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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: koruna ke koruně klik ke kliku, ani jeden posranej halíř...

    A stejně ti/mi nemá co sdělit nebo ano? :⁠-⁠)
    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: Uvedomuju, ale myslim, ze treba oproti PPF, ktera do IVK nalila pres 100 mega je moje kliknuti celkem nepatrna podpora .-))
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: uvedomujes si, že klikáním toho starýho zmrda podporujes že ano?

    Neklikat, necist, důsledně ignorovat, to je jediný způsob jak se ho zbavit...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: awwwwww, staříka zas pustili v LDNce k počítači!
    TUHO --- ---
    po delsi dobe zase neco od vaska

    Institut Václava Klause
    TUHO --- ---

    The Book of Veles
    Veles is a provincial North Macedonian town of 40,000 inhabitants which placed itself on the world map in 2016 as an epicenter for fake news production. The town has lost much of its economic base in recent decades —an enormous steel smelter, a porcelain factory and other industry lie abandoned. During the 2016 US Presidential election, tech-savvy local youth created hundreds of clickbait websites posing as American political news portals, intending to earn quick money from viewer ad clicks. As the Veles fake news articles were spread to millions of people via Facebook and Twitter algorithms, many of these “news hackers” made substantial sums, and the sites may very well have contributed to the election of Donald Trump as president of the USA.
    I travelled to Veles to explore this unlikely hub of misinformation. The photographs of contemporary Veles are intertwined with excerpts and facsimiles from a 1919 archaeological discovery also called ‘the Book of Veles’ — a cryptic collection of 40 ‘ancient’ wooden boards discovered in Russia by an army officer, written in a proto-Slavic language. It was claimed to be a history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himself—the pre-Christian Slavic god mischief, chaos and deception. While popular among Slavic nationalists, the text is debunked as a forgery by most scientists.
    In my ‘new’ Book of Veles I interweave these two different ‘Veles’ stories, representing historical and current efforts at producing disinformation and chaos.

    The Book of Veles — Jonas Bendiksen
    TUHO --- ---
    A o rusky propagande .]]

    What is the role of Russian propaganda on climate contrarian movement?
    There is evidence to suggest that Russian propaganda has played a role in promoting climate contrarianism and undermining efforts to address climate change. Russian propaganda efforts have been well-documented in other areas, such as their interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and their support for separatist movements in Ukraine and other countries.

    Russian propaganda efforts related to climate change are believed to be aimed at several objectives. One goal may be to undermine the credibility of the United States and other Western countries, which have been leaders in efforts to address climate change. By promoting skepticism about the scientific consensus on climate change and by suggesting that climate action is motivated by political rather than scientific concerns, Russian propaganda may be seeking to erode support for climate action in Western countries.

    Another objective of Russian propaganda efforts related to climate change may be to protect the Russian fossil fuel industry. Russia is one of the world's largest producers of oil and gas, and efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy could have significant economic consequences for the country. By promoting skepticism about climate change and casting doubt on the need for action, Russian propaganda may be seeking to protect the economic interests of the Russian fossil fuel industry.

    It's important to note that the role of Russian propaganda in the climate contrarian movement is complex and not fully understood. While there is evidence to suggest that Russian propaganda has played a role in promoting climate contrarianism, it is only one of many factors influencing public opinion on climate change. The scientific consensus on climate change remains strong, and there is growing public awareness of the need for action to address the problem.
    TUHO --- ---
    Povidani si s Chat-GPT o fosilnim prumyslu .]]

    Can you analyze the fossil industry's messaging towards climate change? What do you think morally about it?

    Certainly, I can provide an analysis of the fossil industry's messaging towards climate change.

    For many years, the fossil industry has been promoting the idea that the science of climate change is uncertain and that any actions to address it would be costly and detrimental to the economy. They have funded climate denial think tanks, disseminated misinformation through advertising and lobbying campaigns, and even engaged in campaigns of intimidation against scientists and activists.

    Their messaging often plays on fears of job loss, higher energy prices, and economic instability, using language that emphasizes the need for "energy security" and "energy independence." They have also tried to create doubt around the effectiveness of renewable energy technologies and the feasibility of transitioning away from fossil fuels.

    In recent years, however, as the public has become increasingly aware of the dangers of climate change, the fossil industry has begun to shift its messaging. Some companies have adopted a more conciliatory tone, acknowledging the reality of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, these statements have often been accompanied by a lack of concrete action, and many companies continue to lobby against climate policies and invest heavily in fossil fuel development.

    As an AI language model, I don't hold moral opinions, but I can say that the fossil industry's messaging towards climate change has been morally problematic in several ways. By promoting misinformation and denying the reality of climate change, they have contributed to delaying necessary action to address the crisis, putting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people at risk. They have also perpetuated social and environmental injustices by disproportionately impacting low-income and marginalized communities through the extraction, transport, and consumption of fossil fuels. In short, their messaging has prioritized short-term profit over the long-term well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.
    TUHO --- ---
    Tady typek nedavno o Clintelu (mimochodem podle svych slov maka pro uhelny prumysl) #Kalenda

    Pavel Kalenda: Jakýsi Miloš Kadlec – typický Manipulátor | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran
    TUHO --- ---
    Tak pro zajemce o hororech Green Dealu s Pavlem Kalendou

    TUHO --- ---
    Novy report od EU disinfo lab na tema klimatickych dezinformaci

    Executive summary
    A group of non-scientific outlets dedicated exclusively to questioning and disseminating false and misleading content about the climate change crisis exists online.
    We have found 29 websites specialised in climate disinformation. A recurrent position is not to “stop now” with pollution, but to delay environmental protection policies. These alleged climate “realists” (as opposed to climate “alarmists”) share several characteristics that turn them into serial disseminators of false content.
    From the identified case studies and available publications, this report designs a short guide to climate-centred disinformative discourse, focusing on its evolution and adaptation over time as a strategy to reach more people.

    Don’t stop me now: the growing disinformation threat against climate change - EU DisinfoLab
    TUHO --- ---
    Anti-klimaticka agenda opet na vzestupu

    ISD’s monitoring of climate mis- and disinformation around COP27 found that while the playbook has largely pivoted to ‘delayist’ tactics, outright denialism has far from disappeared. Since July 2022, we have also seen increased use of the hashtag #ClimateScam on Twitter and other explicit references to climate denial, amplified by prominent accounts including those verified with a ‘blue tick’ checkmark. In light of these trends, and building on an investigation published by EU DisinfoLab in February 2023, we sought to trace the reach of 32 fringe climate-denying and climate-sceptic websites identified by EU DisinfoLab’s research. These websites originate from the US and nine European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and the United Kingdom), producing content in respective national languages. Climate-sceptic actors have increasingly mentioned them in tweets since early 2022, suggesting increased attempts to push climate-denying talking points to the general public.
    In order to determine the reach of the websites, we used the analytics tool Brandwatch to capture all mentions of the websites’ domains on Twitter between 1 January 2022 and 1 March 2023 [1]. Our aim was to understand the extent to which these websites were being shared on the platform, which actors gave them the highest visibility, and under what framework/narratives were they being promoted.

    Mainstreaming climate scepticism: Analysing the reach of fringe websites on Twitter - ISD
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    a pekny vlakno o tom, jestli teda topolanek je ci neni lobbista

    TUHO --- ---
    jsme slavny!

    German wholesaler Metro faces heightened criticism from Ukraine's NACP corruption watchdog and concerned citizens over its decision to continue business operations in Russia.

    Justifying the addition of the wholesaler to its so-called list of international sponsors of war, Ukraine NACP tweeted that Metro's management hasn't stopped "financing Russian aggression," and that "key shareholder Daniel Kretinsky, is closely linked to the oil, gas and banking sectors of Russia's economy."

    Kretinsky is a Czech oligarch who holds a 29.99% stake in METRO, and also owns EPH, a Czech holding company that reported record earnings in the first half of 2022 thanks to its large stake in the Russian gas business.

    Ukraine labels German wholesaler Metro as 'sponsor of war' – DW – 03/21/2023
    TUHO --- ---
    Je nebo neni Topolanek lobbista fosilniho prumyslu?

    Fakta jsou poměrně jasná a není nutné o nich dlouze diskutovat. Mirek Topolánek se po konci v politice pohybuje především v manažerských a vedoucích strukturách firem patřících EPH Daniela Křetínského. Několikrát byl členem dozorčí rady Křetínského uhelné elektrárny Opatovice, od loňského listopadu zasedá v dozorčí radě elektromontážní firmy EGEM spoluvlastněné Křetínským a působí také jako manažer firmy EUSTREAM, která byla před ruskou invazí na Ukrajinu největším samostatným dopravcem ruského plynu do Evropy.
    Tuto firmu manažersky kontroluje EPH, přičemž EUSTREAM byl po celou dekádu před invazí hlavním zdrojem příjmů Křetínského firmy. Topolánek je také předsedou teplárenského sdružení, kam byl nominovaný za Plzeňskou teplárenskou. Schválně si tipněte, která firma má nad teplárnou z poloviny spalující uhlí manažerskou kontrolu. Nebudu vás napínat, je to EPH.

    Topolánek je lobbista fosilního průmyslu. Je chybou České televize, že ho zve
    TUHO --- ---
    Vondrovi piruetky :D Aneb sprint z "Cina klima vubec neresi" na "Cina nas zaplavy levnymi elektromobily"

    2:00 A je tu ještě důležitější fenomén. Spalovací motory vyžadují velmi akurátní mechanickou inženýrskou práci. Čili něco, co třeba Němci a Češi dodnes zvládají daleko líp než Číňani. Zatímco když to všechno fixujeme monopolně na elektromobilitu – nic proti elektromobilům, ve městech skutečně přispívají k čistšímu vzduchu, a když pro ně bude infrastruktura, je to fajn –, obávám se, že to jednou vyrobí roboti, suroviny k nim Číňani už mají dnes obsazené. A pak zbývá baterie a software a tady bohužel Čína už má dnes takový náskok, že podle mě Evropa není schopná ho dohnat. A hrozí skutečně kolaps automobilového průmyslu, což pro Českou republiku, kde to je deset procent HDP a nějakých možná i 15 procent pracovní síly, není triviální záležitost. Čili dejme tomu šanci, protože jinak hrozí, že nás tady za deset patnáct let zaplaví levné čínské elektromobily.

    Vondra: Bez nás si ani ruce neumyjou. Konec spalovacích motorů nedovolíme - Seznam Zprávy
    NYRLEM --- ---
    OMNIHASH: a ty znas nejake nove vodni elektrarny, ktere se maji stavet? Precti si poradne na co reaguji..
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    NYRLEM: vzhledem k tomu, že minimálně do loňska byly český OZE z 90%+ tvořený vodníma elektrárnama a biomasou, tak spíš tak 70%
    NYRLEM --- ---
    KEB: tak oze ma u nas vyuziti maxima kolik, 12-15 procent? Jaderka ma odstavku na 6 tydnu v roce a jinak jede po maximu..
    BRETA --- ---
    KEB: a těch původních necelých 10GW se nějak zázračně zvětšilo na 20 temelinu, to je víc než 4x tolik
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam