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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    A group of about 50 climate scientists and geoscientists have joined forces on a whitepaper that calls for active interventions to prevent glaciers from melting. The most promising methods they propose are (a) to put barriers around the borders of glaciers that float on water to prevent warm water from getting under them, and (b) drilling holes on top of glaciers to slow down the flow of meltwater. The major purpose of the whitepaper at this point is to call for further research

    TADEAS --- ---
    Is Blocking The Sun Quietly Being Normalized? - Spirit of Change Magazine

    Officially, there’s an international moratorium on attempts to block the sun, as well as a U.N. Environmental Modification Convention, but rogue “Greenfinger” billionaires like Bill Gates have continued their dangerous experiments.

    Since the Vietnam War’s Project Popeye scandal, the U.S. government has positioned the Pentagon’s weather modification work and DARPA funding as countering the potential “security threat” geoengineering posed.

    Recently there’s been a shift. The U.S. has begun to normalize solar geoengineering as a “climate solution.” In 2021, the National Academies of Sciences issued a report calling for a $200 million 5-year investment in solar geoengineering research, and in 2023 President Biden released a solar radiation modification (SRM) framework, claiming that “SRM offers the possibility of cooling as the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.”

    Around the same time, the European Union floated “a potential international framework” for solar geoengineering.

    Meanwhile, climate-profiteering corporations are lobbying for solar geoengineering to be included in the offset market being negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    Even “environmental” non-profit advocacy groups are in on it!

    The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)’s official position on geoengineering is that, “Deliberate climate interventions such as albedo modification should not be undertaken for the foreseeable future as they present serious ecological, moral and geopolitical concerns.”

    But, EDF has publicly supported research into geoengineering since 2010, when it co-founded the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative with the Royal Society and The World Academy of Sciences.

    In early 2024, Climate Wire reported that EDF organized a private two-day meeting of climate scientists, environmental activists and philanthropists “to prepare for an expected surge of Silicon Valley funding related to last-ditch measures for slowing global warming.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Cooling credits” are not a viable climate solution | Climatic Change

    As the world struggles to limit warming to 1.5 or 2 °C below pre-industrial temperatures, research into solar climate interventions that could temporarily offset some amount of greenhouse gas-driven global warming by reflecting more sunlight back out to space has gained prominence. These solar climate intervention techniques would aim to cool the Earth by injecting aerosols (tiny liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere) into the upper atmosphere or into low-altitude marine clouds. In a new development, “cooling credits” are now being marketed that claim to offset a certain amount of greenhouse gas warming with aerosol-based cooling. The science of solar climate intervention is currently too uncertain and the quantification of effects insufficient for any such claims to be credible in the near term. More fundamentally, however, the environmental impacts of greenhouse gases and aerosols are too different for such credits to be an appropriate instrument for reducing climate risk even if scientific uncertainties were narrowed and robust monitoring systems put in place. While some form of commercial mechanism for solar climate intervention implementation, in the event it is used, is likely, “cooling credits” are unlikely to be a viable climate solution, either now or in the future.
    TUHO --- ---
    Sceptical diplomacy: Should heads of state bother to talk climate change science with Putin?

    This policy brief illustrates how the Russian top leadership discusses climate change and responds to interventions and efforts made by other countries’ leaders and high-level diplomats on the topic of climate change. The policy brief presents one data set examining the distribution of the Kremlin’s attention to the issue and one illustration of Russian participation in international science diplomacy, using the example of the IPCC. The aim is to make recommendations as to how diplomats and politicians can, in order to foster more fruitful diplomatic exchange, better utilize the flexibility of climate change discourse within Russia and Russia/Soviet Union’s longstanding contributions to international climate science.

    View article
    INK_FLO --- ---
    after all, why not?....rrrrrrrewind

    Ideology doesn´t arrive and say, "I am ideology". Ideology says: "I am nature, and this is how things are".

    Situace s černochama - ideologie káže "černoši jsou podřadné bytosti, takhle se věci mají, máme to podložené, je to přírozený řád věcí"
    Situace s planetou - ideologie káže "kapitalismus/nekonečný růst a každý rok o pár procent vyšší HDP (což je mimochodem dost moderní koncept, který se objevil díky specifické situaci po druhé světové válce) je přirozené, je to jediný možný způsob fungování. Kdo tvrdí něco jiného, je blázen nebo stalinista a chce nám vzít skrze nápady typu degrowth naše výsady a podkopat základy naší vyspělé civilizace."

