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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    CHOSIE --- ---
    PER2: Na toto téma
    The End of China's Rise and the Future of World Order│Michael Beckley (Tufts University, Professor)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    Trump's Anti-Climate Agenda Could Help China Dominate Global Markets | Scientific American
    PER2 --- ---
    china goes brrrrrrrrt

    TADEAS --- ---
    Can We Restore Earth’s Climate? | Dr Johan Rockström
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Slender-billed Curlew, a migratory shorebird that once bred in western Siberia and wintered around the Mediterranean is now extinct according to scientists. This is the first known global bird extinction from mainland Europe, North Africa and West Asia.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Od vcera na vicemene uz uzavrenou sbirku pristalo pres 53tisic, takze jenom timto se slzou v oku chci vsem podekovat.
    Jen pro info - je to dost na vic jak tri custom kamikaze drony s nocnim videnim. A budou mit jeste takovy pekny vzkaz :)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Prague threatened with lawsuits as EU capitals struggle to fund green transition

    Investors are threatening to sue the Czech government over planned cuts to solar power subsidies, the latest dispute highlighting how Europe’s cash-strapped governments are struggling to finance the bloc’s green transition.

    Three solar developers have warned Prague about possible lawsuits if the government goes ahead with plans to retroactively lower subsidies for photovoltaic installations connected to the power grid as far back as 2009
    TADEAS --- ---
    World’s 1.5C climate target ‘deader than a doornail’, experts say | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Hele mam pro vas tip. Tyhle typci delaj super praci, drony primo pro UA jednotky, ktery jsou na fronte. Jsou s nima v kontaktu delaj upravy presne podle potreb. Jeden muj znamej po vecerech drony primo montuje.
    Konci jim sbirka za dva dny, prihodte jim neco. Oni to sice uz vybrali, ale cim vic, tim vetsi damage a potom co Rusko zase predvedlo by zaslouzili bonus.

    Drony Solidarity | Donio

    Jinak zda se, ze to s timhle klubem nesouvisi, ale pripomnel bych, ze Ruska federace je jeden z nejvetsich sponzoru do dezinformacni kampane o klimatickejch zmenach (urcite znate i z ceskeho prostredi, kdy v podstate vsechny prorusky akteri jsou nejak anti-klimaticky zamereny)

    Take Drony za klima, GO!

    Proč Rusko nesnáší Green Deal aneb Obnovitelné zdroje jsou „zlo“
    TADEAS --- ---
    The death of clean, green energy in the USA? Not a chance! Here's why...
    TADEAS --- ---
    on accuse

    Australia accused of ‘exporting climate destruction’ on tiny Pacific neighbours with massive gas expansion plans | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Pardon za délku, líbilo se mi na redditu, ještě jsem výrazně zkrátila :)

    hyperobjects are a concept introduced by philosopher timothy morton to describe things so vast in scale, duration, or interconnectedness, existing through such vast expanses of space *and* time that they transcend the biological capabilities of human perception and comprehension. they are objects or phenomena that we interact with but cannot fully grasp due to their inherent complexity and distributed nature. hyperobjects include things like climate change, radioactive materials, global capitalism, or even the internet.

    hyperobjects exist on such expansive spatial and temporal scales that they are quite literally everywhere and nowhere all at once. for example, you can experience the effects of climate change (like extreme weather), but you can never point to a single, tangible "climate change" because it is dispersed across the entire globe and throughout time. hyperobjects persist over timeframes that dwarf human lifespans. radioactive waste and climate change remain dangerous for thousand of years, potentially outlasting human civilization.

    hyperobjects stick to you and are inescapable. you might try to avoid thinking about a hyperobject, but its presence infiltrates daily life like the slow creep of rising sea levels or the omnipresence microplastics in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the soil your food is grown in.

    hyperobjects exist not in isolation but in constant interaction with other objects and systems. for instance, the carbon cycle connects human industry, ecosystems, and atmospheric chemistry in ways that cannot be disentangled. hyperobjects are real, but they don’t appear fully at once. you can only perceive fragments of them through their effects (melting glaciers or sulfur dioxide in maritime shipping fuel) and through the models used to understand them (e.g., CMIP6).

    hyperobjects push beyond what is called humanity’s epistemic horizon, the boundary of what we can conceptually process. they are too vast in both space and time, existing beyond the direct experience of one human lifespan. the geological timescales of climate change make it challenging to fully perceive its urgency or consequences. the causes and effects of hyperobjects are enmeshed in complex systems, making them harder to discern. global warming involves atmospheric chemistry, ocean currents, human behavior, economic systems and things we aren't even aware of. all of which often manifests indirectly, requiring abstract models, simulations, and data interpretation over time for us to engage with them meaningfully.

    this sheer scale and complexity often leads to psychological overwhelm or cognitive dissonance, resulting in denial or inaction. humans often approach hyperobjects by breaking them into smaller, more manageable parts like focusing on reducing personal carbon footprints rather than addressing systemic industrial ecocide. even just recognizing a hyperobject requires collective action, interdisciplinary research, and systems-level thinking, again, over time. meaningfully addressing climate change would necessitate coordination between nations, localities, municipalities, industries, and individuals.

    art, literature, and philosophy are further ways humans historically seem to engage with hyperobjects. perhaps the abstract, individual, hyperobject-like elements of art itself help to make hyperobjects themselves more relatable and comprehensible, even if only metaphorically. art can influence individuals as well as entire cultures.

    COVID-19, UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena also known as ''the phenomena''), and AI all exhibit hyperobject-like characteristics. Also consciousness.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Almost 500 carbon capture lobbyists granted access to Cop29 climate summit | Cop29 | The Guardian
    MARSHUS --- ---

    The Philippines have now been hit by four typhoons in the span of just 10 days.

    Can't say I recall ever seeing this before.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Countries must set aside differences and agree climate finance deal, says German minister | Cop29 | The Guardian

    Poorer nations need $1tn a year by 2030 in climate finance, top economists find | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    about half of the $1tn could come from private sector investment, about $250bn from multilateral development banks such as the World Bank, and the remainder from a mixture of sources including direct grants from developed countries to vulnerable nations, special drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund and new forms of taxation, such as levies on aviation and shipping.

    “Developed countries should embrace the logic of this analysis,” he urged. “Kicking the can down the road doesn’t help.”


    “While private finance has a role to play in building new renewable energy, it has failed miserably to tackle adaptation needs of vulnerable communities. That’s why it’s vital we get a commitment of grant based, public finance to address the issues which profit-seeking private finance can’t address.”

    Raising ambition and accelerating delivery of climate finance Third report of the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no jako ty scény vypadaly na to, že pár stovek aut to spláchlo, ale tohle číslo je ... autocida, nebo jak to nazvat. To snad aby tam nějaký čas lidi jezdili MHD, nebo nevím...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate startups button up for a post-election freeze

    For the climate tech startups now navigating this stage, it’s going to be a rough six months. As the industry adjusts to a new energy policy regime under President-elect Donald Trump, there’ll be a chill in the air for project financing and major fundraising for companies in the line of fire.

    Potentially on the chopping block are key provisions of the US Inflation Reduction Act, the budget of the Department of Energy and Treasury guidelines on tax credits. Offshore wind and hydrogen projects are two areas that are thought by VCs to be especially precarious.

    And despite Trump’s cozy relationship with Tesla founder Elon Musk, the transition team is already planning to scrap a $7,500 EV tax credit for American consumers, according to Reuters.

    “It’s going to be challenging,” said Abe Yokell, managing partner at Congruent Ventures. “My general advice is, make sure you aren’t raising right now.”


    In the eight years since Trump’s first victory, early-stage investing in climate tech has become mainstream, as specialists like Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Lowercarbon Capital made their names on Sand Hill Road, bringing generalists along with them into climate rounds.

    Huge amounts of capital have flowed into infrastructure funds dedicated to the energy transition, driven by pressure from pension holders and students as well as a belief that the energy transition is a lucrative investment.

    “Most new infrastructure is clean infrastructure now,” said Yokell. Energy transition infrastructure funds raised $33.5 billion in 2024, compared to $9.5 billion for non-energy transition infrastructure funds, according to PitchBook research.

    Institutional investors think in decades, not in single election cycles.

    Plus, much of the climate policy cemented by the Biden administration has bipartisan support: namely, creating more resilient supply chains, nearshoring critical minerals production and creating clean-energy jobs in battleground states.

    Trump’s calls to deregulate and reduce permitting roadblocks may help clean energy projects in the long run, especially for new nuclear technologies that have been bogged down in red tape.

    For Yokell, there’s a strong case to stay bullish on climate-friendly projects:

    “There will be some collateral damage environmentally, which I’m not excited about, but the lack of regulations will in fact allow for a lot of clean infrastructure to be built.”
    L4MA --- ---
    XCHAOS: tolik potrebna inijekce pro skomirajici auto prumysl.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: to už je snad trestné ne? a zaměřilo se to na SUV a vysokopříjmové, nebo to obtěžuje normální pracující lidi?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam