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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    A growing body of scholarship investigates the role of misinformation in shaping the debate on climate change. Our research builds on and extends this literature by (1) developing and validating a comprehensive taxonomy of climate contrarianism, (2) conducting the largest content analysis to date on contrarian claims, (3) developing a computational model to accurately classify specific claims, and (4) drawing on an extensive corpus from conservative think-tank (CTTs) websites and contrarian blogs to construct a detailed history of claims over the past 20 years. Our study finds that the claims utilized by CTTs and contrarian blogs have focused on attacking the integrity of climate science and scientists and, increasingly, has challenged climate policy and renewable energy. We further demonstrate the utility of our approach by exploring the influence of corporate and foundation funding on the production and dissemination of specific contrarian claims.

    Computer-assisted classification of contrarian claims about climate change | Scientific Reports
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    TUHO: Prezentace
    Kristofer Ekberg on A road to denial
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    TUHO: In Climate Obstruction: How Denial, Delay and Inaction are Heating the Planet, Kristoffer Ekberg, Bernhard Forchtner, Martin Hultman and Kirsti Jylhä bring together crucial insights from environmental history, sociology, media and communication studies and psychology to help us understand why we are failing to take necessary measures to avert the unfolding climate crisis.

    They do so by examining the variety of ways in which meaningful climate action has been obstructed. This ranges from denial of the scientific evidence for human-induced climate change and its policy consequences, to (seemingly sincere) acknowledgement of scientific evidence while nevertheless delaying meaningful climate action. The authors also consider all those actions by which often well-meaning individuals and collectives (unintendedly) hamper climate action. In doing so, this book maps out arguments and strategies that have been used to counter environmental protection and regulation since the 1960s by, first and foremost, corporations supported by conservative actors, but also far-right ones as well as ordinary citizens.

    This timely and accessible book provides tools and lessons to understand, identify and call out such arguments and strategies, and points to actions and systemic and cultural changes needed to avert or at least mitigate the climate crisis.
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    A Road to Denial: Climate Change and Neoliberal Thought in Sweden, 1988–2000
    Neoliberal and conservative actors, financed by the fossil fuel industry, have been identified as crucial parts of a climate change denialist counter movement since at least the 1980s. We claim that this intersection stems from more than just vested interest fuelling advocacy groups. By focusing on the intellectual developments and social networks of core actors in the environmental debate in Sweden, we trace the history of opposition to environmental regulation in a country proclaiming to be an environmental pioneer. Our analysis shows that while the framing of climate change in terms of complexity initially provided actors with arguments for neoliberal policies, the obstruction of climate and environmental action was steeped in a neoliberal thought style. Our findings demonstrate the importance of scrutinising economic paradigms and thought styles that has enabled the delay of climate policy as well as the continued need for historical and geographically specific studies of obstruction.

    A Road to Denial: Climate Change and Neoliberal Thought in Sweden, 1988–2000 | Contemporary European History | Cambridge Core
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    Když čtete zprávy o českém klimatickém plánu, který minulý měsíc schválila Fialova vláda a který obsahuje pětkrát větší instalovanou kapacitu solárních a větrných elektráren v zemi, a současně něco od spisovatele a umírněného ekoaktivisty Michaela Shellenbergera, snadno dospějete k názoru, že buď české vládě, nebo proslulému Američanovi muselo přeskočit. S Shellenbergerem jsme mluvili v Londýně na první konferenci Asociace pro zodpovědné občanství (ARC), kterou zakládá slavný kanadský psycholog Jordan Peterson s několika dalšími nonkonformisty naší doby.

    „Klimatická změna je nejmocnější kult dneška. Vědci hrají roli kněží“ - Echo24.cz
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    lehce ot, ale zajimavej rozhovor o konspiracich

    Konspirační teorie tedy přichází s komplikovaností světa?
    To určitě taky, jak se svět zvětšuje, tak se zvyšuje jeho komplexita, ale myslím si, že nejpodstatnější je ta neprůhlednost a měnlivost demokracií v kombinaci s odkouzlením světa. Konspiracismus je vlastně taková kompenzace za toho zmizelého někoho (krále, Boha), kdo by za to měl být zodpovědný. Je to znovuokouzlení, tentokrát to ale není Boží plán, ale plán nějaké temné kabaly. Konspiracismus je také svého druhu kauzální myšlení vzaté vážně. Jestliže existují důsledky, tak by přece měla existovat i příčina. My lidé moc nemáme rádi „náhody“, zvlášť pokud jde o velké věci typu morové rány nebo jiné náhlé změny.
    Konspirační teorie jsou cenou za složitost světa. Řešení ale není ve svazáctví, ani v nadřazenosti — HlídacíPes.org