    V obou případech šlo a jde o to, že většina lidí ani neví, že neví (nebo že by to mohlo jít jinak), nebo to nechce přiznat, nebo se jim to nehodí, tak strkají hlavu do písku a zacpávají si uši (přičemž strašidlem ideologie se obvykle nejvíce ohání ti, kteří jsou nejvíce v jejím vleku)

    trochu OT na jedno z témat, jak souvisí HDP s domnělým luxusem (tady vyjádřeným délkou života)

    Pinker makes no mention of this movement. His argument relies instead on a scatter plot known as the Preston curve, which shows that countries with higher GDP per capita tend to have higher life expectancies. But he asserts causation where there’s no evidence for it. In fact, new research finds that the causal factor behind the Preston curve isn’t GDP at all, but education. Of course, social services require resources. And it’s important to recognise that growth can help toward that end. But the interventions that matter when it comes to life expectancy do not require high levels of GDP per capita. The European Union has a higher life expectancy than the United States, with 40% less income. Costa Rica and Cuba beat the US with only a fraction of the income, and both achieved their greatest gains in life expectancy during periods when GDP wasn’t growing at all. How? By rolling out universal healthcare and education.

    It’s not thanks to capitalism that we’re living longer, but progressive politics | Jason Hickel | The Guardian

    TUHO --- ---
    Until now, no one has mapped global fertilizer emissions—from manufacturing to runoff
    Seeing the whole picture like this not only shows that most emissions occur directly on farms, it also points the way to huge tech-ready interventions.

    Until now, no one has mapped global fertilizer emissions
    TUHO --- ---
    Loss and damage is the “third pillar” of international climate governance alongside mitigation and adaptation. When mitigation and adaptation fail, losses and damages occur. Scholars have been reacting to international political discourse centred around governing actual or potential severe losses and damages from climate change. Large gaps exist in relation to understanding the underlying power dimensions, rationalities, knowledges, and technologies of loss and damage governance and science. We draw from a Foucauldian-inspired governmentality framework to argue there is an emerging governmentality of loss and damage. We find, among other things, that root causes of loss and damage are being obscured, Western knowledge and technocratic interventions are centred, and there are colonial presupposed subjectivities of Global South victims of climate change, which are being contested by people bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. We propose future directions for critical research on climate change loss and damage.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: uvazuju o tom tak, ze to bude jako s tou jadernou energii. cast lidi je zasadne proti, boji se, ze provozovanim jaderek se toho muze hodne posrat. cast lidi je zasadne pro, protoze je to sance jak zpomalit oteplovani.

    stejne tak to bude s tim geoinzenyringem. U tech freonu byla levna nahrada. U oteplovani neni jinej napad jak zpomalit oteplovani.

    cast lidi bude zasadne proti, cast lidi bude zasadne pro. Pokud to zacne delat treba Cina, jak ji zastavis.

    ono ani neni zjevny, ze je to spatny napad. Muze to koupit nejaky cas. Muze to ale dopadnout hodne havarijne.

    ted je to furt tak nejak pohoda. ale az vypuknou opravdove problemy na tom globalnim jihu, lidi budou pozadovat aby se NECO UDELALO (coz ale neni snizit jim zivotni uroven)

    “We joke slash not joke that this is partly a company and partly a cult,” he says.
    Iseman, previously a director of hardware at Y Combinator, says he expects to be pilloried by both geoengineering critics and researchers in the field for taking such a step, and he recognizes that “making me look like the Bond villain is going to be helpful to certain groups.” But he says climate change is such a grave threat, and the world has moved so slowly to address the underlying problem, that more radical interventions are now required.
    “It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this,” he says. What’s important is “to do this as quickly and safely as we can.”
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    rozepsala jsem ten clanek co hazel hynek do technoparanoie na FB

