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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Podstatná bude Čína a její přístup a plnění slibů + a jestli vyhraje Trump

    "Globální emise skleníkových plynů by měly stoupat maximálně do roku 2025, u některých rozvíjejících se zemí ale může vrchol přijít později, píše se v dokumentu.
    AP upozorňuje, že mezi rozvíjející se země patří i Čína, která se řadí k největším světovým znečišťovatelům ovzduší."

    Dohoda rovněž
    * vyzývá ke ztrojnásobení kapacity obnovitelných zdrojů energie na celém světě do roku 2030
    * k urychlení úsilí o snížení spotřeby uhlí
    * k rozvoji technologií na zachycování a ukládání uhlíku,
    * v dokumentu se země zavázaly také zdvojnásobit energetické úspory.

    „Historická dohoda.“ S odklonem od fosilních paliv souhlasily téměř dvě stovky zemí — ČT24 — Česká televize

    COP28 climate talks agree on transitioning away from fossil fuels | Zpravodajství | Evropský parlament

    Cop28 landmark deal agreed to ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels | Cop28 | The Guardian

    Předchozí konference přijaly pouze mantinely na snížení emisí skleníkových plynů bez výslovné zmínky o fosilních palivech, která jsou ale zodpovědná za dvě třetiny vyprodukovaných emisí. Na konferenci COP26 v Glasgow se zúčastněné země zavázaly k omezení uhlí, na cílech ohledně ropy a zemního plynu se však dosud nikdy nedohodly.

    Skutečná síla podle Džábira bude však spočívat až v naplnění dohody. „Musíme podniknout kroky nezbytné k tomu, abychom tuto dohodu proměnili v konkrétní činy,“ uvedl na zasedání. „Jsme tím, co děláme, ne tím, co říkáme,“ dodal.

    Předseda COP28 Sultán Džábir
    TADEAS --- ---
    Destruction of world’s pristine rainforests soared in 2022 despite Cop26 pledge | Deforestation | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We need to get China’: John Kerry calls for return to bilateral climate talks | John Kerry | The Guardian

    China’s freeze with the US should not, in theory, affect negotiations on the climate crisis, which are supposed to be held in a separate bubble from other geopolitical concerns.

    But Kerry said China had in effect stopped negotiating with the US on climate issues, as well as on other matters. He said: “It’s been impossible, really. China has pulled out of the talks for now.”

    Some sections of the Chinese government were pursuing “wolf diplomacy”, he said, by which climate was treated “like all the other issues” and subject to a “suspension [though] not a termination”.

    Kerry said: “I personally vehemently disagree with that. Climate is a universal issue, a universal threat. Without political ideology, without political party. It does not represent global competition. It represents a global threat to the world, which the two largest emitters and two largest economies could greatly benefit the world by coming together and cooperating to try to deal with it.”

    The rupture between China and the US came just as cooperation between the two was looking more promising than it had done for years. At the Cop26 UN climate summit in Glasgow last November, the two countries astonished observers with the sudden announcement of a bilateral pact. They agreed to work on clean technology, methane and other ways of reducing emissions.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    EU to urge big polluters to toughen climate pledges by COP27 summit -draft | Reuters


    I když se Evropa potýká s energetickou krizí, Evropská unie nijak neslevuje ze svých klimatických závazků. I nadále bude před letošním klimatickým summitem OSN naléhat na největší světové ekonomiky, aby zlepšily své cíle v boji proti změně klimatu, a upozorní, že současné úsilí států je nedostatečné. Vyplývá to z návrhu dokumentu, do kterého nahlédla agentura Reuters.
    Navzdory řadě nových závazků ke snižování emisí, které země oznámily na loňském klimatickém summitu COP26, „globální opatření v oblasti klimatu zůstávají nedostatečná“, uvedla EU v návrhu svého mandátu pro jednání na summitu COP27, který se uskuteční v listopadu v egyptském Šarm aš-Šajchu.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    COP26 FTW

    Beef lobbyists celebrate methane ‘win’ at COP26 - Unearthed

    “The President’s methane pledge could have gone badly for livestock production in the United States, badly for the cattle industry.”

    “But this administration seems to recognise the positive value that we bring. Beyond research funding and encouraging technological innovation, there were no additional regulatory proposals.”

    “We were really excited to get out relatively unscathed,” she concluded.
    NCBA President Don Schiefelbein said it’s “going to be pretty easy to” become carbon neutral by 2040 “without reducing the number of cattle” if the new system is adopted in the way they hope.
    GOJATLA --- ---

    The World is Real: On the Ukraine and the XR Cambridge Union Debate.
    Claims we can stay under 1.5C of global warming are “unadulterated bullshit”: Professor James Hanson former director of Nasa at COP26
    Anything that exists comes to an end. The peace and security we were told would last for ever is coming to an end. With the pandemic we saw our extreme vulnerability to the natural world. With Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine we see the blatant willingness of humans to inflict mass death to gain power. With the climate crisis we see the hellish fusion of both, the natural and the human, the ecological and the social. They were always woven together. There is now only one Crisis. We have reached the Endgame.
    That the world is real is the biggest learning our culture has to grasp at this time. As the quote goes – you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. I said this at the beginning of my speech at the recent debate on Extinction Rebellion at the Cambridge Union. I then told the young people that am currently in court facing possibly two years in prison. The hall, which up to that point had a jovial and mocking atmosphere, fell silent. Maybe a few of those naïve privileged future members of our elites sudden felt the chill that comes when you suddenly realise there is a thing called evil in this world.
    What happened last week at the Cambridge Union debate was an atrocious decision to put up two fools to drone on about deckchair design and ship gossip, as we smash into the biggest iceberg of all time. They did not one mention scientific fact. Neither speaker acknowledged that there might be a real world out there. For them, when people shout “fire” it is not metaphysically possible that there is in fact a fire. The classical definition of a fool is a person who fails to check reality before they release a toxic mix prejudice and dogma into the public sphere.
    Thankfully the students were not for the taking. Not least, of course because they will spend the rest of the lives dealing with the biblical conditions the speakers’ generation is bequivering to them. The final vote to “extinguish the rebellion” was 105 against to 33 for.
    The question now is when are some of the older generation going to break with the murderous herd, and declare that endless destruction is the ultimate crime and they will have no part of it. The scientists are like the front line officers in the trenches in World War One. “It’s much worse up front” one them famously told one of General Haig’s sidekicks on a rare visit to the frontline during the Battle of the Somme.
    Just Stop Oil’s plan in 2022 to stop the government opening up new oil fields is not a game, it’s not even a campaign. It is nothing like anything we have experienced over the past thirty years of “good times”. It is a mad dash to do whatever it nonviolently takes to stop our kids being cast into ever lasting hell. Read that sentence 10 times and you may be on the foothills of sensing the full horror of what we are about to create for the next ten thousand generations.
    What we have to do is not “protest” – not just go through the motions. We have to resist in order to win. This is not rhetoric. This is our life now. There is no going back. The Russians have invaded, we have locked in 1.5C – there will never be any going back to normality. We have to give up our jobs, have that talk with family and friends, and focus on only thing which counts – creating a culture of resistance that will not stop. You have to disrupt the machine and when you do this you will be arrested and go to prison. And then you have to do it again and again.
    And be thankful, knowing at least your intestines aren’t splatted against your living room wall by a Russian bomb.
    This is what reality is now. You may not be interested in it, but it is certainly interested in you. And if you don’t react to it, it will kill you.
    TADEAS --- ---
    COP26 Pledges will have Catastrophic Consequences, says Ex-NASA Climate Chief – Byline Times

    The academic argues that, within the next six months, there will be a rise in the 12-month running-mean temperature due to the El Nino cycle, which will “be accelerated by Earth’s largest energy imbalance in the past half century”.

    By the second half of the 2020s, a further 0.1C will be added due to increased solar irradiance. The combined effect means that “there is now no chance whatever of keeping global warming below 1.5°C,” he says.

    Prof Hansen has also criticised COP26 President Alok Sharma who, after the summit in Glasgow, said “we can say with credibility that we have kept 1.5°C degrees within reach, but its pulse is weak”.


    Prof Hansen pointed to a range of evidence consistent with an imminent rapid sea level rise, including a brief time of rapid coral reef ‘backstepping’, and the vulnerability of the West Antarctic and later the East Antarctic ice sheets. “The eventual sea level rise for global temperatures expected by the middle of this century is at least 10 to 15 meters,” he concludes.

    Major cities at risk of being submerged in this way include New York City, Mumbai, Lagos, Shanghai, Miami, Dhaka and Tokyo.

    “The fact is that ice sheet disintegration is an exponential process with a characteristic time-scale (doubling or e-folding time that characterises exponential growth) of 10 to 20 years at maximum,” says Prof Hansen’s memo. “That statement is proven by the fact that sea level rise of several meters per century has occurred many times in Earth’s history.”

    The UN IPCC has under-estimated this danger due to simplistic ice sheet models that “are unable to reproduce rapid changes of sea level that occur repeatedly in the paleoclimate record,” Hansen states.

    Business as usual’ growth of greenhouse gases, he further argues, “likely will cause shut-down of the overturning North Atlantic and Southern Ocean overturning circulations by the middle of this century

    Both circulation systems play a critical role in regulating the stability of the Earth’s climate system. Recent models show that their shut-down could bring extreme cold to Europe and parts of North America, raise sea levels along the US East Coast, disrupt seasonal monsoons that provide water to much of the world, and further endanger the Amazon rainforest and Antarctic ice sheets.

    According to Prof Hansen, the most important effect may be reducing heat transfer from the southern to northern hemispheres, which would increase warming of the Southern Ocean at depth, accelerating Antarctic ice melt and driving sea level rise.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    btw, začínám chápat, jak naši to naší vládcové na COP26 mysleli s tím slibem ukončit odlesňování do roku 2030. To by mohlo vyjít.

    2 November 2021
    GOJATLA --- ---
    COP26 has failed us: there are no meaningful commitments to halt fossil fuel production, our future now a reckless gamble on the unproven unicorns of carbon capture and storage. “Carry on emitting now and at some magical future date huge carbon sucking technology will solve the problem”. Carbon is killing us, global emissions are still rising. Our Government is betraying us, they value oil more than they value our bodies, our lives.
    Phase 1: Groups will block the oil networks to demand that the government Just Stop Oil. Groups will block oil refineries and adjacent roads and motorways.
    Phase 2: High stakes resistance against oil.
    TADEAS --- ---

    CGR 2022

    Over the six years between headline-grabbing conferences in the climate calendar, the global economy consumed half a trillion tonnes of virgin materials.

    This means that between the 'COP25 in Paris', 2015, where the Paris Agreement was formed and COP26 in Glasgow, 2021, 70% more virgin materials were extracted than what the Earth can safely replenish


    TUHO --- ---
    Peníze utracené za NFT v loňském roce odpovídají zhruba částce přislíbené na klimatické konferenci COP26 na pomoc zemím při postupném odklonu od uhlí, anebo finančním prostředkům, které Světová banka uvolnila na nákup a nasazení vakcín proti covidu-19.

    Pět let se pravidelně fotil, teď student vydělal miliony díky NFT - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Time of last chances: why refreeze the Arctic? Sir David King with @SWEurope_ warns that the IPCC AR6 hides the truth in plain sight. What we model as 1.5°C would mean up to 20°C warming. Scientists should rethink their roles and communicate to the public.

    Sir David King: Climate Leadership, COP26, and 20 Degrees of Warming?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read: What next now that COP26 has failed us?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Marine Cloud Brightening

    Stephen Salter is one of the leading voices of the Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) movement.

    As average global temperatures rise, increasing the reflectivity of clouds over the ocean has been studied as a geoengineering method to reflect more solar radiation away from the Earth thus reducing and reversing the warming caused by excess CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

    This CEF program was recorded at COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, in the Durdle Door press conference room on November 4th, 2021, and published on December 13th, 2021.


    Topics discussed include the following:
    - Why some clouds, such as cumulonimbus are dark, and some are light
    - Using nozzles installed on ships to spray very small drops of filtered seawater 0.8 microns in diameter.
    - Ships spraying filtered droplets of sea water could be deployed to reverse sea level rise and/or save the Arctic sea ice.
    - Governments of countries could decide on targets for sea-surface temperatures
    - Cost estimates to deploy a fleet of 800 spray vessels/ships
    - Advantages of MCB as a geoengineering technique to prevent the worst extremes of climate change
    - How we can change the reflectivity of clouds in areas that will most benefit the Earth.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Advocating for psychological science at COP26

