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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
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    The individuals and organisations who opposed mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic and resist vaccination today in the USA overlap with those who deny climate change, and for a known reason: they are generally ideologically opposed to “big government”, whether in the marketplace to put a tax on carbon-based fuels, or in schools, workplaces, and public places to require masking and vaccination. It is not a coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration, which opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and advocated herd immunity, was the product of a conference hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, which promotes “personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money”. It is also no coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration—like the Oregon Petition before it that challenged mainstream climate science—takes the form of a petition. Petitions are political instruments, not scientific ones.

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    #covid #barrington #declaration

    Jeremy Baskin at the Melbourne School of Government has noted an eerie familiarity: “‘Not again’ will be the first thought of many climate-change veterans. They will recognise in the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) echoes of the dispiriting and distracting climate-science wars.” It was a very apt comparison. The GBD, AIER, and their corporate funders are using strategies straight out of the climate denial playbook. As described in Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, the fossil fuel industry has long used conservative think tanks like the Heartland Institute to sow doubt about climate science while funding contrarian scientists who portray “inconvenient” science as “unsettled” or even corrupt, a tactic first pioneered by tobacco companies. Such interests, hostile to public health interventions and government endeavors to implement them, appear to have resurrected a similar strategy for the pandemic to sow doubt about (and give the appearance of grassroots support for their opposition to) public health interventions to slow the spread of covid-19. Their strategy has seen a band of scientists teaming up with conservative think-tanks and corporate interests and lending scientific authority to their efforts to downplay the severity of the pandemic and argue that evidence-based public health measures do not work.

    Covid-19 and the new merchants of doubt - The BMJ
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    An open letter that emerged earlier this month opposing COVID-19 shutdowns and calling for a “herd immunity” approach to addressing the coronavirus — which already has claimed over 220,000 American lives — is one of the latest examples of how right-wing ideology and think tanks that have long cultivated climate science denial are now engaging in COVID disinformation and promoting messaging dangerous to public health.

    Known as the Great Barrington Declaration, this statement advocating for herd immunity was introduced in early October at an event hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, a conservative free-market think tank located in the western Massachusetts town of Great Barrington. This think tank, funded in part through a corporate investment firm with holdings in major oil and petrochemical companies, operates a network for the international business community that partners with other institutions backed by Koch and fossil fuel cash.

    A Right-Wing Think Tank Is Behind the Controversial Great Barrington Declaration Calling for COVID-19 Herd Immunity | DeSmog
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    TUHO: Koukam, ze Great Barrington Declaration ma celkem solidni heslo na Wikipedii...

    The declaration was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), a libertarian think tank which receives a substantial part of its funding from its own investments, with holdings valued at US$284 million in a wide range of fossil fuel companies including Chevron and ExxonMobil, tobacco giant Philip Morris International, Microsoft, Alphabet Inc. and many other companies.[14][15] Its 2018 revenues were in excess of US$2.2 million[19] and included a US$68,100 donation from the Charles Koch Foundation.[14][30] AIER's network of local "Bastiat Society" chapters partners with the Atlas Network, Ayn Rand Institute, Cato Institute, the Charles Koch Institute, and other Koch-funded think tanks.[15][31] Controversial research funded by AIER in the past includes a study asserting that sweatshops supplying multinationals are beneficial for those working in them,[32] and AIER's statements and publications consistently downplay the risks of climate change, with titles such as "The Real Reason Nobody Takes Environmental Activists Seriously" and "Brazilians Should Keep Slashing Their Rainforest".[14][19]

    Great Barrington Declaration - Wikipedia
    TUHO --- ---
    Jak se propleteji dezinformace o klimatu a o koronaviru.

    Tady koukam na blog Hnizdila, kde doporucuje podavat si ruce, ze se nemame ceho bat. Prave ted 200 000 precteni.
    Jan Hnízdil - Názory Aktuálně.cz

    A Nafeez Ahmed o jejich napojeni na Koch brothers dezinformacni masinerii

    Corporate records filed with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) confirm that the AIER operates as part of a Koch-funded network of climate science deniers who see environmental regulation as a threat to its vision of unfettered, deregulated markets.
    The latest available IRS documents reveal that in 2018, the AIER received $68,100 for “General Operating Support” from the Charles Koch Foundation, which acts on behalf of right-wing billionaire Charles Koch.
    Through their various foundations and other entities, Charles and his brother, the late David Koch, are well-known for being among the world’s biggest founders of climate science denial.
    The AIER itself is no stranger to such denialism. All its climate change related reports and commentaries are studiously dedicated to downplaying the severity of climate risks and obfuscating the science around human exploitation of oil, gas and coal in driving current global warming levels.
    The AIER has published climate science deniers such as the economist David Henderson, who has rejected the validity of the scientific consensus on climate change.
    AIER’s President is the leading Austrian school economist Edward P. Stringham, a Research Fellow with The Independent Institute – another market-oriented think-tank that has regularly questioned the science of man-made climate change and received Koch funding, as well as support from ExxonMobil.

    Climate Science Denial Network Behind Great Barrington Declaration – Byline Times
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