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    ztracené heslo?
    ILLUZERádi jíme...
    MOODYCAT --- ---
    APRILMOUSE: To mi povidej, mam zablokovany obe karty, takze 5 pracovnich dni bez penez, mam ted hodne nouzovou kuchyni :D
    APRILMOUSE --- ---
    .. vlastně už mám v ledničce už jen vajíčka :D a na nákup pojedem až zítra, takže.. carbonara s domácíma taglietellema :D

    KOCHANSKA_CH --- ---
    Středomořský rybí pátek - krevetové špagety/inertní nudle. Omáčka z redukce z domácích rajčat, překvapuje mě, jak je ten rajčatový základ sladký.

    WERKA --- ---
    GRANTORINO --- ---
    KASUMI: jo, ja uz jsem se naučila to nezahušťovat třeba klasicky moukou, takže jak je tam cmrndlá smetana, tak to vypadá, ale vlastně to moc hustý není, hlavně zelí a mám v tom osmahly brambory s cibulí ne moc :)
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    • Literally no one: …
    • SPIKE411: Já dělám podle tohoto receptu, zdroj to už smazal (New York Times Cooking, tuším), ale dá se najít zkopírovaný jinde…

    Veselka's Famous Borscht Recipe | Epicurious


    • 3 pounds (10 to 12) small beets, scrubbed thoroughly but not peeled
    • 9 tablespoons white vinegar
    • One 2- pound boneless pork butt, halved
    • 8 cups Beef Stock (page 33)
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 1 teaspoon whole allspice berries
    • 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
    • 3 large carrots, peeled and sliced
    • 3 large celery stalks, sliced
    • 1 small head of green cabbage (about 3/4 to 1 pound), shredded (about 4 cups)
    • 2 medium Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2- inch dice
    • One 15- ounce can lima beans, drained and rinsed
    • Salt

    1. To make the “beet water,” roughly chop 2 pounds of the beets (select the smaller ones), preferably in a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Place the chopped beets in a large stockpot. Add 10 cups of water and 1 tablespoon vinegar.
    2. Place the stockpot over high heat and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 2 hours. (If it seems like the liquid is evaporating too quickly, you may need to cover the pot partially with an off set lid.) The beets should be extremely soft and the liquid bright red.
    3. Strain the liquid, pressing the cooked beets against the side of the strainer to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard the pulp or reserve to make Beet Salad (page 90). Set aside the beet water. You should have just about 4 cups.
    4. Meanwhile, place the remaining 1 pound of whole beets in a separate large stockpot.
    5. Add water to cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, and simmer until the beets are tender- firm, about 40 minutes. When the beets are cooked, add 1 tablespoon white vinegar and set them aside to cool.
    6. When the whole cooked beets are cool enough to handle, peel them; the skins should slip off easily. Grate the peeled beets on the largest holes of a box grater or in a food processor fitted with the grating blade.
    7. To make the broth, place the pork butt in a large stockpot and add the beef stock. If necessary, add a little more stock or water to cover. Add the bay leaf, allspice berries, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, and simmer until the meat is tender and beginning to fall apart, about 2 hours. Set the pork aside to cool. When the pork is cool enough to handle, remove it from the pot and cut the meat into 1 /2- inch cubes. Strain the broth and discard the bay leaf, allspice berries, and peppercorns. Reserve the cubed meat and 4 cups of the broth.
    8. To cook the vegetables, place the carrots and celery in a large stockpot and pour the reserved meat broth over them. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer until the carrots and celery are just tender, about 8 minutes. Add the cabbage and potatoes and continue to cook until the potatoes and carrots are easily pierced with a pairing knife but keep their shape, 15 to 20 additional minutes. Add the lima beans and cook for 5 additional minutes, just to meld the flavors. Gradually add the remaining 7 tablespoons white vinegar, tasting between additions and stopping when the flavor is to your liking. Remove the soup from the heat and set aside.
    9. To compose the soup, in a large soup pot combine the “beet water” and meat broth with the vegetables. Add the cubed pork and the grated beets. Stir to combine and bring to a simmer over low heat. Season to taste with salt and serve immediately.