    plus tady taky

    Stále přemýšlíme o věcech skrze fakta a racionalitu, ale většina našeho života není racionální navigace mezi fakty. Žijeme naše životy skrze vyprávění a emoce. Veškerá naše motivace je založena na citech a tužbách a vůbec ne racionalitě. Racio je služka emocí. Rozum nám pomůže se efektivně dostat tam, kam chceme, ale emoce, tužby, sny a představy jsou to, co nám říká, kam se vůbec chceme dostat.
    Konspirace versus inkvizice. Majitelé "jedné pravdy" se vzájemně považují za idioty — HlídacíPes.org
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    Why conservative Christians don’t believe in climate change
    Bernard Daley Zaleha and Andrew Szasz

    American Christians have become increasingly polarized on issues of climate change and environmental regulation. In recent years, mainline Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church have made explicit declarations of support for global climate action. Prominent Southern Baptists and other evangelical Protestants, on the other hand, have issued statements that are strikingly similar to the talking points of secular climate skeptics, and have attempted to stamp out “green” efforts within their own ranks. An analysis of resolutions and campaigns by evangelicals over the past 40 years shows that anti-environmentalism within conservative Christianity stems from fears that “stewardship” of God’s creation is drifting toward neo-pagan nature worship, and from apocalyptic beliefs about “end times” that make it pointless to worry about global warming. As the climate crisis deepens, the moral authority of Christian leaders and organizations may play a decisive role in swaying public policy toward (or away from) action to mitigate global warming.
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    Most obvious and explicitly illustrated by the politics of the Trump administration in the US, but also evident in Europe, far-right nationalism have merged with climate change denialism. This merge is just starting to get scholarly attention, despite this research may provide new and important knowledge of resistance towards effective climate politics as well as of broader political issues such as democracy, human rights and diversity. Sweden has high credentials in both environmental politics as well as in welcoming refugees, but these values and politic has of lately been heavily challenged by the neo-fascist party Sweden Democrats. This chapter deals with the environmental communication in this political landscape from 2013 and onwards with a specific focus on climate change denialism of Sweden Democrats (SD). Since two consecutive elections, SD are firmly placed in an unneglectable swing role that Swedish governments both of liberal-conservative and social democratic-green shapes have needed to consider. In this chapter we focus empirically on the period 2013–2017 and follow the arguments from and work by SD politicians. The chapter discuss how and in what way far-right and climate change denialist groups have merged with focus on anti-establishment rhetoric, marketing of doubts, industrial/breadwinner masculinities and nationalism.

    The Far Right and Climate Change Denial | 8 | Denouncing environmental
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    TUHO: TUHO: detailni rozbor clauserovych claimu id gavina schmidta

    John Clauser’s theory of climate explained.
    Some of you will have heard of John Clauser because he was an awardee of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in the experimental verification of quantum entanglement. Some of you will have heard of him because the first thing that he did after winning the Nobel was join a climate denial organization and make some rather odd claims about climate science. And some of you will never have heard of him (in which case, feel free to skip this post!).

    RealClimate: Clauser-ology: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
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    TUHO: sláva tě nemine .)
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    WILLIAM NORDHAUS, WHO turned 82 this year, was the first economist in our time to attempt to quantify the cost of climate change. His climate-modeling wizardry, which won him the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2018, has made him one of the world’s most consequential thinkers. His ideas have been adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, global risk managers, the financial services industry, and universities worldwide that teach climate economics. Nordhaus’s work literally could affect the lives of billions of people. This is because his quantification of the immediate costs of climate action — as balanced against the long-term economic harms of not acting — is the basis of key proposals to mitigate carbon emissions. It’s not an exaggeration to suggest that the fate of nations and a sizable portion of humanity depends on whether his projections are correct.

    When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics
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    Hele knizka Tovarna na lzi - vyroba klimatickych dezinformaci byla zarazena do top 10 knih literatury faktu podle Deniku N .)

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: Hlasujte o nejdůležitějších literárních počinech

    O celkovym vitezi rozhodnou hlasy ctenarstva, tak kdybyste chteli podporit, tak muzete tu:

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: hlasování veřejnosti
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    TUHO: co na to dušeK? :]
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    Vitezslav Kremlik na youtube Tvorive spolecnosti (ex Allatra)

    Boj s emisemi CO2 aneb válka proti životu? I Vítězslav Kremlík
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    TUHO: státotvorba v akci
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    TUHO: tak snad najmou i jordana petersona na prednasku
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    Demystifying the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect: Toward a New Physical Paradigm in Climate Science
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