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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    JINDRICH --- ---
    TUHO: poplatek za vytíženosti tunu ba se dal teoreticky jednoduse zvýšit nařízením.vlady... ale ouha, někdo to nedávno zastropoval před +- dvěma lety v zákoně.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: jako že Saša Vondra má nějakej lehkej dotační škraloup? To není možný, dyk kluci že strany říkali, že je čistější než lilium!
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: + clanek na DR

    Pavel Tykač: státem vydržovaný oligarcha
    TUHO --- ---
    Dotovani Tykace?

    1) tykac koupil elektrarny, ktery meli bejt davno zavreny
    2) vylobboval si vyjimku z emisnich limitu, takze zpusobuje skody na zdravi a zivotnim prostredi za desitky miliard
    3) lobboval prostrednictvim topolanka a dalsich figurek za zpomaleni rozvoje obnovitelnych zdroju, tim blokuje legislativu pro rozvoj OZE, za jejiz neprijeti nam hrozej sankce EU.
    4) ma pritom brutalne nizky poplatky za vytezeny nerosty (ty patrej statu, plati treba 15-20 kc za tunu, uhli se prodava za 6500kc/tunu)
    5) pri energeticky krizi na umele nafouklejch cenach energii vycashoval 158 miliard kc.
    6) ted tahle vlada v utajeni prosadila ze jeste schvalila, ze mu muze platit dotace za provoz uhelnejch elktraren, ktery pravdepodobne stanou brzo ztratovy
    7) jinak tykac vali prachy do cevro ivana langra, kde je prorektor pojar. nebo centrum atlantickych vztahu, kde je predseda alexander vondra

    Miliardy pro Tykače? | Bude vláda dotovat miliardáře?
    TUHO --- ---
    Disinformation as a context-bound phenomenon: toward a conceptual clarification integrating actors, intentions and techniques of creation and dissemination

    Although disinformation has become a popular concept, we lack an integrative conceptualization that connects the actors, intentions and techniques underlying deceptive information. In this article, we conceptualize disinformation as a context-bound deliberate act for which actors covertly deceive recipients by de-contextualizing, manipulating or fabricating information to maximize utility with the (targeted) outcome of misleading recipients. This conceptualization embeds fragmented accounts of disinformation in a networked and participatory information logic, and offers a comprehensive account of the conditions under which different actors may decide to deceive, how they deceive, and what they aim to achieve by deceiving recipients. Our conceptualization may inform (machine-learning) techniques to detect disinformation and interventions that aim to trigger suspicion by breaking through the truth-default state.

    Disinformation as a context-bound phenomenon: toward a conceptual clarification integrating actors, intentions and techniques of creation and dissemination | Communication Theory | Oxford Academic
    TUHO --- ---
    Developing a Critical Response to Ad Hominem Attacks Against Climate Science

    Ad hominem attacks against climate scientists—including personal attacks questioning an individual’s character, competence, or motives—remain the most common type of contrarian strategy found in contemporary climate debates. Despite their pervasiveness, climate-related ad hominem argumentation remains understudied by scholars in both the humanities and social sciences. This study adapts Douglas Walton’s critical framework for identifying ad hominem attacks against the climate community and evaluating them for rhetorical errors by analyzing developing critical responses. This article offers guidance for future inoculation interventions, including media literacy campaigns that raise awareness and understanding of ad hominem attacks used by contrarian organizations in misinformation campaigns targeting climate science.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: It is a view shared by a number of far-right MEPs, including Romania’s Cristian Terhes who earlier this year told the European Parliament in a debate on climate change that the world is witnessing “the imposition of a utopian, criminal ideology, which requires us to totally destroy our way of life in the name of madness: zero-carbon emissions.”

    Terhes is also an anti-vaxxer and is behind the International Covid Summit, whose opening anthem calls on parents to shield their children from perceived tyrannies. “We’ll be free until the day we die” are among the anthem’s lyrics.
    TUHO --- ---
    These posts are part of a database set up by Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat to explore the explosion of QAnon conspiracy myths in Europe across more than 2,000 Telegram channels in nine countries.

    Timing, network, vocab
    The first three ingredients of this recipe borrow some of the marketing industry strategies: timing, networks, and vocabulary. However, in this case the aim is to spread political views not sell products.

    As people’s rage and frustration, fed by conspiracy theories related to Covid and Ukraine, died down, Telegram users following QAnon channels were primed for a new target: climate denialism.

    According to Lighthouse analysis, until late 2022 climate mentions were quite limited in the database compared to other topics. The Oxford event took place on 18 February 2023 and posts on climate-related issues warning about a “climate lockdown” or against “15-minute cities” had been spreading since March 2022. They only gained wider popularity around November of the same year when the support by a few key channels in the QAnon world prompted a surge in traffic and attention.

    How QAnon pushed climate-denialism into European mainstream
    CHOSIE --- ---
    NYRLEM: V zásadě tomu tak je tzv. "Global dimming" existuje a maskuje dle odhadu něco mezi 0.5-1.5C, ale jako argument je to slabé, spalováním více fosilních paliv se situace pouze zhořší, čelit realitě tohoto maskování budeme muset dříve či později. V případě SO2 a NO2 také dochází ke kyselým deštům a dalším negativním vlivům, což článek zmiňuje. Samotný titulek je takový bait/zavádějící - snížením spalování fosilních paliv planetu neoteplujeme, nýbrž zmizí onen maskovací efekt.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: kvalita
    TUHO --- ---
    Klima v holoc�nu (star��m, st�edn�m, mlad��m) | Treking.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Wilcock povedal: „Medziplanetárne klimatické zmeny sú ústredným bodom pre dôkaznú podporu SOLÁRNEHO ZÁBLESKU. Pozorujeme, ako sa celá slnečná sústava rozjasňuje. Slnko sa javí jasnejšie. Svetlo je belšie. Máme 100 údajov z NASA o rôznych anomáliách, ktoré sa vyskytujú v celej našej slnečnej sústave. CELÁ SLNEČNÁ SÚSTAVA SA NABÍJA!“

    Pripomíname, že toto je to, čo Gene Decode opísal ako udalosť Vzostupu a návrat Kristovho vedomia do 5D+:

    53:19 Gene Decode: [vedecká diskusia o vesmíre a planétach]… Energia prichádzajúca na Zem pochádza zo Slnka… klamú vám… polárna žiara v skutočnosti pochádza zo Slnka vo vnútri Zeme… Zem je dutá… a ak sa naučíte, ako sa tvoria rastliny… preto nazývajú Pluto planétou, pretože nemá Slnko, je príliš malé…

    Poroba ľudu demokraciou končí - Podtatranský-kuriér.sk | Noviny Poprad a okolie
    TUHO --- ---
    #Great reset #conspiracy theory a popirani klimaticke zmeny

    ISD has tracked the spread of conspiracy theories regarding the Great Reset from the beginning. After the WEF initiative was launched on 3 June 2020, the first video describing the call-to-action as a “New World Order power grab” was posted four days later on alt-tech video platform Bitchute. The video has since been viewed over 100,000 times. Towards the end of June, an op-ed written by Justin Hawkins of the Heartland Institute, a leading climate change-denying think tank, was published on Fox News, in which he wrote the Great Reset’s “socialist outline is clear: destroy the global capitalist economy and reform the Western world.”

    The ‘Great Reset’ - ISD
    TUHO --- ---
    Čtenářské hlasování o Zelené perle 2023 - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Vlády, neziskovky, média. Všichni společně proti lidem. Shellenberger o Sorosovi, Bidenovi i cenzuře EU | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran
    JINDRICH --- ---
    JINDRICH: respektive asi píšou proste podle toho kdo jim zaplatí... strategic consulting, co to vydava je Čížek, ted zrovna z SPD. Obzvlášť před volbami jsou to zcela jasne jen pr texty..
    JINDRICH --- ---
    TUHO: "naše praha" je medialni projekt nějak napojeny na ods
    TUHO --- ---
    Kind of related. Proc konspiracni teorie frci an TikToku

    Why TikTok Is Becoming A Conspiracy Playground
    TUHO --- ---
    Far-right fossil fuel company allies pressure US supreme court to shield firms in unprecedented campaign | Oil and gas companies | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    News - Petroganda: The Economy vs. The Environment | Drilled
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: While most climate scientists agreed that human-caused climate change was a real issue that would require action, a small group argued there was no cause for alarm. The plan was to pay these sceptics to give speeches or write op-eds - about $1,500 (£1,250) per article - and to arrange media tours so they could appear on local TV and radio stations
    TUHO --- ---

    Though few outside the PR industry might have heard of E Bruce Harrison or the eponymous company he had run since 1973, he had a string of campaigns for some of the US's biggest polluters under his belt.
    He had worked for the chemical industry discrediting research on the toxicity of pesticides; for the tobacco industry, and had recently run a campaign against tougher emissions standards for the big car makers. Harrison had built a firm that was considered one of the very best.
    Media historian Melissa Aronczyk, who interviewed Harrison before he died in 2021, says he was a strategic linchpin for his clients, ensuring everyone was on the same page.
    "He was a master at what he did," she says.
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