    Měl to být recept z Veselky v NYC (ale nebyl jsem tam, tak nemůžu potvrdit)

    The Queen of Borscht

    The Bittersweet Tale of a Diner, a Toy Shop and a Changing New York - The New York Times

    Nahradili to tam nějakými alternativními recepty…

    Winter Borscht Recipe - NYT Cooking

    Ukrainian Christmas Borscht - The New York Times

    (Případný paywall možno obejít nějakým zakázáním JavaScriptu, rozšířením uMatrix apod.)
    KOCHANSKA_CH --- ---
    Hovězí krk dušený na víně, cibuli a švestkách, s trochou perníkového koření. Celerové pyré, karamelizované švestky. CrockPot vařil dlouho, hovězí si to žádá a vyplatí se to. :-)

    POHODAVOLE --- ---
    KASUMI: tohle byl easy job. Na vnitrni napln jsem smichal jalapena s rozmackanym cesnekem a zalil olejem s cibuli, kozima rohama, novym korenim, bobkovym listem a celym peprem. Jestli se obcas pohybujes na praze 6, tak skoc na slamnik. Tam ho maj super :)

    [POHODAVOLE @ nakládaný hermelín, utopenci a jiné hospodské bašty k pivu!!]

    KASUMI: dal jsem tam kureci vyvar s minimem masa od tchyne, ale dle me neni nutny. Repa byla cerstva. Akorat jsem nesehnal cerstve bile zeli, tak jsem dal kysele, ktere tam padlo skvele dle me. Kyselosti mi to stacilo, takze jsem uz nepridaval ocet. Zena by ho zas ocenila a jeste by dala chilli, tak jsem do porce nize pridal cerstvy a taky fajn.
    KASUMI --- ---
    POHODAVOLE: dala bych si dobrej, spolehlivej nalozenej hermelin.. mnam..
    GRANTORINO: uz se tesim, az bude hnusne.. fakt :D ted je mi blby delat husty syty polivky :)

    POHODAVOLE: zeleninovej? a nalozena nebo cerstva repa? ja jsem milovnik borsce.. mnam.. vzdycky varim kotel a pak si mrazim porce do mrazaku na horsi casy
    POHODAVOLE --- ---
    Delal jsem prvne borsc a byl top!

    APRILMOUSE --- ---
    KOZINA: http://www.kublanka.cz/slane-peceni/pita_chleb

    Poznamka pro příště, dat vyvalene placky kynout na plechy (vic plechu) a stridat plechy v troube. Pri prendavani placek z linky na plech se natahnou a nenafouknou :-) tu tloustku potreba hlidat, tenka mista to pokazí.
    KOZINA --- ---
    APRILMOUSE: recept prosím!
    APRILMOUSE --- ---
    .. a taky jsem se poprvé pokusila upéct pita chléb, jsem teda dost nadšena :) sice ještě je potřeba drobnosti doladit, ale tohle bude stopro stálice! :)

    APRILMOUSE --- ---
    fakt to milujem :D všichni bez rozdílu :)

    KOCHANSKA_CH --- ---
    Zbytek vepřové pečeně prohřátý s domácí barbecue omáčkou podle Grusovky, kedlubnové nudle, řepa s červenou cibulí a slunečnicí.

    KOCHANSKA_CH --- ---
    CMLKA: V Nevadě, Arizoně, Coloradu, Utahu...
    CMLKA --- ---
    KOCHANSKA_CH: A kde s tim vsim varili??
    GRANTORINO --- ---
    A takováhle krásná omeleta na mne včera čekala ráno od muže...

    GRANTORINO --- ---
    Nojo a jak byly ty deštivé dny, tak kotel zelňačky 👌

    ACIDQA --- ---
    Snidane, krupicanda s tvarohem, halloumi burger se zbytkem avokadovy salsy od snidane (dobry!:), cesnekovy kure na houbach s zerve (taky furt dobry! :)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam