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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    právo lyžovat

    Italy’s Marmolada glacier could disappear by 2040, experts say | Glaciers | The Guardian
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    ‘Oh my God, what is that?’: how the maelstrom under Greenland’s glaciers could slow future sea level rise | Glaciers | The Guardian

    current models do not take account of a big possible factor: the huge mounds of ground rock that some glaciers pile up in front of them, blocking their paths and insulating them from ever hotter oceans. These could function as “speed bumps”, effectively slowing the impact of global heating. But the role this plays is unknown because researchers had never been able to scrutinise the hellish zone where mighty glaciers, rock and ocean meet.

    TERMINUS: Studying Greenland’s Underwater Glacial Walls
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Svalbard Crisis: Glaciers Melt at Unprecedented Rates As Temperatures Soar
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    A group of about 50 climate scientists and geoscientists have joined forces on a whitepaper that calls for active interventions to prevent glaciers from melting. The most promising methods they propose are (a) to put barriers around the borders of glaciers that float on water to prevent warm water from getting under them, and (b) drilling holes on top of glaciers to slow down the flow of meltwater. The major purpose of the whitepaper at this point is to call for further research

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Dalsi pomnik pro ledomily

    Alaska’s top-heavy glaciers are approaching an irreversible tipping point
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Venezuela is now officially glacier-free
    The last remaining Humboldt Glacier is now static and reduced to an area of 2 hectares and was downgraded from glacier to ice field
    Next countries poised to remain without glaciers are Indonesia,Mexico & Slovenia

    PAN_SPRCHA: welcome to the 'new normal'
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Fastest Warming on Earth

    In the High Arctic, scientists discovered million-year-old methane (CH4) trapped under some of the world’s mightiest glaciers detected via unprecedented groundwater springs. Analyses of 123 springs found CH4 in all but one. As the massive glaciers recede, space opens at the edge of permafrost, releasing ancient methane. This is one more totally unexpected global warming headache.

    Methane detected in the High Arctic puts a big hole in the Global Methane Pledge of more than 100 countries that agreed to cut emissions by 30% by 2030. It’s an add-on that nobody knows how to deal with.

    The High Arctic location is Svalbard, Norway (pop. 2,642) which is the fastest warming region of the planet only 700 miles from the North Pole. Ironically, the fastest warming is the farthest northern human outpost, deep into the Arctic North.

    “On the Dot with David Schechter,” CBS News released a 45-minute film on December 4th, 2023, documenting the warmest place on Earth: Ancient Methane Escaping from Melting Glaciers Could Potentially Warm the Planet Even More.

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more - CBS News

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more
    MATT --- ---
    Surprising methane discovery in Yukon glaciers: 'Much more widespread than we thought'
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: ja mluvil o tom, co nas ceka a cemu se nevyhneme, at ted udelame cokoliv, procesy jsou uz rozjete.... ne to, jak se s tim budeme vyporadavat

    a btw good luck with that: "A hypothetical experiment calculated that it would cost over CHF 1 billion a year to cover all Swiss glaciers" gronsko je o kapanek vetsi nemluve o tom, co ti s tim udela novy snih, nova voda, tajici snih, odtekajici voda, vitr, etc ... cira utopie
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rising methane could be a sign that Earth's climate is part-way through a 'termination-level transition'

    In the past few million years, Earth’s climate has flipped repeatedly between long, cold glacial periods, with ice sheets covering northern Europe and Canada, and shorter warm inter-glacials.

    When each ice age ended, Earth’s surface warmed by as much as several degrees centigrade over a few millennia. Recorded in air bubbles in ice cores, sharply rising methane concentrations are the bellwethers of these great climate-warming events. With each flip from a glacial to an interglacial climate there have been sudden, sharp rises in atmospheric methane, likely from expanding tropical wetlands.

    These great climate flips that ended each ice age are known as terminations. Each has a Roman numeral, ranging from Termination IX which happened about 800,000 years ago to Termination IA which initiated the modern climate less than 12,000 years ago. For example, around 131,000 years ago during Termination II, the British climate suddenly flipped from glaciers in the Cotswolds to hippopotami wallowing in what is now Trafalgar Square.

    Full terminations take several thousands of years to complete, but many include a creeping onset of warming, then a very abrupt phase of extremely rapid climate change that can take a century or less, followed by a longer, slower period during which the great ice caps finally melt. In the abrupt phase of the great change that brought about the modern climate, Greenland’s temperature rose by around 10°C within a few decades. During these abrupt phases, methane climbs very steeply indeed.


    Methane fluctuated widely in pre-industrial times. But its increasingly rapid growth since 2006 is comparable with records of methane from the early years of abrupt phases of past termination events, like the one that warmed Greenland so dramatically less than 12,000 years ago.

    There is already lots of evidence that the climate is shifting. Atlantic ocean currents are slowing, tropical weather regions are expanding, the far north and south are warming fast, ocean heat is breaking records and extreme weather is becoming routine.

    In glacial terminations, the entire climate system reorganises. In the past, this took Earth out of stable ice age climates and into warm inter-glacials. But we are already in a warm interglacial. What comes next is hard to imagine: loss of sea ice in the Arctic in summer, thinning or partial collapse of the ice caps in Greenland and West Antarctica, reorganisation of the Atlantic’s ocean currents and the poleward expansion of tropical weather circulation patterns. The consequences, both for the biosphere in general and food production in south and east Asia and parts of Africa in particular, would be very significant
    TUHO --- ---
    Chakrabarty: The planet is a political orphan. Theoretically, people have been designing global governance, but they still do so, naturally, in terms of nations. Think of the Himalayas. There are eight or nine rivers issuing from the Himalayas that service about eight or nine countries, from Pakistan to Vietnam, so the glaciers are important to these countries. But the glaciers are all nationalized. India owns India’s glaciers, Pakistan owns Pakistan’s glaciers, etc. The result is that the Himalayas have become the most militarized mountain range in the world. India and China have fought wars there. If you look at the number of tanks, the number of military bridges built, the blasting of the mountain, you can see that nation-states remain totally invested in geopolitics.

    How do we move from here to a planetary-level governance? Can we move on the basis of a planetary calendar? The IPCC’s report last year and the year before was described by the UN as “code red” for climate, and they used the expression “climate emergency.” Now clearly “emergency” connotes a sense of time because it signals urgency. It’s urgency on a planetary calendar; it’s asking for some kind of synchronization of national and subnational actions. It is saying to nations, “Can you come together on this by this time? Because that’s what the planet needs.” But nations remain mired in the temporality and politics of development.

    Dipesh Chakrabarty On Planetary Politics
    TADEAS --- ---
    Body of hiker missing since 1986 found near Matterhorn | Switzerland | The Guardian

    Glacial melting had revealed a boot and crampon and other remains that were later identified as belonging to the German climber.

    Police from Valais canton said in a statement: “DNA analysis enabled the identification of a mountain climber who had been missing since 1986.”


    Last year, experts recorded the worst melt rate on Switzerland’s glaciers since records began more than a century ago. The glaciers lost 6% of their remaining volume, nearly double the previous record in 2003.

    Swiss glaciers lost half their volume between 1931 and 2016, and a further 12% between 2016 and 2021, according to a study published in 2022
    PER2 --- ---
    Glaciers: Slip Sliding Away
    TADEAS --- ---
    geologistika / geopsychedelie

    Thousands of tonnes of rock break off summit of Austrian mountain | Austria | The Guardian

    “Hundreds of metres of the summit have simply broken off,” Christian Walter, head of mountain rescue for the Austrian region of Galtür, told local media.

    Geologists told the Austrian news agency APA that the rockfall, which had been predicted for some time, had taken away part of the southern summit, including the crucifix typically found on mountain peaks in the region. They blamed melting glaciers as well as the thawing of permafrost due to the climate crisis for the collapse, which occurred on Sunday and was captured on film by mountain rescuers training in the region.

    Hier bricht ein kompletter Berg-Gipfel ab | News | BILD.de
    TADEAS --- ---
    Z Labe

    My graphic showing cumulative change in the mass of reference glaciers around the world has been updated now with 2022's data. The trajectory is clear.

    PER2 --- ---
    Can melting glaciers be regrown?
    Scientists have found that ice round @GlacierThwaites
    was at least 35m thinner than today's levels for a part of the last 5,000 years (and that's basically last week in geology).
    It's evidence that the glacier has previously recovered from melt.

    "Our study shows that this recovery took more than 3000 years," says BAS geologist @geologicalJo
    , "and, in a climate that was likely not as warm as what we expect for the coming centuries."

    Rocks beneath Antarctic Ice Sheet reveal surprising past - British Antarctic Survey
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    Researchers discover a cause of rapid ice melting in Greenland


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    Melting Swiss glaciers to fuel conflicts over water - SWI swissinfo.ch

    A major problem is a foreseeable conflict of interest between the agricultural sector and the hydropower plants – in other words, between those who want to use water from a river at the bottom of a valley to irrigate the fields during dry spells and those who want to store the water in reservoirs in the mountains to produce electricity to cover the peak demand during the winter.

    The fact that there will also be peak demands for electricity in summer – to cope with the growing demand for air conditioning – will probably help contain conflicts, according to Burlando.

    But it is fundamental to have a fair and sustainable system of managing the storage of hydropower, for instance by building new water reservoirs in the mountains, he stresses.

    “Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power could play an important role in this context,” says Burlando. “I’d like to refer to systems with pump turbine stations.”


    The melting of the Swiss glaciers will have a long-term impact not only on the mountain valleys and the lower-lying regions of the country. It will also be felt across Europe, says Galmos director Huss, who is also professor of glaciology at ETH Zurich.

    He found that more than 25% of the water from the river Rhone which flowed into the Mediterranean Sea in August originated in alpine glaciers. ResearchersExternal link found similar but slightly lower percentage figures for the river Rhine, the Danube and the Po.

    It is therefore foreseeable that the smaller amount of melting water will make these major European streams less suited for river vessels, concludes Huss.

    The flow rate of the Rhone might be reduced by 50% by the end of this century as a result of less melting water and snow
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: ubývá míst, kam chodívali lyžovat

    Worst melt year on record for Swiss glaciers, data shows | Reuters

    Swiss glaciers have recorded their worst melt rate since records began more than a century ago, losing 6% of their remaining volume this year or nearly double the previous record of 2003, monitoring body GLAMOS said on Wednesday,

    The melt was so extreme this year that bare rock that had remained buried for millenia re-emerged at one site while bodies and even a plane lost elsewhere in the Alps decades ago were recovered. Other small glaciers all but vanished.
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