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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Jo a tohle by nemelo uniknout pozornosti Naomi Oreskses je top svetova kapacita na studium dezinfo kampani fosilniho prumyslu...

    Do doctors really know what they are talking about when they tell us vaccines are safe? Should we take climate experts at their word when they warn us about the perils of global warming? Why should we trust science when our own politicians don’t? In this landmark book, Naomi Oreskes offers a bold and compelling defense of science, revealing why the social character of scientific knowledge is its greatest strength—and the greatest reason we can trust it.

    Tracing the history and philosophy of science from the late nineteenth century to today, Oreskes explains that, contrary to popular belief, there is no single scientific method. Rather, the trustworthiness of scientific claims derives from the social process by which they are rigorously vetted. This process is not perfect—nothing ever is when humans are involved—but she draws vital lessons from cases where scientists got it wrong. Oreskes shows how consensus is a crucial indicator of when a scientific matter has been settled, and when the knowledge produced is likely to be trustworthy.

    Based on the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Princeton University, this timely and provocative book features critical responses by climate experts Ottmar Edenhofer and Martin Kowarsch, political scientist Jon Krosnick, philosopher of science Marc Lange, and science historian Susan Lindee, as well as a foreword by political theorist Stephen Macedo.

    Why Trust Science? | Princeton University Press
    TUHO --- ---
    The podcast Drilled investigates the propaganda campaign of the century — the creation of climate denial.

    Season 1 traced the corporate-funded creation and spread of climate denial, including interviews with former Exxon scientists, primary source documents, and an in-depth look at the history of fossil fuel-funded influence campaigns.

    Season 2: Hot Water follows a group of West Coast crab fisherman who are experiencing firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change. And this unlikely group of climate activists just became the first industry to sue Big Oil.

    Season 3: The Mad Men of Climate Denial digs into the history of fossil fuel propaganda and the few “Mad Men of climate denial” who shaped it.

    Drilled: A True Crime Podcast About Climate Change | DeSmog
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: a co teprv kolik energie se musi dodat jaderny elektrarne aby tak strasne kourila
    KEB --- ---
    Copy pasta z diskuze na oenergetice o 14mw turbínách

    19. prosinec 2020, 17:10
    A si predstavte, ze medzi nami ziju ludia, ktory si myslia, ze tie turbiny funguju opacne, je im dodavana EE aby fungovali ako ventilator a ovladali pocasie v EU, to som pocul presne pred par dnami na obede v praci od spolusediacich :D A vsetci okolo to zrali, slintali a krochkali nad tym ako odhalili obrovsku konspiraciu...

    Pro pobavení...
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    But the Competitive Enterprise Institute — a longtime disseminator of disinformation on climate science and supported by petroleum funding sources including the oil giant ExxonMobil and petrochemical billionaire Koch foundations — dismisses this imperative and instead tries to portray electrified transport as environmentally problematic in a paper titled, “Would More Electric Vehicles Be Good for the Environment?”

    “This is a grab bag of old and misleading claims about EVs [electric vehicles],” said David Reichmuth, a senior engineer in the clean transportation program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “If you want to answer this question [posed by the report’s title], you have to also look at the question of what are the impacts of the current gasoline and diesel transport system, and this report just ignores that.”

    Climate Deniers Are Claiming EVs Are Bad for the Environment — Again. Here’s Why They’re Wrong. | DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    This is especially true for climate disinformation on social media. On Twitter, more than a quarter of the tweets about climate change come from bots (with the vast majority of these bots spreading lies). Investigative reporting by The New York Times recently revealed a well-funded effort to create “astroturf” grassroots campaigns supporting oil companies (when the campaigns were in fact funded by energy companies).
    Right-wingers have long understood that fiction can be much more persuasive than truth, and that selling their pro-pollution, anti-worker platform requires them to lie. “A compelling story, even if factually inaccurate, can be more emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth,” as GOP strategist Frank Luntz advised conservatives in his infamous 2002 memo on climate messaging.
    A disturbing number of the most viral stories on any given day are from far-right pseudo-news sources like The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro’s conservative media arm, which is owned by the Wilks, a family that made billions on fracking. Republicans are outperforming Democrats in this digital echo chamber, in no small part because they use a network of big Facebook pages to cross-promote content.

    Why Democrats Lose on Social Media While Republicans Lie and Win Big | The Nation
    TADEAS --- ---
    'Vast Blind Spot': IPCC Accused of Ignoring 'Decades Long' Fossil Fuel Misinformation Campaign on Climate | DeSmog
    TADEAS --- ---
    As always, excellent investigative research by @amywestervelt on Big Oil's decades-long campaign to shape education and through that, ideology.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Exxon Spends Millions on Facebook To Keep the Fossil Fuel Industry Alive - In These Times
    KYARA --- ---
    NA SEVERU: Podvodníci klimatických změn a politická agenda
    NA SEVERU: Dvacet pět způsobů jak potlačit pravdu aneb opravdu důležitá příručka o tom jak se bránit
    TUHO --- ---
    Přestože uhelná komise měla být původně „odborná“, zájmy svého zaměstnavatele v ní hájí Pavel Farkač, zástupce ředitele Sev.en energy uhlobarona Pavla Tykače. Co víc, nominoval ho do ní Ústecký kraj. Odvolá ho dnes nové vedení kraje?

    TUHO --- ---
    Uaaa Jan Machacek, miluju tyhle mouly, ktery se snazen pusobit ucene

    Když nějaký vědní obor místo živého diskursu připomíná spíše nerozbornou a uvědomělou národní frontu, je to i pouhému laikovi prostě poněkud podezřelé. Z tohoto pohledu lze jistě „pozvednout obočí“ nad dnešní klimatologií a nejen její bratření se s jistou švédskou dorostenkou. Tady se lze důvodně obávat, že různé pohledy na věc klimatologie novému americkému prezidentovi nabízet nebude. Až bude naslouchat, neuslyší živé bublání vřelé vody, ale jednotvárné hučení.

    Jan Macháček: Biden bude naslouchat vědě | Plus
    MATT --- ---
    kdyby nekoho zajimalo jak vypada dezinfo v hydrogeologii





    a mraz nam opet prichazi z moskvy.. „Společnost AGP Beton ovládaná Františkem Jampílkem sídlí v budově, kterou vlastní společnost z koncernu Agrofert. Společnost AGP Beton navíc dříve patřila pod Agrofert, než ji v roce 2017 prodal společnosti České štěrkopísky ovládané právě Františkem Jampílkem,“ upozornil Holomčík. https://hodoninsky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/tezba-sterkopisku-zamirila-na-ministerstvo-20190811.html
    TUHO --- ---

    JINDRICH --- ---
    btw - srozumitelne o dezinformacní lobby:

    Kampaň proti klimatu | MFDF Ji.hlava
    TUHO --- ---
    trosku vic ze siroka o fosilnim prumyslu a geopolitice

    Daniel Dennett, was a U.S. counterintelligence agent stationed in Beirut, Lebanon, during and after World War II, and his job was to protect oil and other American interests from fierce competition from America’s wartime allies. In his daughter’s view, this likely led him to become one of America’s first victims of “the Great Game for Oil,” as she calls it.

    Book Review | The Crash of Flight 3804: A Lost Spy, a Daughter’s Quest, and the Deadly Politics of the Great Game for Oil | DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    A private investigator working for Adani took covert photographs of an environmental activist walking his nine-year-old daughter to primary school, court documents have revealed.
    The affidavit of the investigator – who was instructed by lawyers representing Adani in its civil case against activist Ben Pennings – also revealed he surveilled Pennings’s wife, trawled her Facebook page and followed her to work.

    Private investigator hired by Adani secretly photographed activist's daughter on way to school | Business | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    An open letter that emerged earlier this month opposing COVID-19 shutdowns and calling for a “herd immunity” approach to addressing the coronavirus — which already has claimed over 220,000 American lives — is one of the latest examples of how right-wing ideology and think tanks that have long cultivated climate science denial are now engaging in COVID disinformation and promoting messaging dangerous to public health.

    Known as the Great Barrington Declaration, this statement advocating for herd immunity was introduced in early October at an event hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, a conservative free-market think tank located in the western Massachusetts town of Great Barrington. This think tank, funded in part through a corporate investment firm with holdings in major oil and petrochemical companies, operates a network for the international business community that partners with other institutions backed by Koch and fossil fuel cash.

    A Right-Wing Think Tank Is Behind the Controversial Great Barrington Declaration Calling for COVID-19 Herd Immunity | DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    Climategate and climate conspiracy theories
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