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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: co jsem viděl jsem zkopíroval... Za ten balast sorry
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: fosilni prumysl uz te
    ma v merku ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    ja vidim tohle :)

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Popravde jsem si to sem jenom odlozil, abych na to nezapomnel, protoze se mi ten clanek zrovna nenacital :D Jinak Tykac je u nas ten, ktery si tady plati trolli farmy, tak jsem zvedavej na jeho postoj.
    Nemuzes to sem vykopirovat? Dik :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: co je dezinfo? ze je ten clanek moc propagacni?

    jinak s windfall tax je to pravda, je to jako se solarni dani, stat ti orizne prilisnej zisk, ale pochopitelne, ze nikoho nezajima kdyz krachujes (pokud nejsi velka banka)
    TUHO --- ---
    O energetické krizi, hodnotách i zdanění zisku. Pavel Tykač ve velkém rozhovoru po 8 letech - Forbes
    TUHO --- ---
    I see these thinktanks, which refuse to reveal the sources of their funding, as lobbyists for hidden interests. We know from leaks and US reports that these include, in some cases, tobacco firms, oil firms and foreign oligarchs. But there is one question to which no one has provided a complete and satisfactory answer.

    Day after day, year after year, the BBC has provided these extremists with a massive platform on its news and current affairs programmes. Major BBC programmes including Today, Question Time, Newsnight and Any Questions? are populated by speakers from the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Adam Smith Institute, the Taxpayers’ Alliance, the Centre for Policy Studies and Policy Exchange. These groups also happen to have been rated by the campaign Who Funds You? as among the most opaque of all those it investigated.

    Rightwing thinktanks run this government. But first, they had to capture the BBC | George Monbiot | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: no poznal jsem jednu danku, jejiz tehdejsi pritel american natacel dokument v tezarskejch oblastech v ekvadoru.

    v prubehu dokoncovani toho dokumentu mu nekdo z bytu vybral veslerej podkladovej material a zaznamy.

    mel to zalohovany, film vysel, jednou ho nekde promitli, prava si koupila nejaka spolecnost a od ty doby film nikdo nevidel (a nema na nej prava)

    sama nahodicka :)

    prilis silna energie :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Dobrej humac, jeden z hlavnich autoru zpravy IPCC z roku 1996 popisuje kampan, ktera se proti nemu rozjela — a jak se promitla do jeho osobniho zivota vcetne nocnich mur jeho deti:

    And shortly after that publication there was a knock on our door late at night about 10 o’clock I was upstairs with my son at the time. It took me about a minute to get downstairs and answer the front door. When I opened the front door there was a dead rat on the doorstep and a guy driving away at high speed down our street in a yellow Hummer shouting curses at me. That got to me because someone had gone beyond just writing threatening emails they had made the effort to figure out where I live and had done something.
    I was living in an apartment with my son and every morning I checked under the car to make sure there was nothing there that shouldn’t be there. My son didn’t feel safe in our house. He slept with this wooden sword next to his bed after that; he felt threatened and I couldn’t make that go away. I couldn’t tell him, son, you don’t need to be afraid. And all of that led to this deep-seated anger and frustration. This kind of intemperate language, scientific cleansing, abuses of peer review, has consequences in the real world. It affects lives. It affects one’s sense of safety. It affects families. My marriage 24, 25 years ago failed and I certainly think that what was going on at the time, the intense focus on the balance of evidence finding, congressional investigations, calls for my dismissal with dishonor from my position at the Lab; all of those were contributory factors to what happened to me in my personal life.

    My Climate Story: Ben Santer – Climate Generation
    TUHO --- ---
    Determining the onset of organized disinformation about global warming is critical for understanding its political history and evaluating the responsibilities of fossil fuel producers and other relevant parties today. A newly discovered archival document shows the American Petroleum Institute was promulgating false and misleading information about climate change in 1980, nearly a decade earlier than previously known, in order to promote public policies favorable to the fossil fuel industry. This finding demonstrates early use of public-facing disinformation about global warming by the petroleum industry and suggests commercial fossil fuel interests played a more obstructive role in climate change discourse and policy throughout the 1980s than previously understood.