    "a je to tady"/zatím jen provokace: startup Make Sunsets začal do atmosféry vypouštět balóny se sírou. Síra způsobí, že se více slunečních paprsků odrazí zpět do kosmu = méně dopadne = snižuje se globální teplota. (když vybuchla Pinatubo, snížila teplotu o půl stupně).
    Solární geoinženýrství.
    Mnohem, mnohem levnější než vypnout fosil. S mnohem neprobádanějšími důsledky na počasí a další systémy na Zemi. Vědci jsou vesměs zásadně proti. Můj odhad podle toho jak já si představuju celkovou lidskou povahu je, že je jen otázka času, KDY se to začne dělat ve velkém, ne JESTLI se to bude dělat.
    Největší obavy kolem toho jsou, co se stane, když se to pak jednoho dne z nějakých důvodů dělat třeba přestane. Během dekády může teplota stoupnout zpět o tolik, co by jí normálně trvalo třeba padesát let.
    “What I want to do is create as much cooling as quickly as I responsibly can, over the rest of my life, frankly,” Iseman says, adding later that they will deploy as much sulfur in 2023 as “we can get customers to pay us” for.
    He hopes that by moving ahead in the controversial space, the startup will help drive the public debate and push forward a scientific field that has faced great difficulty carrying out small-scale field experiments amid criticism.
    “We joke slash not joke that this is partly a company and partly a cult,” he says.
    Iseman, previously a director of hardware at Y Combinator, says he expects to be pilloried by both geoengineering critics and researchers in the field for taking such a step, and he recognizes that “making me look like the Bond villain is going to be helpful to certain groups.” But he says climate change is such a grave threat, and the world has moved so slowly to address the underlying problem, that more radical interventions are now required.
    “It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this,” he says. What’s important is “to do this as quickly and safely as we can.”
    Jak tomu rozumím: pokud by lidstvo solární geoinženýring použilo po vzájemné celosvětové dohodě (důsledky se liší podle toho, kde přesně se to střílí do atmosféry), mohlo by to být jako lék na horečku, a mezitím masivně rozvíjet čistou energii, pak to pomaličku vypnout.
    Jenže pravděpodobnější je, že se to použije spíš jako pervitin: k zamaskování problémů a k pocitu, že teda není důvod s fosilem nějak rychle končit.
    Tj. záleží to na lidech, tj. jak se o tom začne víc mluvit bude to podobně kontroverzní jako jaderná energie, která taky záleží na lidech...
    Každopádně asi z toho budou hezké západy Slunce.
    Podrobnosti a zajímavost kdyžtak v komenářích.

    Mirka Misakova - "a je to tady"/zatím jen provokace:... | Facebook
    TADEAS --- ---
    citadely, regionalni off-grid

    Island refuges – Adapt Research Ltd

    Our work to date has been largely conceptual and theoretical, although we are currently undertaking an analysis of food exports in the New Zealand setting and the logistics of redirecting these locally, under circumstances of reduced yield, in a refuge situation.

    Next we want to identify a range of concrete steps that specific islands can take to improve their resilience to global catastrophe, and examine the cost-effectiveness and ethical dimensions of these approaches.

    - Undertake case studies of selected islands to determine what investments and developments are yet needed to ensure enduring self-sufficiency

    - Undertake case studies of promising island refuges to determine which key agricultural, industrial or fabrication technologies might be developed to maximise potential to reboot civilisation

    - Investigate the ethical aspects of island refuges, in particular stranded citizens, equity, representation of humanity, lifeboat ethics, and business harm from ‘false alarms’.

    - Determine the day-to-day benefits that might accrue to islands that address some of the above issues, eg improved public health, economic growth, and resilience to common natural disasters.

    - Undertake cost-effectiveness analysis of the most promising interventions

    We aim to spread the idea that islands are well placed to survive some of the most devastating catastrophes. But more than that, we want to help ensure that some islands are prepared enough that their populations will flourish even under these seriously adverse circumstances.

    Ultimately we envision a think tank directly addressing the issue of islands as refuge, an accessible maturity model (a play book!) of actions island societies could take to optimise resilience to pandemics and nuclear winter, and a global network of island policymakers sharing ideas.

    Ensuring flourishing hubs of complex thriving society can protect the long-term flourishing of humanity.

    TUHO --- ---
    Koukam, ze Bentley Allan pracuje na novy knizce “Producing the Climate: Geopolitics and Geophysics in the History of Global Climate Governance.” a ma k tomu i nejaky novy texty v odbornejch casacich. Jeho prvotinu Scientific Cosmology and International Orders jsem zhltnul na jeden zatah a doporucuju vsem, ktery zajima vztah mezinarodni politiky a vyvoje zapadniho vedeni a metafyziky na plochach staleti. V podstate je to o tom, jak se z ancien regime vyloupla modernita a co to vsechno znamenalo.

    No a slibovanej clanek:

    The rise of green industrial policy has injected purpose and competition into global environmental politics. Efforts to build green industry have raised the economic and geopolitical stakes of environmental issues as states seek to position their firms in global value chains and reshore strategic industries. This could help to generate the technologies and political momentum needed to accelerate global decarbonization. At the same time, these green interventions confront status quo interests and a variety of industrial policies that support fossil fuel-based industries. To help make sense of this new landscape, this introduction to the special issue defines green industrial policy and situates it within domestic political economy, social policy, and global geopolitics. We present six new studies that demonstrate and explore the global politics of green industrial policy. To illustrate the kinds of effects and implications of green industrial policy we are interested in exploring, we show how green industrial policy has transformed climate politics. Changes in state practice, ideas about the environment and economy, and technological cost declines came together to produce a new opportunistic and competitive climate politics. We then identify areas for further investigation as we call for a new climate politics research agenda, integrating green industrial policy more intentionally into studies of global environmental politics.

    Green Industrial Policy and the Global Transformation of Climate Politics | Global Environmental Politics | MIT Press
    TADEAS --- ---

    fukuyamovo review

    We're Cooked

    Robinson’s most recent book is his 2020 novel The Ministry for the Future, which Barack Obama named as one of his favorite books. The novel begins sometime in the mid-21st century, when global warming has continued largely unabated from the present. It begins with a massive heat wave that kills 20 million people in India in a single week, and ends, somewhat later in the century, in a happy place (spoiler alert) where enough carbon has been sucked out of the atmosphere to not just slow but to reverse global warming.


    The premise of the novel is that, following the Indian heat wave, the climate crisis has gotten so dangerous and immediate that governments around the world start throwing everything they have into fighting it. The crisis stimulates a shadowy underground movement called the Children of Kali that starts to assassinate executives of fossil fuel companies, blows up refineries, and shoots down airliners for their carbon output. Governments do not wait for international agreement, but on their own launch ambitious geo-engineering projects to do things like increase earth’s albedo or slow the melting of Antarctic glaciers. The most important initiative carried out by Mary Murphy and her Ministry is to convince a group of central bankers to issue unlimited numbers of carbon coins, which in effect pay people to either not produce or sequester carbon. Rather than making money from pumping oil and gas, fossil fuel companies find that they can earn more profits keeping their reserves in the ground. In addition to reversing the climate crisis, these massive interventions permit governments to cap incomes and institute something like universal basic income, so that everyone is protected from the huge economic disruptions that take place.


    I suppose that this novel is intended to be a hopeful blueprint for a way out of the climate crisis. Knowing what I do about global politics and human nature, however, The Ministry for the Future left me rather despairing that it will ever be solved. For all of his seeming political sophistication, Robinson posits the most optimistic possible political developments at every turn, developments that enable Russia, China, the United States, Europe, and the developing world to work together cooperatively to solve the problem. For example, the first three countries listed take their aircraft carriers out of military service and use them to support the pumping of groundwater in the Artic. After the heat catastrophe, India gets its act together and acts boldly as a world leader in geo-engineering. The assassinations of corporate executives and the downing of commercial airliners does not lead to repression of the eco-terrorists, but rather convinces people that they should travel by steamship and dirigible instead. They discover that they don’t actually need to get from Zurich to San Francisco in a day, but are much more productive spending several weeks on a ship. The massive economic downturn provoked by the effective withdrawal of liquidity produces global unemployment higher than that of the Great Depression, but it lasts less than a year as central banks create massive amounts of liquidity and are put under the effective control of the people of their respective countries. After being kidnapped and held hostage at one Davos conference, the world’s elites are safely released and agree to climb onboard with the policies demanded by their kidnappers. Five million people spontaneously march on Tiananmen Square and force the Communist Party to work to save the planet instead of prioritizing economic growth. At the same time that they deal with the climate crisis, governments around the world cap wealth and implement something like universal basic income. They do this as they are depopulating millions of square miles of their own territory and allowing it to be reclaimed by native flora and fauna.


    Robinson is right that our future depends on some big governance choices we have yet to make, both at national and international levels. I’m afraid, however, that if he’s right about the needed agenda, we’re all cooked
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Soil Microbiome and Gut Microbiome Connection | FoodPrint

    The Human Microbiome Project, another enormous and cross-disciplinary area of study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 2007 to 2016, was instrumental in beginning to tease out the connection between the soil microbiome and our gut microbiome, which both contain approximately the same number of active microorganisms. (There’s also a connection between the human gut microbiome and the ocean microbiome; they share about 73 percent of their microbes in common.) The soil microbiome likely evolved in tandem with the human microbiome and its estimated 39 trillion microbes that occupy our noses and mouths, our armpits and the palms of our hands, and most of all, our guts — particularly our large intestines. Our health is not only predicated on the activity of the microbes in our guts, but on the microbes we ingest both directly (from purposeful geophagy, or accidental dirt ingestion) and indirectly (in the form of plant crops) from the soil.

    “It’s an absolutely amazing story, how the same molecules are used for the health of a plant in soil and our own gut; it must be a very ancient system that’s been preserved,” says Mayer. Gut microbes produce enzymes that help us digest food and break it down into essential nutrients, producing vitamins our own bodies don’t possess the ability to make on their own; protect us from disease-causing bacteria by regulating our immune system and teaching it how to fight off invaders; as well as produce anti-inflammatory compounds. A microbiome is unique to a person, passed on from a mother when we’re born. Likewise, microbiomes in soil differ in composition depending on region, type of soil, plant matter, and a variety of other factors.

    Despite all the powerful benefits they can confer, microbiomes are hardly invincible, and human activity has done much to disrupt them. Industrial agricultural practices have an outsize role to play in the destruction of the soil microbiome. Tilling soil releases carbon and disrupts and damages bacteria, fungi, and arthropods. Monocropping saps nutrients from soil and decreases the beneficial microbes that live in it, leading to poorer plant growth and increased susceptibility to plant infections and diseases. Additionally, monocropping is heavily dependent on chemical inputs; these “negatively affect the biological functionaries of microbes, their diversity, composition, and biochemical processes,” according to multidisciplinary research from 2020 published in Land, causing “serious hazards to soil environment and human health.”

    This finding is supported by a new study conducted by the Center for Biological Diversity and other partners, which shows that pesticides are poisoning soil and all the life supported by it. “The prevalence of negative effects in our results underscores the need for soil organisms to be represented in any risk analysis of a pesticide that has the potential to contaminate soil,” the research concluded, “and for any significant risk to be mitigated in a way that will specifically reduce harm to the soil organisms that sustain important ecosystem services.

    As these microbes disappear, the soil and its plants suffer; and so does our health, as we take in significantly fewer, and fewer types, of tiny organisms into our gut microbiomes; some of these microbes may actually be in danger of extinction, says Mayer, with the effects on human health not fully understood. Additionally, our diets have become reliant on monocultures of processed and fatty foods that do not properly “feed” our tenant microbes and keep them in balance, leaving us susceptible to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer.

    In the same way that microbial diversity in soil is decreased by agricultural chemicals, our microbial gut diversity is reduced by antibiotics. Both antibiotics and synthetic pesticides have been critically important societal interventions, says Mayer, but the collateral damage to human and soil microbiomes has been “tremendous.” Figuring out how to restore and protect microbiomes — in soil, in people, in oceans, and air — will be the work of researchers for many years to come, and essential to supporting all life on our planet. “Nurture your ecosystem,” says Mayer, “and it will take care of everything else.”
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Relativne vyvazenej clanek na tema proc by narodni banky mely/nemely resit klimatickou zmenu

    Artur Linhart: Klimatická změna a Česká národní banka - proč se vytrhovat ze spánku - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---

    On Wednesday, a nonprofit organization called SilverLining announced $3 million in research grants to Cornell University, the University of Washington, Rutgers University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research and others. The work will focus on practical questions, such as how high in the atmosphere to inject sunlight-reflecting aerosols, how to shoot the right size particles into clouds to make them brighter, and the effect on the world’s food supply


    growing body of work already underway. In December, Congress gave the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $4 million to research the technology. NOAA will also start gathering data that will let it detect whether other countries start using geoengineering secretly. And Australia is funding experiments to determine whether and how the technology can save the Great Barrier Reef.

    “Decarbonizing is necessary but going to take 20 years or more,” Chris Sacca, co-founder of Lowercarbon Capital, an investment group that is one of SilverLining’s funders, said in a statement. “If we don’t explore climate interventions like sunlight reflection now, we are surrendering countless lives, species, and ecosystems to heat.”

    One way to cool the earth is by injecting aerosols into the upper layer of the atmosphere, where those particles reflect sunlight away from the earth. That process works, according to Douglas MacMartin, a researcher in mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell University whose team received funding. “We know with 100 percent certainty that we can cool the planet,” Dr. MacMartin said in an interview.

    What’s still unclear, he added, is what happens next.

    Temperature, Dr. MacMartin said, is a proxy for a lot of climate effects. “What does it do to the strength of hurricanes? What does it do to agriculture yields? What does it do to the risk of forest fires?”

    To help answer those questions, Dr. MacMartin will model the specific weather effects of injecting aerosols into the atmosphere above different parts of the globe, and also at different altitudes. “Depending on where you put it, you will have different effects on the monsoon in Asia,” he said. “You will have different effects on Arctic sea ice.”


    Injecting aerosol into the stratosphere isn’t the only way to bounce more of the sun’s rays back into space. The Australian government is funding research into what’s called “marine cloud brightening,” which is meant to make clouds more reflective by spraying saltwater into the air. The goal is to get salt particles to act as nuclei in those clouds, encouraging the formation of many small water droplets, which will increase the brightness of the clouds.

    Australian researchers say they hope the technique can save the Great Barrier Reef.
    TUHO --- ---
    As we plot our political, design, and cultural interventions in response to climate crisis and global pandemics, we should always ask: For what Earth do we design? Tomorrow we’ll talk on this with Lukáš Likavčan — a researcher and theorist, writing on philosophy of technology, political ecology and visual cultures. He teaches at Center for Audiovisual Studies FAMU in Prague, and at The Terraforming programme at Strelka Institute for Media Architecture and Design in Moscow.

    Follow the link:
    Introduction to Comparative Planetology. Lecture by Lukáš Likavčan
    TUHO --- ---
    Kdyby nekoho zajimalo odsud :) Tak Digital Earth vyhlasuje 9mesicni program s celkem slusnym stipendiem a velmi zajimavym vyzkumym programem.

    Planet Earth senses itself through a gigantic swarm of satellites and a multitude of smart city sensors scans the flows below and above its surface. The mechanical viewpoints of our phones observe, sense, and analyse our bodies and biologies while tracking our movements. As algorithms influence our behaviour, real-time surveillance technologies are shaping politics in a profound way from Harare to Beirut, and from Lagos to Beijing.
    A ‘sensorium’ describes the combined system of perception that an organism has to sense its surroundings. Has a planetary sensorium emerged in which a worldwide technological megastructure of cameras, sensors, laser lights, and ultrasonic waves gestures towards new organic and synthetic entanglements?
    To imagine a Planetary Sensorium is to both acknowledge and re-imagine our conception of Planet Earth. As increasingly sophisticated technologies are created to sense the world, the Planetary Sensorium is drastically shifting people's worldview in return. Infrastructural networks and logistics of pipelines, high speed rails, and fibre optic cables have informed the worldview of earth as an interconnected and globalised whole in service of a specific mono-culture of technology. This in turn produces its own geopolitical realities, impacting how people’s lives are governed across the world.
    The current planetary sensorial apparatus — sonic, tactile, visual, affective, and embodied — can help us to imagine alternate possibilities for the digital planet and new ways of living together. As the planet flows through human, technical agents, and other beings, a question then emerges: for which Earth do we create our intellectual, cultural, and artistic interventions?
    The theme is inspired by the philosophical work of Lukáš Likavčan.

    Open Call — Digital Earth
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