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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Greenwashing: když je elektřina eko jenom jako
    Zelenou elektřinu už dnes nabízí celá řada dodavatelů. Není ale všechno zlato, co se třpytí. A není ani všechna elektřina zelená, co se jako zelená tváří. S elektřinou je to totiž o něco složitější, než s jinými produkty. Elektřina je komodita a ve vaší zásuvce odvede stejnou službu bez ohledu na to, z jakého zdroje se vyrobí. Velký rozdíl je ale v tom, zda je výroba elektřiny ekologická a udržitelná.

    Greenwashing: když je elektřina eko jenom jako – Elektřina Nazeleno
    TUHO --- ---
    BP denied the oil reached Mexico, but fisherman and scientists knew it wasn’t true. Ten years on, Mexican communities haven’t received a cent in compensation

    ‘We’ve been abandoned’: a decade later, Deepwater Horizon still haunts Mexico | US news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    While we stay at home to protect public health, corporate lobbyists are trying to undermine crucial EU environmental rules on nature, plastics, chemicals and climate.
    We won't let them get away with these cynical attacks. We cannot afford to return to business as usual once this crisis is over. We must build back better.

    5 ways opportunistic lobbyists are using coronavirus to attack EU environmental laws – META
    TUHO --- ---
    American science denialism, deployed for years against climate change and, most recently, the coronavirus, can be traced back to the early 1950s during the fight over smog in Los Angeles.
    When a Cal-Tech biochemist fingered nitrogen oxide emissions and uncombusted hydrocarbons from automobiles and refineries as the cause of the thick smog that often blanketed the city, the American Petroleum Institute counter-attacked by highlighting the alleged uncertainty of his science. The tactic was a test run for the fossil fuel industry's assault 40 years later on climate science.
    Decades of climate denial now appear to have paved the way for denial of Covid-19 by many on the right, according to experts on climate politics. After the fossil fuel industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars attacking climate scientists and accentuating the supposed uncertainty of climate science, it isn't hard to understand how that happened.

    Decades of Science Denial Related to Climate Change Has Led to Denial of the Coronavirus Pandemic | InsideClimate News
    TUHO --- ---
    Umrel Fred Singer, jedna z nejvyznamejsich hlavnich postav klimadezinformacniho hnuti. Jeden z tech, ktery makali jak pro tabakovej prumysl, tak pro fosil. Clovek, kteryho casto citoval Vaclav Klaus.

    Singer seemed to take special pleasure in discrediting scientists who investigated the ways that human activity threatens public health and the safety of our planet, the sort of research that informs regulations to solve problems ranging from acid rain’s toll on forests to DDT’s impacts on wildlife, as well as — of course — the effects of climate change on us all.
    ...Singer had collaborated with a tobacco-funded PR firm to undermine the science on the dangers of smoking. Singer performed this stunt 29 years after the Surgeon General warned, in 1964, that smoking caused lung cancer; and 21 years after the Surgeon General's 1972 call for a smoking ban in restaurants and other public places.

    May He Rest.

    Muzete is ho pripomenout treba timhle filmem, kde vystupoval :)

    Merchants of Doubt Official Trailer 1 (2014) - Documentary HD

    Merchants of Doubt_2014_hc.titulky.CZ.avi | Ulož.to
    LINKOS --- ---
    Tak a tohle vám zavře hubu, vy bolševický alarmisti!
    Klimatická změna. Co když je vše jinak?
    TUHO --- ---
    DAN_F: Same old, stejny kecy, stejna taktika. Jenom to sem odkazuju, ze to pouziva fosilni prumysl i v nasem kontextu... Nemyslim tim zadne kosnpirace, jenom ze vyuziva svoje kanaly k tomu, aby nastavilo nejakym zpusobem agendu.
    DAN_F --- ---
    TUHO: Něco nového a zajímavého oproti [ TUHO @ Dezinformace o klimatu // Dark Money and the Science of Deception ], nebo víceméně same old, same old?
    TUHO --- ---
    Fosilni prumysl se snazi vytvorit si svoji Gretu Thunberg...

    „Domnívá-li se člověk, že může emisemi oxidu uhličitého zničit klima, tak těžce přeceňuje své síly,“ prohlásila Seibtová na Konferenci konzervativní politické akce na konci února v Marylandu.
    Zdůrazňuje význam jiných činitelů, jako např. sluneční energie, které považuje za skutečné hnací síly globálního oteplování. Přitom množství sluneční energie dopadající na Zemi od 70. let 20. století klesá, jak ukazují měření prováděná mj. americkou vládou.

    Mladá Němka je zrcadlem dnešního Německa i Evropy | iUHLI.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Zacina vychazet novy casak Hrot. Takze myslim, ze budeme moct ocekavat dalsi hromady debilit :))

    TUHO --- ---
    Youtube a jeho role v sireni dezinformaci

    I was aware that some colleagues have complained that serious climate information channels face increasing obstacles from YouTube while denial sites are thriving. There are also similar concerns about organised “anti-science movements” in other disciplines such as vaccination (Hotez, 2020), and the science community has a common interest in preserving the confidence in science.
    Both the increasing obstacles on serious material and the promotion of intellectual rubbish are problematic, and I think we need to let YouTube hear that this actually is a big problem that can easily be fixed. According to a report in the Guardian, YouTube has acted on conspiracy theories about 5G and corona, and WhatsApp has allegedly in made changes to limit the spread of conspiracy theories. Hopefully, YouTube will also listen when it comes to climate change.

    A problem with YouTube « RealClimate
    TUHO --- ---
    Casopis Sifra si jede tedka hlavne demence a dezinforamce kolem koronaviru, ale obcas si najde cas i na stare dobre klima:

    A tak jsem postupně s rostoucím znepokojením sledoval, jak se popisování hrozících rizik mění ve stále propracovanější propagandu. Asi nejlepším a nejdůležitějším počinem, který se podvody ve vědě v zájmu politiky zabývá, je dílo s názvem Hokejkový graf: Climategate a korupce vědy. Kniha Andrewa Montforda je vlastně příběhem jednoho jediného grafu. Na základě rekonstrukce teplot za posledních 1000 let jej vytvořil přední klimatolog Michael Mann se svými kolegy. Snažili se dokázat bezprecedentní nárůst teplot v uplynulém století, zejména v posledních desetiletích. Mannova rekonstrukce teplot byla použita ve zprávách IPCC jako důkaz globálního oteplování a skutečnosti, že teploty na Zemi nebyly nikdy vyšší než teď.

    TUHO --- ---
    Google prestava financovat klima-popiracsky organizace!
    (Jo a je to april)

    In lieu of our normal April Fools’ joke, today we’re getting serious. Over the past few weeks, the world has come to a halt, our healthcare systems have been overwhelmed, and countless people are experiencing food and housing insecurity. This crisis has caused Google to reflect on how critical it is to respond to another global emergency: climate change. Today, we would like to announce a small step in that direction: we will stop our funding of organizations that deny or work to block action on climate change, effective immediately.

    Today Google stops funding climate change deniers
    TUHO --- ---
    This type of partisan scientific divide isn’t new. Stephan Lewandowsky, professor of psychology at the University of Bristol in England, argues that coronavirus denial is similar to climate change denial. It’s also perpetuated by the same cast of characters. “Online, some of the ‘professional’ climate deniers are also now professional downplayers of COVID,” he said. “They perceive it as a threat, in the same way that climate change is — not just to the economy, but also to the way in which the economy operates.”
    Lewandowsky thinks that certain political views can drive rejection of scientific evidence. People who champion individualism, idolize the free market, or take an anti-big government stance may find it easier to downplay the severity of these crises than to imagine a world in which economically devastating work stoppages — or even carbon taxes — are required.

    ‘Misinformation kills’: The link between coronavirus conspiracies and climate denial | Grist
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: // no jinak asi vas neprekvapi, kdo vlastni E15 :))
    TUHO --- ---
    A neco z toho, jak to argumentacne hrajou fosilni tycoons a jak se snazi vyuzit pandemie k posileni svojich pozic proti klimatickemu hnuti

    Do doby pandemie sílil politický proud ekologického a klimatického aktivismu a vypadalo to, že se mu byznys bude muset radikálně podřídit. Myslíte, že se v souvislosti s nepochybným poklesem ekonomiky některá již schválená opatření zmírní?
    Myslím, že by nebylo správné najednou zcela ustupovat z tématu, které bylo prioritou politiků řady zemí. Co dává smysl, je přehodnotit jednotlivá opatření. Za sebe musím říci, že i kdybych byl prvním bojovníkem proti klimatické změně, nevolil bych opatření, která byla schválena. Nesporně v evropské regulaci existuje řada bodů, kde můžeme pomoci ekonomice, aniž bychom ubližovali ambicím v oblasti CO2. V Evropě jsme nejvíce zvyšovali náklady života střední třídy, i když to nebylo vidět – prostřednictví růstu ceny některých komodit, třeba elektrické energie, ale nejenom té. Přitom to z hlediska dosahování energetických cílů ani nebylo potřeba. Takže věřím, že ta debata teď možná proběhne racionálněji.

    Více na https://www.e15.cz/...e-jak-spatne-se-pracuje-s-cisly-kolem-koronaviru-rika-daniel-kretinsky-1368167
    TUHO --- ---
    Issue frames portraying climate science as uncertain are cited as a key impediment to new climate change and energy policies. However, some have recently argued that the debate over policy impacts, especially policy impacts on consumers, has become more politically salient than the debate over science. This study applies qualitative content analysis to 340 documents from the conservative think tank, the Heartland Institute, to test whether certain policy frames have become more common among leading opponents of climate policy in the United States. The results indicate a continued reliance on science framing, with more directed attacks on climate scientists and fewer frames stressing the uncertainty of climate science. An increase in the use of policy frames related to effects on consumers also suggests that opposition to climate policy is taking new forms as the political debate evolves, with ramifications for climate change policy opposition on an international scale.

    TUHO --- ---
    Tématu klimatu se všude v Evropě chopily populistické i krajně pravicové strany, které popíračství dovedně předkládají laickému publiku s vydatnou podporou dezinformačních webů. Tady už se neargumentuje diskontní mírou nebo klimatickou citlivostí, ale národem, suverenitou, spiknutím globálních elit. Na rozdíl od situace před několika lety jsou environmentální programy populistických a krajně pravicových stran mapovány mnohem důsledněji, a to hlavně z toho důvodu, že jejich klimaskeptickou rétoriku v některých případech absorbují i tradiční středo-pravicové strany, což v důsledku může znamenat krach evropského klimatického projektu.

    Evropská klimaskepse se mění, chopily se jí populistické strany – A2larm
    TUHO --- ---
    Deniers of manmade climate change don’t have an easy time in Germany. For years, a stable 80% of the population has been convinced of climate change, supports a switch to greener energy and backs tougher climate goals. Environmental campaigners regularly receive increased donations and report growing membership. In contrast to the US, UK or Australia, there is barely a single major German company that openly opposes climate science. And the media rarely give a platform to anyone sceptical about the scale of the climate crisis.

    But what the deniers now have instead is a platform in the German parliament. The far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) challenges the scientific consensus on climate, describes climate policy as “hysteria” and mocks Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future school strikes movement, and has seats in the Bundestag and in all the German regional parliaments. The AfD has abandoned the previous cross-party consensus on the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Paris climate agreement. It sees itself as the defender of disputed diesel technology, rails against the supposed “eco-madness” and rewards climate change deniers – even those who challenge all the serious scientific findings – with invitations to address parliamentary committees. Strategically, the AfD is using climate politics as a key way to distinguish itself from the established parties. Its leader, Alexander Gauland, sees climate as the “third big issue for the AfD” after the euro and the refugee crisis.

    Climate denial is the latest hobby horse of the German far right | Bernhard Pötter | World news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Dezinformace o klimatu se potkavaji s dezinformacemi o COVID

    “Is coronavirus worse than the flu?” it began. “No, not even close.”
    “It already has spread from person-to-person in the U.S., but it probably won't go far,” ACSH added. “And the American healthcare system is excellent at dealing with this sort of problem.”
    ACSH is one of several organizations promoting climate science denial that are now spreading misinformation on the coronavirus, with potentially deadly consequences.

    American Council on Science and Health?
    The ACSH presents itself to the public as a proponent of “peer-reviewed mainstream science,” in the words of the organization’s mission. Their experts have frequently been quoted in mainstream newspapers and magazines, and they pen columns criticizing journalists who write critically about companies like Monsanto. The group has received funding from oil giants including ExxonMobil, as well as from the agribusiness, chemical and tobacco industries to name a few.

    Meet the Climate Science Deniers Who Downplayed COVID-19 Risks | DeSmog
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