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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    právo lyžovat

    Italy’s Marmolada glacier could disappear by 2040, experts say | Glaciers | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: skoda, ze to sokuje jenom Italy, jejich rajcata se prodavaji vsude po EU.
    TADEAS --- ---
    low-paid, brown

    ‘Working here is hell’: latest death of farm worker in 40C heat shocks Italy | Workers' rights | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    superyacht was hit by tornado and sank

    Sicily yacht sinking: Morgan Stanley International chair Jonathan Bloomer among missing | Italy | The Guardian

    Storms and heavy rainfall have swept down Italy in recent days after weeks of scorching heat, which had lifted the temperature of the Mediterranean sea to record levels, raising the risk of extreme weather conditions, experts said.

    “The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30C (86F), which is almost 3 degrees more than normal. This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms,” said meteorologist Luca Mercalli.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘The Adriatic is becoming tropical’: Italian fishers struggle to adapt to warm sea | Italy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---

    5 minutes ago, flash floods suddenly hit Italy and Switzerland! Tourist attractions were destroyed
    TADEAS --- ---
    From parched earth to landslides: crisis in the prosecco hills of Italy | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Plant apocalypse: how new diseases are destroying EU trees and crops | Italy | The Guardian

    New data, released to the Guardian, shows that dozens of newly introduced disease outbreaks are detected in the EU every year, even as farmers and scientists struggle to contain previously introduced pathogens. As the climate heats, scientists warn the problem will get worse.

    Across the EU, data shows, outbreaks of newly introduced plant disease have continued unabated at an average rate of 70 a year between 2015 and 2020, despite regulations introduced to stop their spread in 2016. While a number of member states have taken steps to prevent and curb the outbreaks, scientists, plant epidemiologists and agronomists say it is still insufficient.


    The EU has an open import system: everything that is not known to be harmful can enter. Some countries, such as New Zealand and Chile, have opted for a closed system: everything is considered guilty until proven innocent.

    Evidence shows that the Xylella bacteria came from Latin America and, most likely, got a ride from ornamental coffee plants passing through the Netherlands. About 30 billion rooted and unrooted plants, cuttings, bulbs and tissues came from third countries into Europe between 2005 and 2014, mainly through Dutch ports.

    According to Alberto Santini, a forest pathologist at the Italian National Research Council, such an open system has been letting in an alarming number of plant pests and diseases from third countries.
    TADEAS --- ---
    J Pecho

    Včera popadalo v Európe veľa teplotných rekordov. Hodnoty niektorých nových sú doslova šialené!

    35 Torregrotta ITALY
    33 Montana BULGARIA
    31.8 Negotin SERBIA
    31.6 Tirana ALBANIA
    31 Focsani ROMANIA
    30.2 Kelebia HUNGARY
    30.2 Bravicea MOLDOVA
    30.1 Osijek CROATIA
    29.3 Mohyliv UKRAINE
    28.5 Vienna AUSTRIA
    27.6 Cerklje SLOVENIA

    TADEAS --- ---
    jen pres agro-komplexni mrtvolu

    EU nature restoration laws in balance as member states withdraw support | European Union | The Guardian

    The EU’s nature restoration laws are hanging in the balance after a number of member states, including Hungary and Italy, withdrew support for the legislation.

    Spain’s environment minister, Teresa Ribera, said it would be “enormously irresponsible” for countries to drop the laws, which have been two years in the making and are designed to reverse decades of damage to biodiversity on land and in waterways.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘If the sea rises we’ll have to leave’: plans to restart gas drilling threaten Italy’s sinking delta | Gas | The Guardian

    Sixty years after fatal floods and subsidence halted gas extraction in the Po delta region, politicians are once again eyeing methane reserves. But at what cost to one of the Mediterranean’s largest wetlands and the people who live there?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Risotto crisis: the fight to save Italy’s beloved dish from extinction | Rice | The Guardian

    In 2022, the worst drought in 200 years hit the Po, Italy’s longest river. The waterway forms the lifeblood of a complex web of canals built between the Middle Ages and the 1800s, which serve as the paddy fields’ main source of irrigation. That year, Italy lost 26,000 hectares (64,000 acres) of rice fields, according to Ente Nazionale Risi, the national rice authority, and rice production dropped by more than 30%. Last year, the drought persisted and the crop from another 7,500 hectares of rice fields was lost.

    Today, rice farmers struggling to recover from the impact of the drought face an uncertain future. “The higher the temperatures, the more frequent and intense these extreme events will be,” says Marta Galvagno, a biometeorologist at the Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley.

    Over the past two years, Ferraris, like other farmers in the area, has tried to diversify his crops to reduce the risks brought by the climate crisis. He has reduced the acreage dedicated to paddies and started to grow crops such as maize, that require less water.

    “The climate is changing and I am afraid there will be other droughts,” says Ferraris, whose farm lost about €150,000 [£129,000] in 2022. Rice remains his biggest crop, however. Recently, he has started monitoring snowfalls in the Alps and checking the water levels in Lake Maggiore every day. “It’s hard to sleep at night,” he says.

    Ferraris is particularly worried about the production of carnaroli classico, a refined rice variety. Thanks to its ability to resist high cooking temperatures and absorb flavours, carnaroli is considered the “king of risotto”, but it is also extremely delicate and vulnerable to changes in the climate.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Italská rozvědka tvrdí, že Rusko vede proti zemi hybridní válku. Zejména jde o šíření dezinformací o protestech farmářů. Píše o tom italská tisková agentura ANSA na základě výsledků prezentace výroční zpravodajské zprávy v parlamentu. „Rusko je nejaktivnějším hráčem v hybridních kampaních na úkor Itálie a celého Západu,“ píše se ve zprávě. Hlavními nástroji Ruské federace jsou špionáž, kybernetické útoky, dezinformace a využívání migračních toků k destabilizaci politické situace. Tajemník Rady ministrů Alfredo Mantovano řekl, že poslední epizoda ruských dezinformací souvisí s protesty farmářů proti „greendeal“ a zemědělské politice Evropské unie. Zpravodajské zdroje navíc uvádějí, že Ruská federace svými nástroji silně ovlivňuje nadcházející volby do Evropského parlamentu, plánované na začátek června.

    Russian hybrid campaign agst Italy eyes vote - intelligence - TopNews - Ansa.it
    TADEAS --- ---

    Holy cow! Protesting Italian farmers bring bovine to mass with the pope | Italy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    šachmat, prdi

    Elon Musk says oil and gas should not be demonized

    Musk, speaking at a right-wing political gathering organised by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy party said: "Climate change alarm is exaggerated in the short term,"

    "We should not demonise oil and gas in the medium term," he added
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Katalánsko se chystá dovážet po moři pitnou vodu, pokud v příštích měsících v regionu postiženém silným suchem výrazně nezaprší. Plán tamní vlády však vyvolal obavy v okolních regionech, kde srážky byly v uplynulých měsících rovněž nedostatečné.

    Vyschlé Katalánsko se chystá dovážet vodu po moři. Barcelona upravila přístav - iDNES.cz

    letošní červenec

    Catania 'brought to its knees' as 46.7C heat forces power cuts and water shortages | World | News | Express.co.uk
    TADEAS --- ---

    Summer 2023. 2 young filmmakers travelled through Europe visiting seed producers at their workplaces and experiencing first-hand how important it is to preserve this diversity in Europe. The short documentary gives a voice to these small-scale seed producers and seed savers from across Europe, with beautiful footage shot in Ireland, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic.

    For diversity on our plates and in nature, we also need diversity in seeds. However, when we look at the selection available in supermarkets, including in the vegetable aisle, it quickly becomes clear that everything looks the same, almost all the time and all year round. Why is that? Because large corporations have power over the market. Now, however, EU seed legislation is being reformed - a chance to save seed diversity.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Red fire ant colonies found in Italy and could spread across Europe, says study | Insects | The Guardian

    An invasive non-native ant species has become established in Italy and could rapidly spread through Europe to the UK with global heating, a study warns.

    The red fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, has a powerful sting, damages crops and can infest electrical equipment including cars and computers.


    “We can do something to stop these arriving but once an invasive ant species is here it’s going to be very hard to eradicate. Ants are notorious for being able to spread quickly.”

    In Europe, the ant has previously been found in imported products in Spain, Finland and the Netherlands but its establishment in the wild on the continent has never before been confirmed.


    The red fire ant is a heat-loving species but the researchers concluded that it could establish itself in approximately 7% of Europe.

    In today’s climate, half of the urban areas in Europe would be climatically suitable for it, including large cities such as London, Paris, Rome and Barcelona. With global heating, the continent will become much more suitable for the species and help its spread across Europe.

    Mediterranean coastal cities are the most suitable to the ant, and their seaports could facilitate its spread.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Climate crisis calls for U-turn in EU’s economic governance – EURACTIV.com

    Already 50 years ago, Dutch politician Sicco Mansholt, who was at the time the European Commissioner for Agriculture, wrote to the President of the European Commission a legacy letter, in light of the findings of the Club of Rome “Limits to growth” report.

    He wrote that a fundamentally different policy needs to be pursued to prevent the world from ‘breaking down’ and that the economy should no longer be aiming at maximising GDP growth per capita.

    He called for giving priority to food production; reducing material goods, compensated for by increasing immaterial goods (education, intellectual development, use of free time, access to culture); prolonging the life-span of ‘capital goods’ (which we today call ending programmed obsolescence, ensuring goods and products can be repaired, re-used, then recycled in a circular economy); avoiding the production of ‘non-essential’ products (today, private jets and SUVs are on the spotlight for their huge environmental impact and their uselessness); and combating pollution and the depletion of natural resources.


    Investors will refrain from putting their savings in certain countries or regions, making access to finance more difficult for countries most exposed to extreme weather events.


    But as recently stressed by Mario Draghi, no single country can curb climate change on its own: “Just as the euro cannot be stable if large parts of the monetary union are failing, climate change cannot be solved by Germany reducing its carbon emissions faster than Italy.”


    1) Include the ‘Do No Significant Harm to climate and environment’ principle as an assessment criterion for investments and reforms committed by member states.

    (2) Include an obligation for national governments to integrate a socially just and time-bound reduction of fossil fuel subsidies in their fiscal-structural plans.

    (3) Require Member States to use Green Budgeting tools when presenting their national budgets to the EU.

    (4) Require that national fiscal-structural plans include an assessment of the national investment gap to achieve climate, environment and social goals, and make sure that debt and deficit reduction does not jeopardise their realization.

    And of course (5) Make sure the rules don’t prioritise growth at the expense of climate and environment.
    TUHO --- ---
    What is playing out all over the world right now is entirely consistent with what scientists expect. No one wants to be right about this. But if I’m honest, I am stunned by the ferocity of the impacts we are currently experiencing. I am really dreading the devastation I know this El Niño will bring. As the situation deteriorates, it makes me wonder how I can be most helpful at a time like this. Do I keep trying to pursue my research career or devote even more of my time to warning the public? The pressure and anxiety of working through an escalating crisis is taking its toll on many of us.

    ‘No one wants to be right about this’: climate scientists’ horror and exasperation as global predictions play out | Climate experts | The Guardian
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