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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    Several Conservative MPs and peers cited the 2019 report by Policy Exchange in parliament and the home secretary, Priti Patel, repeated its claims about the climate campaigners being “extremists”.

    A new investigation by the news website openDemocracy reveals that in 2017, the thinktank received $30,000 (£25,000) from US oil company ExxonMobil.
    Policy Exchange and Exxon declined to comment.

    Thinktank that briefed against XR given $30k by ExxonMobil in 2017 | Extinction Rebellion | The Guardian
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    Trochu kontextu ke Climategate. Pozdejsi vysetrovani ukazalo, ze ve stejnou dobu byly pokusy o kradeze dat v ruznych klimatickych pracovistich po svete.

    “This is disturbing news and it shows that there is an organized criminal campaign that is going to great lengths to infiltrate secure facilities and steal private data,” said Jim Hoggan, author of the new book Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming. “We don’t know who is behind these criminal acts, but we hope they will eventually be unmasked by police. In the meantime, what we do know is that the individuals and organizations that quickly launched an online PR campaign to misrepresent the content of the hacked emails from the University of East Anglia are part of a decades-long confusion campaign to delay government action on the issue.”

    Breaking: Hackers attempt to access Canadian government Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis - DeSmog
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    Muj novej favorit: twitter novyho projektu Budinskyho (exministr ODS, ex-CEZ, ex-Severoceska uhelna, nyni uhelny lobbista za Euracoal) - Konec uhli - nova energie. Tam jedou totalni bizary. Neotepluje se, protoze rok 2021 nebyl nejteplejsi v historii. Pak sdilej to, ze 311 perut RAF jjako prvni bombardovala Brusel .)) A tedka tohle (hodinky nebo holinky oboji se natahuje)

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Kremlik koukam delal i vystavu o globalnim oteplovani pro Muzeum v Sumperku.
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    Ukazuje se ale, že to jde i jinak. V městském muzeu v Šumperku uspořádali pro školy a veřejnost výstavu „Globální oteplování – ano či ne?“, která se snaží ukázat změny klimatu klidně a bez hysterie.

    Přidaná hodnota této výstavy je výrazně vyšší. Je tu celkem 22 propracovaných panelů (Prima klima jich měla jen 12 a Nadace Partnerství pouze 6).

    Proč o tolik větší rozsah? Protože zde se dozvíte i to, co vám klimatičtí aktivisté nechtějí prozradit. Dozvíte se tu i o přírodních příčinách změn klimatu! A dozvíte se i o tom, za co se klimatologové stydí a o čem tak neradi mluví. O politizaci klimatologie (aféra Climategate, hokejkový graf, obchod s klimatickými odpustky, Maurice Strong atd.).

    Rovněž se tu korektně uvádí na pravou míru ona mystifikace, že prý klimaskeptici jako Klaus popírají změny klimatu.

    Autor výstavy, Mgr. Milan Dvořák z muzea v Šumperku, je profesí zoolog a geolog. Jak známo, většina geologů se dívá na klimatický alarmismus s rozpaky. Ať už je to geolog a bloger Karel Drábek, geolog a klimatolog George Kukla nebo ze zahraničí geologové jako Tim Patterson.

    S radostí jsem přijal žádost muzea, abych se na přípravě výstavy podílel jako odborný konzultant. Řada grafů a dat na výstavě ostatně pochází ze stránek Klimaskeptik.cz. S potěšením mohu říci, že se tyto stránky za poslední roky staly zřejmě nejrozsáhlejším českým on-line zdrojem informací o změnách klimatu.

    Vítězslav Kremlík: Výstavy o změnách klimatu často matou veřejnost. Ale jde to i jinak - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Last week we exposed how ExxonMobil poured in over $4 million into 1,211 climate change misinformation and greenwashing ads that have received over 100 million impressions on Facebook and Instagram - despite their CEO’s statement last month that the company “does not spread disinformation regarding climate change.″

    Alongside their own targeted ad campaigns, fossil fuel companies including ExxonMobil fund trade organisations to do the same. In this data drop we expose how the American Petroleum Institute (API), alongside other industry groups, is using Facebook ads on a vast scale to target national and state-level climate-change and environmental legislation in the US.

    Eco-Bot.Net’s AI system retrieved ad data from Facebook's APIs from 1st January to 21st October this year. These political and issue ads are then moderated, verified and investigated by independent journalists using academic definitions of climate disinformation and greenwashing.
    TUHO --- ---
    Eco-Bot.Net: Exposing climate change disinformation and corporate greenwashing on social media during COP26.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Report tu

    InfluenceMap The US Oil/Gas Industry and the War in Ukraine
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    Jak valku na Ukrajine vyuziva fosilni prumysl k vytvareni a posilovani kulturni valky...

    “On February 24, within hours of Putin’s invasion, I was just watching these serious patterns emerge,” said Christina Arena, a public relations and climate disinformation expert. Arena worked for the PR firm Edelman when it handled the API account, so she knows a campaign when she sees one. “API and other trade associations were echoing similar talking points immediately, anti-Biden talking points, anti-renewable energy talking points.” That kind of consistency and media training takes months, not days, to prep, she said.

    That prompted Arena to reach out to InfluenceMap, a think tank that tracks the influence of corporate lobbying on climate policy. InfluenceMap teamed up with Media Matters for America and Triplecheck to look into what various fossil fuel interests were saying about Russia-Ukraine and how those messages were being amplified. The organizations’ resulting report pinpoints the top messages and messengers, and how they map to big policy wins.

    Some of the findings are to be expected. API went big, as did Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The usual suspects amplified the industry’s messaging: Breitbart News, Fox News, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn. All told, API placed 651 Facebook ads from the end of January to April 1, reaching more than 19 million people. On February 24, the day of the invasion, API and its network got busy. “There’s a huge peak where we get to 100 fossil fuel misinformation posts that yielded over 5 million likes, comments, and shares,” Arena noted.

    But there are some less expected findings too. After battling gas bans for two years, the gas side of the industry seems to have fully embraced the fact that the climate movement doesn’t see it as its friend anymore. Gas entities that joined the party include the American Gas Association (a trade group for gas utilities), Hess Corp., and Sempra Infrastructure.

    The types of messages were also a surprise. After a decade or so of greenwashing, the fossil fuel industry is going full culture war. The report finds three key messages across hundreds of social media posts and media appearances: American fossil fuel production ensures freedom and national security; high gas prices are caused by climate policy, and the solution is more drilling; and climate change is something only liberal “woke” elites care about.

    There’s also a push to convince people that some kind of Green New Deal-adjacent policy is in place and that is what’s driving up gas prices. “I think you could call it a disinformation-driven heist of public policy,” Arena said.

    And there’s the timeline, and the dividends this campaign has paid to the industry. By mid-March, the Energy Department was starting to grant permits to increase the volume at some liquid natural gas export terminals. “So that’s two weeks maybe from the start of the crisis,” said Faye Holder, the lead author of the InfluenceMap report. “We’ve seen a heavy, heavy use of social media, both in advertising and organic content. And then they’re feeding off of media too. A lot of the things that are retweeted by API, for instance, are Mike Sommers on Fox News.”

    How the Fossil Fuel Industry Took Advantage of Ukraine War
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    TUHO: Climate change has become enmeshed in the so-called “culture wars.” Acceptance of the scientific consensus is now seen as an alignment with liberal views consistent with other “cultural” issues that divide the country (i.e., abortion, gun control, health care, and evolution).
    This partisan divide on climate change was not the case in the 1990s. It is a recent phenomenon,
    following in the wake of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty that threatened the material interests of powerful
    economic and political interests, particularly members of the fossil-fuel industry.
    3 The great danger of a protracted partisan divide is that the debate will take the form of what I call a “logic schism,” a breakdown in debate, in which opposing sides are talk about completely different
    cultural issues.
    TUHO --- ---
    In May 2009, a development officer at the University of Michigan asked me to meet with a
    potential donor—a former football player and now successful businessman who had an interest
    in environmental issues and business, my interdisciplinary area of expertise. The meeting began
    at 7 a.m., and while still nursing my first cup of coffee the potential donor began the
    conversation with “I think the scientific review process is corrupt.” I asked what he thought of a
    university based on that system, and he said that he thought that the university was then corrupt,
    too. He went on to describe the science of climate change as a hoax, using all the familiar lines
    of attack—sun spots and solar flares, the unscientific and politically flawed consensus model,
    and the environmental benefits of carbon dioxide.
    As we debated each point, he turned his attack on me, asking why I hated capitalism and
    why I wanted to destroy the economy by teaching environmental issues in a business school.
    Eventually, he asked if I knew why Earth Day was on April 22. I sighed, as he explained,
    “Because it is Karl Marx’s birthday.” (I suspect he meant to say Vladimir Lenin, whose birthday
    is April 22 and is also Earth Day. This linkage has long been a source of support for some on the
    far right who believe that Earth Day is a Communist plot, even though Lenin never promoted
    environmentalism and Communism does not have a strong environmental legacy.)
    I turned to the development officer and asked, “What’s our agenda here this morning?”
    The donor interrupted to say that he wanted to buy me a ticket to the Heartland Institute’s Fourth
    Annual Conference on Climate Change, the leading climate skeptics conference. I checked my
    calendar and, citing prior commitments, politely declined. The meeting soon ended.
    I spent the morning trying to make sense of the encounter. At first, all I could see was a
    bait and switch; the donor had no interest in funding research in business and the environment
    but instead wanted to criticize the effort. I dismissed him as an irrational zealot, but the meeting
    lingered in my mind. The more I thought about it, the more I began to see that he was speaking
    from a coherent and consistent worldview, one I did not agree with but which was a coherent
    viewpoint nonetheless. Plus, he had come to evangelize me. The more I thought about it, the
    more I became eager to learn about where he was coming from, where I was coming from, and
    why our two worldviews clashed so strongly in the present social debate over climate science.

    Climate Science as Culture War by Andrew John Hoffman :: SSRN
    TUHO --- ---
    Arguably, the hegemony that fossil fuel industries have long maintained is under threat, whereby the pass they have received to externalize environmental and public health costs onto society is increasingly being contested. How have fossil fuel industries responded to these challenges? Through an analysis of the public relations materials of three fossil-fuel-energy front groups in the United States, this study examines fossil fuel industries' efforts to retain cultural hegemony in the face of increasing threats to power and profits. We find that a central strategy of these public-relations campaigns is a process we term ‘Identity Co-optation,’ which entails appropriating and reconstructing the identities of fossil fuel industries' fiercest opponents – concerned women and mothers – in the delivery of their counterclaims. We argue that the strategic mobilization of women in defense of coal, oil, and gas is a clear example of hegemonic powers attempting to appropriate, embody – and ultimately neutralize – threats to their influence and authority.

    Protecting the power to pollute: Identity co-optation, gender, and the public relations strategies of fossil fuel industries in the United States: Environmental Sociology: Vol 5, No 3
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    Kind of related. Carl Sagan o skepticismu a vede
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate policy dragged into culture wars as a ‘delay’ tactic, finds study | Climate crisis | The Guardian
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    Wow, Vítězslav Kremlík to dotáhl do show Marca Morana!!! Světová hvězda klima-dezinfo scény. Kongratz!

    Vítězslav Kremlík on The Marc Morano Show - 05 June 2022 | TNT Radio
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle jde :D Ice melt featuring pred science and space committee ve sněmovně reprezentantů .))

    The Daily Show - Burn Noticed
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Autorka? :)

    Lenka Samuely - iReceptář.czhttps://www.ireceptar.cz › autor › lenka-samuely-4197
    Autor. Lenka Samuely. Jak uvařit v mikrovlnce těstoviny? Vaření a recepty · Jak uvařit v mikrovlnce těstoviny: Hotové za 8 minut, už je nebudete dělat jinak.
    TUHO --- ---
    Lol, tak tady mame zase jako kazdy rok zpravy o prichazejicim globalni ochlazovani .)

    Podle vědců ani ne za deset let nastane doba, kdy budeme s nostalgií vzpomínat na nesnesitelná vedra a blátivé zimy. První ochlazení má přijít již letos. Předcházet mu má zvýšená sluneční aktivita, před níž odborníci už varovali.

    Úroveň sluneční aktivity je proměnlivá a je vázána na magnetické pole. To se pravidelně cyklicky přepóluje a mění přibližně každých 11 let. Během doby, kdy se „přepíná", je nejslabší. Této fázi cyklu se říká sluneční minimum. Následně však pole zesiluje a aktivita hvězdy stoupá. Ta se projevuje zvýšeným výskytem slunečních skvrn a větru. Tato fáze probíhá právě nyní. Vědci upozorňují, že vrchol aktuální periody můžeme očekávat koncem roku 2024. Poté nastane opět pokles.

    Dotyk - Do deseti let má přijít malá doba ledová. Pro lidstvo může znamenat katastrofu
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