    TUHO --- ---
    The conservative movement and especially its think tanks play a critical role in denying the reality and significance of anthropogenic global warming (AGW), especially by manufacturing uncertainty over climate science. Books denying AGW are a crucial means of attacking climate science and scientists, and we examine the links between conservative think tanks (CTTs) and 108 climate change denial books published through 2010. We find a strong link, albeit noticeably weaker for the growing number of self-published denial books. We also examine the national origins of the books and the academic backgrounds of their authors or editors, finding that with the help of American CTTs climate change denial has spread to several other nations and that an increasing portion of denial books are produced by individuals with no scientific training. It appears that at least 90% of denial books do not undergo peer review, allowing authors or editors to recycle scientifically unfounded claims that are then amplified by the conservative movement, media, and political elites

    TUHO --- ---
    Assaults on EPA

    History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection - PMC

    TUHO --- ---
    American for Prosperity jeskupina, ktera stala za nastupem Tea Party a podarilo se ji behem nekolika let expandovat na to ze ma k dispozici 2.5 milionu aktivistu v USA a rozpocet pres 100 milionu dolaru... Organizace, kterou zalozili bratri Kochove a tlaci na Republikany, aby neresili klimaticke zmeny... Minulej rok byl nucenej odejit jeji sef Tim Phillips, byvaly republikansky strateg z prostredi nabozensky pravice. Nejak ale nemuzu najit proc presne musel odejit, nevi nekdo?

    According to a 2011 article in the National Journal, Phillips said that Americans For Prosperity and other groups like it have been instrumental in the rise of Republican candidates who question or deny climate science: "If you look at where the situation was three years ago and where it is today, there's been a dramatic turnaround. Most of these candidates have figured out that the science has become political. We've made great headway. What it means for candidates on the Republican side is, if you … buy into green energy or you play footsie on this issue, you do so at your political peril. The vast majority of people who are involved in the [Republican] nominating process -- the conventions and the primaries -- are suspect of the science. And that's our influence. Groups like Americans for Prosperity have done it."[17]

    Timothy R. Phillips - SourceWatch
    TADEAS --- ---
    levicove hurdurikany

    Tucker Carlson's Latest Bizarre Conspiracy Theory: Hurricanes

    “So, you hate to hype hurricanes, because it’s just a staple of TV and everyone’s kind of onto the scam,” Carlson said.
    Rush Limbaugh claimed in 2016 that hurricanes were “in the interest of the left” to call for action on climate change
    Limbaugh also claimed in 2017 that media outlets used hurricanes to boost the sales of water and batteries
    TUHO --- ---
    Soudě podle prokremelských dezinformačních médií, globální oteplování je jen spiknutí. Stránka Východní přehled Eastern Review si nebere servítky a předpokládá, že za změnou klimatu stojí rovnou Adolf Hitler. Tuto dezinformaci asi skutečně nemusíme vyvracet.

    O další alternativní verze spiknutí, vytvořená prokremelskými médii není nouze. Ruští poslanci se domnívají, že USA útočí na Rusko pomocí „klimatických zbraní“. Online vydání New Eastern Outlook, který vydává Ruská akademie věd, navrhuje, aby za příčinu extrémního počasí ve světě byla označena „snížená aktivita Slunce“:

    „Klíčovou otázkou, kterou je třeba si položit, zůstává, zda můžeme předpokládat, jako ostatně mnozí, že vše co se s klimatem děje, je součástí globálního oteplování způsobeného lidskou činností. To bylo dnes přejmenováno na změnu klimatu. Nebo to může být způsobeno něčím úplně jiným: periodickými cykly sluneční aktivity, které v posledních měsících vstoupily do fáze nazývané astronomy „období minimální sluneční aktivity“.

    Prokremelská média o globálním oteplování: fakta a narativy | StopFake
    TUHO --- ---
    Jerry Taylor told E&E News that the coronavirus crisis would deal a "fatal blow" to climate denialism, because it laid bare the cost of ignoring the advice of scientists.
    "COVID-denialism is climate-denialist wine in a new bottle," he tweeted recently. "No wonder most climate-denialists are COVID-denialists. It resonates because it presses the same reptilian buttons we have in all of us. Their buttons, however, are bigger."
    For its part, Heartland has published pieces suggesting that coronavirus models — which are now shifting death counts as people transform their behavior — are unreliable and are proof that climate models are wrong and that climate change fears are overblown.
    Heartland also has rolled out a series of climate briefs that are "designed to provide a library of solid yet simple rebuttals so that legislators, teachers, students, and laymen can easily refute the exaggerations of the so-called ‘climate crisis.’"
    It says that Greenland ice loss is nothing to be concerned about, that there isn’t a consensus among scientists on human-caused climate change and that there is a minimal acceleration in sea-level rise.

    Brothers duke it out from opposite sides of climate fight - E&E News
    TUHO --- ---
    A joint investigation from CORRECTIV and Frontal21 reveals how the American Heartland Institute is supporting climate change deniers in Germany with the goal of undermining climate protection measures. We went undercover to meet with the institute’s chief strategist. He told us how the network of climate change deniers works, how donations are disguised and how they intend to use a German YouTuber affiliated with the AfD to reach young people. In the end, he made us a concrete offer.

    The Heartland Lobby
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco starsiho

    "Anti-Greta" Naomi Seibt Marched with Neo-Nazis and Promotes White Nationalists - Polluterwatch
    TUHO --- ---
    Tady je kapitolka o Kochovi .)

    Billionaires in World Politics shows how the privatization of politics assumes a new dimension when billionaires wield power in world politics, which requires a re-thinking of individual agency in International Relations. Structural changes (globalization, neoliberalism, competition states, and global governance) have generated new opportunities for individuals to become extremely rich and to engage in politics across borders. The political agency of billionaires is being conceptualized in terms of capacities, goals, and power, which is contingent upon the specific political field a billionaire is trying to enter.

    Six case studies explore the power of billionaires in their pursuit of security, wealth, and esteem. The chapter on security analyzes Raj Rajaratnam's relationship to the Tamil cause in Sri Lanka, and Sheldon Adelson's transnational electioneering in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Regarding the economy, the book studies how the Koch brothers' political protection of fossil fuels is affecting climate change mitigation, and how Rupert Murdoch's opinion-shaping is valorizing conservatism across borders. The chapter on social entrepreneurship and esteem examines the role of Bill Gates in the governance of global health and George Soros's attempts to build open societies as a 'stateless statesman'. An analytical conclusion evaluates the prior findings in order to address three major questions: Is it more appropriate to see billionaires as 'super-actors', or as a global 'super-class'? What is the relative power of billionaires within the international system? What does the power of
    billionaires mean for the liberal norms of legitimate political order?

    Billionaires in World Politics: Hägel, Peter: 9780198852711: Amazon.com: Books
    TUHO --- ---
    MINGHAO: Haha, tak tady mas tematicky neco na studium :D "Satanic gases" od znameho klimapopirace Patricka J. Michaelse .))

    MINGHAO --- ---
    Těsně jsem to minul. Pár čísel a bylo by jasný, kdo za tím stojí:
    TUHO --- ---
    Jeste k Taylorovi, co ho definitivne donutilo zmenit strany. Debata s bejvalym hlavounem risk managementu v Goldmann Sachs

    A meeting with a hedge fund executive named Bob Litterman pushed Taylor past a tipping point. Litterman is a PhD economist and former head of risk management at Goldman Sachs who serves on the board of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Like Weitzman, he worries about worst-case scenarios, just as he once did at Goldman, and he believes it is a terrible mistake not to tax fossil fuels to account for the risks associated with greenhouse gas emissions. “This is an insanity that would never be tolerated on Wall Street,” Litterman says.

    Climate Converts: The Conservatives Who Are Switching Sides on Warming - Yale E360
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