    On behalf of the Global Psychology Alliance (GPA), APA’s Senior Director for International Affairs Amanda Clinton, PhD, coordinated APA’s first delegation to COP26, the annual United Nations (UN) climate change conference

    As part of our contribution to COP26, APA jointly issued a report on November 4 with ecoAmerica entitled, "Mental Health and Our Changing Climate," authored by Susan Clayton, PhD, and Christie Manning Clad, PhD. APA’s Climate Change Task Force, which includes Richard Plenty, PhD, is developing recommendations that will guide the next stage of psychologists’ work on climate change.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    After COP we’re all Eichmanns now
    Roger Hallam

    Complexity and Moral Collapse
    I recently did a talk for my patreon supporters on this subject and I thought it be good to do a post about it.
    There was a time, until quite recently, when there was a clear division between good and evil. If you wanted to murder someone you had limited choices. You generally needed a sharp object and you had to plunge it into another person several times. If you wanted to kill more people it would take a long time and even the most evil person could not kill people outside of his locality and certainly not those who were not yet born.
    Complexity has changed all that. Complexity refers to the increasing connections between actions and consequences across time and space. Complexity has been increasing exponentially for decades. When I was a kid the only veg we ever had was carrots and peas. Milk came from the local farm. Now just about everything comes from all over the world, and there’s so much more of it.
    The moral point is that today due to the ecological crisis you are murdering billions of people just by going to the supermarket. You only push the knife into them a tiny bit but millions of people are doing the same thing. And the result is mass death. We are in the process of going over 2C, and so as we go about our ordinary lives we lock in mass killing. 2C locks in 3C, and so on due to irreversible feedbacks, as Johan Rockstrom said at COP last month.
    This is how complexity creates moral collapse. The system makes you a murderer– you are all at it all of the time. This is what Hannah Arendt was referring to when she spoke about the banality of evil at the famous Adolf Eichmann trial in 1961. Eichmann was a key administrator of the holocaust but looked upon himself as just doing his job competently. Arendt was attacked when she used this phrase because people had the old pre complexity idea that killing is a self conscious physical act. A person stabs another person to death. In fact the Nazi death machine was a proto complex system – where thousands of ordinary people in a banal way organised the small parts cogs in a vast bureaucratic system of mass murder.
    That is what we have today.
    But this time it’s on a global scale and it will annihilate the whole of humanity. The banality of evil has become universal. We are entering into mass death and human extinction because everyone is just “doing their job”.
    As with Arendt in 1961, in 2021 lots of people will outraged by having this reality pointed out to them because they cannot accept they are murderers. They would not physically murder another person. But they absolutely are murderers in a banality of evil sense. And the moral point is that the outcome is the same. Billions of people will be subject to indescribable suffering because of your actions, combined with the actions of millions of other people, primarily in the Global North. The top 10% of the world’s population puts out 50% of global carbon emissions. That’s you.
    The real challenge is doing something effective about it. The climate movements are catastrophically unsuccessful because they pretend we can deal with complexity with more complexity. Campaigners use abstract repressed middle class language to try to stop mass killing. It obviously does not work because people and governments will not change in the drastic way required of them on the basis on detailed information and polite engagement. They are 100% going to fail because nothing they do or say creates any connection with reality. This is why twenty six COPs have failed. The last one in November reduced the increase in carbon emissions from a 16% to 13% by 2030 – when what is needed according to the IPCC is a 50% decrease. The whole approach is psychologically illiterate and morally catastrophic. It is a sick totally fucked joke.
    The only chance of creating the complete transformation we need in the next few years we have available is to recognise that most people most of the time cannot deal with complex abstract and technocratic arguments. We are not wired for complexity. It’s cognitively exhausting and we switch off.
    There are three things which cut through the noise:
    • A simple demand which is concrete and doable – you understand it in a sentence.
    • Disruption: day after day economic disruption of people’s lives – as we recently saw with the 17 motorway blocks of Insulate Britain.
    • The display of extreme emotion – shouting and screaming – like when you are in a relationship and your partner finally “gets through to you”.
    None of this is cognitive. None of it is about information. The demand, disruption, and emotion create a super concentrated proxy for dispersed mass murder you are involved in. It makes the complex system a simple system. I want to go to work – I can’t get to work. Someone is calling me a murderer and screaming at me – I hate that. You agree to the demand because you are hard wired to respond to such visceral stimulus. The banality of your evil is made real to you because it is now literally in your face.
    Of course this might not work, you might fail to create enough disruption with enough people as in the case of Insulate Britain– or you might go too far, as in “blowing up a pipeline”, and create an overreaction. Civil resistance aims at the nonviolent sweet spot between too little and too much. The critical and practical point is not that this might not be successful, but that conventional approach has zero chance of being successful – as shown by the last 30 years.
    It’s civil resistance or mass death in 2021. It’s resistance or complicity. After COP26 there is no middle way.
    The biggest barrier to success in 2021 is the climate movement itself because it is full of people whose privilege and power enable them to stay in the dream world of polite verbal persuasion and they work hard to stop effective approaches from happening. That is why Martin Luther King called white moderates worse than the Ku Kluk Klan. That is why the NGOs are far worse than Trump supporters. It is why we have to subject them to the same approach: demands, disruption and high emotion.
    There is nothing pretty about civil resistance. But as people are realising – we are going to get hurt anyway so we have nothing to lose. If the world is to saved it will be because people now get this truth. It’s finally starting to happen and the carbon death system will be torn apart in the next few years. Better late than never.
    Note if you doubt what I say here – think what stood out most in the text above – was it when I said “it’s a sick totally fucked joke”? Why was that?
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    GOJATLA --- ---
    A Realistic Path to a Bright Future
    3 December 2021
    James Hansen

