláchlo, ale tohle číslo je ... autocida, nebo jak to nazvat. To snad aby tam nějaký čas lidi jezdili MHD, nebo nevím...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate startups button up for a post-election freeze

    For the climate tech startups now navigating this stage, it’s going to be a rough six months. As the industry adjusts to a new energy policy regime under President-elect Donald Trump, there’ll be a chill in the air for project financing and major fundraising for companies in the line of fire.

    Potentially on the chopping block are key provisions of the US Inflation Reduction Act, the budget of the Department of Energy and Treasury guidelines on tax credits. Offshore wind and hydrogen projects are two areas that are thought by VCs to be especially precarious.

    And despite Trump’s cozy relationship with Tesla founder Elon Musk, the transition team is already planning to scrap a $7,500 EV tax credit for American consumers, according to Reuters.

    “It’s going to be challenging,” said Abe Yokell, managing partner at Congruent Ventures. “My general advice is, make sure you aren’t raising right now.”


    In the eight years since Trump’s first victory, early-stage investing in climate tech has become mainstream, as specialists like Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Lowercarbon Capital made their names on Sand Hill Road, bringing generalists along with them into climate rounds.

    Huge amounts of capital have flowed into infrastructure funds dedicated to the energy transition, driven by pressure from pension holders and students as well as a belief that the energy transition is a lucrative investment.

    “Most new infrastructure is clean infrastructure now,” said Yokell. Energy transition infrastructure funds raised $33.5 billion in 2024, compared to $9.5 billion for non-energy transition infrastructure funds, according to PitchBook research.

    Institutional investors think in decades, not in single election cycles.

    Plus, much of the climate policy cemented by the Biden administration has bipartisan support: namely, creating more resilient supply chains, nearshoring critical minerals production and creating clean-energy jobs in battleground states.

    Trump’s calls to deregulate and reduce permitting roadblocks may help clean energy projects in the long run, especially for new nuclear technologies that have been bogged down in red tape.

    For Yokell, there’s a strong case to stay bullish on climate-friendly projects:

    “There will be some collateral damage environmentally, which I’m not excited about, but the lack of regulations will in fact allow for a lot of clean infrastructure to be built.”
    L4MA --- ---
    XCHAOS: tolik potrebna inijekce pro skomirajici auto prumysl.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: to už je snad trestné ne? a zaměřilo se to na SUV a vysokopříjmové, nebo to obtěžuje normální pracující lidi?
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Tak v té Valencii to spláchlo 137000 aut... jakože cože?
    Straten vol vernielde en verlaten auto's na overstromingen in en rond Valencia
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: geniální. já věděl, že ten pokus s plynem ve válci musí existovat. že je to možné předvést i jako show někde na přednáškovém turné po hospodách...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nekdo random na redditu se snazi rozebrat dynamiku mezi ruznymi klimatology

    SS: We Study Climate Change. We Can’t Explain What We’re Seeing. - Gavin Schmidt (Head of GISS) and Zeke Hausfather (Berkeley Earth)

    This "opinion" piece in today's NYT is basically a position statement from the Moderate faction in Climate Science. Schmidt and Hausfather are the "serious science" voices in that faction. As opposed to people like Michael Mann who pushes "hopium" and has stated that he views "doomism" as a "mental illness".

    It's significant both for what it says and for what it doesn't say.

    What it says that's important:

    "The earth has been exceptionally warm of late, with every month from June 2023 until this past September breaking records."

    "It has been considerably hotter even than climate scientists expected."

    "Average temperatures during the past 12 months have also been above the goal set by the Paris climate agreement: to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels."

    -translation: We are now above +1.5°C, WAY sooner than the Moderates thought it was going to happen.

    "the unusual jump in global temperatures starting in mid-2023 appears to be higher than our models predicted (even as they generally remain within the expected range)."

    -translation: The temperatures are GENERALLY within "the expected range" of the Moderate General Climate Models BUT at the HIGH END of the models. Meaning "Climate Sensitivity" to 2XCO2 is probably higher than they thought.

    "While there have been many partial hypotheses — new low-sulfur fuel standards for marine shipping, a volcanic eruption in 2022, lower Chinese aerosol emissions and El Niño perhaps behaving differently than in the recent past."

    -translation: 4 years ago we COMPLETELY ignored James Hansen when he predicted up to +0.6°C of warming from the change in marine diesel. Zeke estimated only +0.06°C of warming would result from that change. We would rather DIE than admit Hansen was right, but NOTHING ELSE explains what's happened.

    "we remain far from a consensus explanation even more than a year after we first noticed the anomalies. And that makes us uneasy."

    -translation: We don't know what's going on and we're scared.

    "Why is it taking so long for climate scientists to grapple with these questions?"

    -translation: The theories and models of the Moderates aren't working is why BUT they cannot admit that the Alarmists might have been right all along. So now, they are spending a LOT of time trying out EVERY OTHER possible explanation.

    "It turns out that we do not have systems in place to explore the significance of shorter-term phenomena in the climate in anything approaching real time. But we need them badly. It’s now time for government science agencies to provide more timely updates in response to the rapid changes in the climate."

    -translation: We need MORE MONEY to build out a better climate monitoring system.

    Which is what the rest of the piece is a plea for.

    The graphs are interesting and give a good idea of just how much 2023 and 2024 have been OFF THE CHARTS bad.

    clanek zde https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/13/opinion/climate-change-heat-planet.html?unlocked_article_code=1.aU4.yUZL.WUVZeJCH6AiT&smid=re-share
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Only Trump Could Come Up With A Climate Plan So Terrible, Even Exxon's CEO Thinks It's A Bad Idea

    Exxon Made $6.3 Million Per Hour In 2022, $56 Billion in Profit
    TUHO --- ---
    NASA Satellites Reveal Abrupt Drop in Global Freshwater Levels - NASA Science
    TADEAS --- ---
    "Why Climate Change is Ignored" Top Economist Warns | Brave New Europe
    TUHO --- ---
    ČEZ přes svou firmu platí dezinformátory. Vyrazili jsme na jejich setkání - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: nějací Finové navrhovali skladovat kilometr čtvereční dřeva, i jako zásobu materiálu pro budoucnost. Ale byla to možná z části hyperbola, aby poukázali na to, jak obří problém to je.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: dobre otazky, doporucuji google scholar ,)

    skladovani dreva si ekonomicky moc predstavit neumim, z vyroby dr. uhli muzes mit alespon teplo a elektrinu
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Cutting forests for solar energy 'misses the plot' on climate action (commentary)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no dobře, ale potřebuješ ukládat kilometry krychlové, řádově. Po jaké ploše bys to musel rozprášit, aby si takový objem uhlíku uložil? jak to dopravíš a tak? To už mi přijde prostě lepší nějak dotovat ukládání nespáleného dřeva (nebo i dřevěného uhlí). Prostě místo zemědělských dotací totálně obrátit a dotovat skladování dřeva. Samozřejmě ne aby se kvůli tomu kácelo, ale třeba kalamitního (velmi reálně, když dnes kalamitní dřevo necháš na stojato, tak to sice není úplně špatné, ale jakmile jednou strom padne a zetlí, tak se už uhlík do oběhu vrátí...)
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: modeluje se to v situaci ze to rozhazis po povrchu / smichas s existujici pudou. ja o tom nic netvrdim, jen metoda proste

    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no ale to je takové řešení typu Spolek přátel žehu, v tom případě.. budeš potřebovat spoustu uren.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: myslim to tak, ze to uhli je ten finalni produkt, ne neco zase ke spaleni :)

    UHL funds to the moon :))
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam