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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    Soudě podle prokremelských dezinformačních médií, globální oteplování je jen spiknutí. Stránka Východní přehled Eastern Review si nebere servítky a předpokládá, že za změnou klimatu stojí rovnou Adolf Hitler. Tuto dezinformaci asi skutečně nemusíme vyvracet.

    O další alternativní verze spiknutí, vytvořená prokremelskými médii není nouze. Ruští poslanci se domnívají, že USA útočí na Rusko pomocí „klimatických zbraní“. Online vydání New Eastern Outlook, který vydává Ruská akademie věd, navrhuje, aby za příčinu extrémního počasí ve světě byla označena „snížená aktivita Slunce“:

    „Klíčovou otázkou, kterou je třeba si položit, zůstává, zda můžeme předpokládat, jako ostatně mnozí, že vše co se s klimatem děje, je součástí globálního oteplování způsobeného lidskou činností. To bylo dnes přejmenováno na změnu klimatu. Nebo to může být způsobeno něčím úplně jiným: periodickými cykly sluneční aktivity, které v posledních měsících vstoupily do fáze nazývané astronomy „období minimální sluneční aktivity“.

    Prokremelská média o globálním oteplování: fakta a narativy | StopFake
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    Jerry Taylor told E&E News that the coronavirus crisis would deal a "fatal blow" to climate denialism, because it laid bare the cost of ignoring the advice of scientists.
    "COVID-denialism is climate-denialist wine in a new bottle," he tweeted recently. "No wonder most climate-denialists are COVID-denialists. It resonates because it presses the same reptilian buttons we have in all of us. Their buttons, however, are bigger."
    For its part, Heartland has published pieces suggesting that coronavirus models — which are now shifting death counts as people transform their behavior — are unreliable and are proof that climate models are wrong and that climate change fears are overblown.
    Heartland also has rolled out a series of climate briefs that are "designed to provide a library of solid yet simple rebuttals so that legislators, teachers, students, and laymen can easily refute the exaggerations of the so-called ‘climate crisis.’"
    It says that Greenland ice loss is nothing to be concerned about, that there isn’t a consensus among scientists on human-caused climate change and that there is a minimal acceleration in sea-level rise.

    Brothers duke it out from opposite sides of climate fight - E&E News
    TUHO --- ---
    A joint investigation from CORRECTIV and Frontal21 reveals how the American Heartland Institute is supporting climate change deniers in Germany with the goal of undermining climate protection measures. We went undercover to meet with the institute’s chief strategist. He told us how the network of climate change deniers works, how donations are disguised and how they intend to use a German YouTuber affiliated with the AfD to reach young people. In the end, he made us a concrete offer.

    The Heartland Lobby
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco starsiho

    "Anti-Greta" Naomi Seibt Marched with Neo-Nazis and Promotes White Nationalists - Polluterwatch
    TUHO --- ---
    Tady je kapitolka o Kochovi .)

    Billionaires in World Politics shows how the privatization of politics assumes a new dimension when billionaires wield power in world politics, which requires a re-thinking of individual agency in International Relations. Structural changes (globalization, neoliberalism, competition states, and global governance) have generated new opportunities for individuals to become extremely rich and to engage in politics across borders. The political agency of billionaires is being conceptualized in terms of capacities, goals, and power, which is contingent upon the specific political field a billionaire is trying to enter.

    Six case studies explore the power of billionaires in their pursuit of security, wealth, and esteem. The chapter on security analyzes Raj Rajaratnam's relationship to the Tamil cause in Sri Lanka, and Sheldon Adelson's transnational electioneering in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Regarding the economy, the book studies how the Koch brothers' political protection of fossil fuels is affecting climate change mitigation, and how Rupert Murdoch's opinion-shaping is valorizing conservatism across borders. The chapter on social entrepreneurship and esteem examines the role of Bill Gates in the governance of global health and George Soros's attempts to build open societies as a 'stateless statesman'. An analytical conclusion evaluates the prior findings in order to address three major questions: Is it more appropriate to see billionaires as 'super-actors', or as a global 'super-class'? What is the relative power of billionaires within the international system? What does the power of
    billionaires mean for the liberal norms of legitimate political order?

    Billionaires in World Politics: Hägel, Peter: 9780198852711: Amazon.com: Books
    TUHO --- ---
    MINGHAO: Haha, tak tady mas tematicky neco na studium :D "Satanic gases" od znameho klimapopirace Patricka J. Michaelse .))

    MINGHAO --- ---
    Těsně jsem to minul. Pár čísel a bylo by jasný, kdo za tím stojí:
    TUHO --- ---
    Jeste k Taylorovi, co ho definitivne donutilo zmenit strany. Debata s bejvalym hlavounem risk managementu v Goldmann Sachs

    A meeting with a hedge fund executive named Bob Litterman pushed Taylor past a tipping point. Litterman is a PhD economist and former head of risk management at Goldman Sachs who serves on the board of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Like Weitzman, he worries about worst-case scenarios, just as he once did at Goldman, and he believes it is a terrible mistake not to tax fossil fuels to account for the risks associated with greenhouse gas emissions. “This is an insanity that would never be tolerated on Wall Street,” Litterman says.

    Climate Converts: The Conservatives Who Are Switching Sides on Warming - Yale E360
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    A jiny pripad konzervativni klimaticke konverze .] Frank Luntz, clovek ktery roky vypracovaval strategie pro republikany, jak popirat klimaticke zmeny.

    But the reality of climate change is increasingly too hard to ignore. “The courageous firefighters of L.A., they saved my home, but others aren’t so lucky,” he said as he recounted the tale during a Senate testimony on Thursday. “Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, tornadoes, and hurricanes more ferocious than ever. It is happening.”

    Frank Luntz, the GOP’s message master, calls for climate action | Grist
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    TUHO: Rozhovor s Jerry Taylorem

    Jerry Taylor joins Charlie Sykes on the Bulwark Podcast to talk about his conversion from climate change skepticism and what Justin Amash’s stand might mean for Donald Trump in 2020.

    Jerry Taylor on What Changed His Mind About Climate Change - Niskanen Center
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: SL: How do you feel about the work you did in those years?

    JT: I regret a lot of it. I wish I had taken more care and done more due diligence on the arguments I had been forwarding. I also introduced one of my brothers, James Taylor, to the folks at the Heartland Institute. Heartland’s rise to dominate market share in climate denialism largely occurred under my brother. Boy do I regret that.

    SL: And he still is still a climate denier. So what is that like? Do you talk about climate change at Thanksgiving?

    JT: We agree to disagree and don’t discuss it. And we don’t spend a lot of Thanksgivings together.
    TUHO --- ---
    Zajimavej pripad, konvertovany skeptik, Jerry Taylor, byvaly viceprezident Cato institute... Jak zjistil, ze mu vesi buliky na nos

    How a Professional Climate Change Denier Discovered the Lies and Decided to Fight for Science
    TUHO --- ---
    Ehm, tady se da kdyztak shlednout tridilny dokument The Black Gold online. Ale je to nejaka piratska stranka, takze nevim, jestli pritom nekomu nebudete dolovat bitcoiny .]]

    TUHO --- ---
    Mapping the climate sceptical blogosphere

    While mainstream scientific knowledge production has been extensively examined in the academic literature, comparatively little is known about alternative networks of scientific knowledge production. Online sources such as blogs are an especially under-investigated site of knowledge contestation. Using degree centrality and node betweenness tests from social network analysis, and thematic content analysis of individual posts, this research identifies and critically examines the climate sceptical blogosphere and investigates whether a focus on particular themes contributes to the positioning of the most central blogs. A network of 171 individual blogs is identified, with three blogs in particular found to be the most central: Climate Audit, JoNova and Watts Up With That. These blogs predominantly focus on the scientific element of the climate debate, providing either a direct scientifically-based challenge to mainstream climate science, or a critique of the conduct of the climate science system. This overt scientific framing, as opposed to explicitly highlighting differences in values, politics, or ideological worldview, appears to be an important contributory factor in the positioning of the most central blogs. It is suggested that these central blogs are key protagonists in a process of attempted expert knowledge de-legitimisation and contestation, acting not only as translators between scientific research and lay audiences, but, in their reinterpretation of existing climate science knowledge claims, are acting themselves as alternative public sites of expertise for a climate sceptical audience.

    TUHO --- ---
    Climate on Cable: The Nature and Impact of Global Warming Coverage on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC

    This study examines climate change coverage on the three major cable news channels and assesses the relationship between viewership of these channels and beliefs about global warming. Evidence from a content analysis of climate change coverage on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC during 2007 and 2008 demonstrates that Fox takes a more dismissive tone toward climate change than CNN and MSNBC. Fox also interviews a greater ratio of climate change doubters to believers. An analysis of 2008 survey data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults finds a negative association between Fox News viewership and acceptance of global warming, even after controlling for numerous potential confounding factors. Conversely, viewing CNN and MSNBC is associated with greater acceptance of global warming. Further analyses reveal that the relationship between cable news viewership (both Fox and CNN/MSNBC) and global warming acceptance is stronger among Republicans than among Democrats. That is, the views of Republicans are strongly linked with the news outlet they watch, regardless of how well that outlet aligns with their political predispositions. In contrast, Democrats don’t vary much in their beliefs as a function of cable news use. This asymmetry suggests that some Republicans, who as a group tend to be predisposed toward global warming skepticism, are less skeptical when exposed to information on the reality and urgency of climate change.
    TUHO --- ---
    A change in the climate? The journalism of opinion at News Corporation
    In 2007 the global media company News Corporation announced that it would become ‘carbon neutral’ and generally endorsed scientific warnings about global warming. Its CEO, Rupert Murdoch, signaled not only that the media group held a corporate view toward the issue of climate change but that its editorial coverage would henceforth change. This article examines the period before this change of direction. From 1997 to 2007 newspapers and television stations owned by News Corporation, based on their editorials, columnists and commentators, largely denied the science of climate change and dismissed those who were concerned about it. While the intensity of commentary and editorials about climate change varied between media outlets owned by News Corporation in the USA, Britain and Australia, its corporate view framed the issue as one of political correctness rather than science. Scientific knowledge was portrayed as an orthodoxy and its own stance, and that of ‘climate sceptics’ as one of courageous dissent.

    TUHO --- ---
    Analyzing Climate Change Debates in the U.S. Congress: Party Control and Mobilizing Networks

    This study examines the differences, if any, in congressional hearings and testimonies on global climate change between Democrat- and Republican-controlled Congresses from 1976 to 2006. Using statistical and network analysis, we examine along party lines the connectedness among congressional committees, issue foci, and witness sectors. While the levels of attention to global climate change were similar between Democrat- and Republican-controlled Congresses, our findings reveal that Democratic Congresses tend to seek scientific evidence for global climate change and advance energy-regulatory policies with a focus on mobilizing environmentalists and scientific knowledge. In contrast, Republican Congresses tend to expand the climate change debates and conflicts by bringing in a diversified set of witnesses, focusing on the implications of international climate negotiations and economic impacts of policy changes, and mobilizing pro-industrial sectors and non-scientific opinions. Showing the differences in the networks that connect policy actors and mobilize various policy sources in congressional hearings and testimonies, we conclude that party control significantly affects the dynamics of climate change debates in the U.S. Congress for the given period.
    TUHO --- ---
    Global warming is one of the most significant and difficult issues facing the world today. As result, researchers in a number of disciplines have directed their attention to addressing issues relevant to the study of and responses to global warming. This has been less true in the social sciences, and especially within specific social sciences such as criminology, in comparison to the physical sciences. Global warming does, however, have criminological and sociological relevance on several levels. This article examines one of those levels by exploring the politicalization of global warming under the Bush Administration, and addresses this issue as an example of state-corporate crime.

    Global warming and state-corporate crime: the politicalization of global warming under the Bush administration | SpringerLink
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi overview clanek na Rolling Stone

    As the World Burns
    How Big Oil and Big Coal mounted one of the most agressive lobbying campaigns in history to block progress on global warming

    As the World Burns – Rolling Stone
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