    Why is nobody telling young people the truth? “We preserved the chance at COP26 to keep global warming below 1.5°C.” What bullshit! “Solar panels are now cheaper than fossil fuels, so all we are missing is political will.” What horse manure! “If we would just agree to consume less, the climate problem could be solved.” More nonsense!

    Young people, I am sorry to say that – although the path to a bright future exists and is straightforward – it will not happen without your understanding and involvement in the political process.
    Do not feel sorry for yourself or get discouraged. Yours is not the first generation to be dealt a bad hand. Some were born into great depressions. Some were sent to fight in world wars or senseless conflagrations in far away places such as Viet Nam or Iraq. Your battle will cover more years. Nature has a long time scale in its response to human-caused forces, and it takes time to alter human-made energy systems. But your cause is noble – your challenge is nothing short of guiding humanity and other life on our planet to a bright future.
    The next 10 years – the fourth decade since the adoption of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 – must be the decade in which young people take charge of their own destiny.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jonathan Pie: The World's End (COP26 short film with George Monbiot, Caroline Lucas & Ed Miliband)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    "Large uncertainties" over warming outcomes from current climate policies | Imperial News | Imperial College London

    "During COP26, a succession of studies confidently communicated that current policies would lead to 2.7°C of warming in 2100 and emission pledges to 2.4°C of warming, while we find that the uncertainties are much greater and that the answer depends on what model is used."

    The findings showed a wide range of possible scenarios emerging from the selected models, with current policies leading to between 2.3 and 2.9°C of warming in 2100, and pledges on carbon emissions leading to between 2.2 and 2.7°C.

    Dr Gambhir, a co-author for the study and Senior Research Fellow from Imperial's Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment, said: "We could be on a path to just over 2°C, or just under 3°C, with very different climate consequences in each case."

    He added: "Predicting emissions in 2030 is difficult enough but extrapolating to 2100 is heroic and requires a good dose of humility to avoid giving false precision."
    She said: "The large uncertainties indicate that current policies and policy pledges can still lead to warming outcomes of 3°C in 2100.

    "The false precision to climate outcomes given during COP26 may lead countries to believe they are making good progress, when the opposite may indeed be the case."
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: Hlavní problém s CCS je "scale" a čas. Žádná technologie nedokáže během 50 let odstranit tolik CO2, kolik potřebujeme, museli bychom postavit průmysl podobného rozsahu jako je fosilní infrastruktura a celý by musel být dotovaný (z čeho?), sám nevydělá nic (pokud nepočítáš CO2 do limonád, ale to není CCS).
    Kdyby CCS někdo myslel vážně, tak výsledkem COP26 bude zákaz spalování uhlí bez CCS, takhle je to jen greenwashing.
    Dobře je to popsané v tomhle videu:
    Challenging Common Sense to Flatten the Climate Monster – Dr. Ye Tao
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