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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Mimochodem k Allatra prej previbrovala i Sona Pekova :-o

    Drakoreptiliáni, hologramy a archeoastronautika
    V rozhovore zverejnenom na YouTube na kanáli s názvom Zákony Bohatství v auguste 2023 poskytla Peková náhľad do svojej osobnej viery. Blízka je jej napríklad archeoastronautika. Táto pseudoveda hlása, že súčasné kultúry vznikli vďaka vplyvu mimozemských entít v minulosti.

    Svet, v ktorom žijeme, je podľa Pekovej 3D ilúziou a ľudské duše sem prichádzajú, aby sa tu niečo naučili. Naša realita má byť však „kontaminovaná“ drakoniánmi, ktorí majú mať za cieľ zotročenie ľudstva. Peková vo videu spomína aj Tvorivú spoločnosť, ktorá sa venuje rôznym apokalyptickým predpovediam o konci sveta.

    Vo februári 2023 poskytla Peková rozhovor aj Tvorivej spoločnosti. Rozhovor je na YouTube kanáli hnutia zostrihaný do štyroch častí. V jednej z nich, s názvom „Žijeme v hologramu“, biologička vyjadruje podobné myšlienky ako vo vyššie spomínanom rozhovore pre Zákony Bohatství. Ako názov videa napovedá, časť rozhovoru sa nesie v duchu konšpiračných tvrdení o tom, že realita, v ktorej žijeme, je iba hologramom.

    Okrem toho Peková spomína aj konšpiračnú knihu Anastasie Novych s názvom AllatRa, kniha tisícročia. Samotná sekta z tejto knihy vo veľkom čerpá. Podľa Pekovej je dielo „povinným čítaním“, pretože „tam pochopíme, prečo je Creative Society – Kreatívna [pozn. Tvorivá] spoločnosť cestou“.

    Soňa Peková sa nebráni ani myšlienke, že by jedna z vyššie postavených členiek hnutia, nazývaná ako Zhanna, mala byť „Anunnaki“. Anunnaki sú podľa hnutia vyspelou civilizáciou ochraňujúcou miliardy planét. Mimozemský pôvod Zhanny má „dokazovať“ napríklad jej zvláštne žmurkanie. Tento jav ako dôkaz mimozemského pôvodu podsúva v jednom z rozhovorov aj samotný zakladateľ hnutia Danilov.

    Soňa Peková: preslávila sa dezinformáciami o Covid-19, v súčasnosti má blízko k ezoterickej sekte - INFOSECURITY.SK
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: It is a view shared by a number of far-right MEPs, including Romania’s Cristian Terhes who earlier this year told the European Parliament in a debate on climate change that the world is witnessing “the imposition of a utopian, criminal ideology, which requires us to totally destroy our way of life in the name of madness: zero-carbon emissions.”

    Terhes is also an anti-vaxxer and is behind the International Covid Summit, whose opening anthem calls on parents to shield their children from perceived tyrannies. “We’ll be free until the day we die” are among the anthem’s lyrics.
    TUHO --- ---
    These posts are part of a database set up by Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat to explore the explosion of QAnon conspiracy myths in Europe across more than 2,000 Telegram channels in nine countries.

    Timing, network, vocab
    The first three ingredients of this recipe borrow some of the marketing industry strategies: timing, networks, and vocabulary. However, in this case the aim is to spread political views not sell products.

    As people’s rage and frustration, fed by conspiracy theories related to Covid and Ukraine, died down, Telegram users following QAnon channels were primed for a new target: climate denialism.

    According to Lighthouse analysis, until late 2022 climate mentions were quite limited in the database compared to other topics. The Oxford event took place on 18 February 2023 and posts on climate-related issues warning about a “climate lockdown” or against “15-minute cities” had been spreading since March 2022. They only gained wider popularity around November of the same year when the support by a few key channels in the QAnon world prompted a surge in traffic and attention.

    How QAnon pushed climate-denialism into European mainstream
    TUHO --- ---
    Lukáš Kovanda
    Lukáš Kovanda, Ph.D., je český ekonóm a autor ekonomickej literatúry. Pôsobí ako hlavný ekonóm Trinity Bank. Je členom Národnej ekonomickej rady vlády, ktorá sa teraz zameriava najmä na boj s ekonomickými dôsledkami šírenia ochorení COVID-19. Je činný aj ako socioekonomický analytik pri OSN.

    V Česku má cena elektriny stúpnuť o 71 percentZdraženie je prvým z hmatateľných dôsledkov Green Dealu
    Green Deal je postavený na masívnych dotáciách, a teda na náraste dlhu, čo samo osebe ochromí ekonomiku EÚ a zhorší životnú úroveň ľudí.

    Zdraženie je prvým z hmatateľných dôsledkov Green Dealu | Konzervatívny denník
    TUHO --- ---
    The individuals and organisations who opposed mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic and resist vaccination today in the USA overlap with those who deny climate change, and for a known reason: they are generally ideologically opposed to “big government”, whether in the marketplace to put a tax on carbon-based fuels, or in schools, workplaces, and public places to require masking and vaccination. It is not a coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration, which opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and advocated herd immunity, was the product of a conference hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, which promotes “personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money”. It is also no coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration—like the Oregon Petition before it that challenged mainstream climate science—takes the form of a petition. Petitions are political instruments, not scientific ones.

    TUHO --- ---
    “The Great Reset” is a conspiracy theory that has become popular among people resisting public health recommendations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The name comes from the 2021 theme of the World Economic Forum’s annual summit and claims that global elites have manipulated the course of the pandemic to implement various forms of economic and social control. While the conspiracy is easily debunked, we argue that it also reflects important cultural trends at the heart of the current epistemic crisis. Our study adopts a theoretical approach that frames conspiracy theories as cultural expressions of social problems. We conducted a qualitative analysis of media content shared on Twitter related to the nascent campaign #StopTheGreatReset. We found that Great Reset narratives not only relied on traditional conspiracy tropes but also reflected a newer and concerning anti-institutional discourse that expressed social anxiety about the pandemic as a form of antidemocratic politics.

    The Great Reset and the Cultural Boundaries of Conspiracy Theory | Christensen | International Journal of Communication
    TUHO --- ---
    Launch novy Moranovi knizky The Great Reset

    The Great Reset
    Marc Morano, publisher of ClimateDepot.com, argued that global elites are using the COVID pandemic and the threat of global warming to reshape the global economy and keep citizens under control. This event was hosted by the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley in Santa Clara, California.

    [The Great Reset] | C-SPAN.org
    TUHO --- ---
    Jerry Taylor told E&E News that the coronavirus crisis would deal a "fatal blow" to climate denialism, because it laid bare the cost of ignoring the advice of scientists.
    "COVID-denialism is climate-denialist wine in a new bottle," he tweeted recently. "No wonder most climate-denialists are COVID-denialists. It resonates because it presses the same reptilian buttons we have in all of us. Their buttons, however, are bigger."
    For its part, Heartland has published pieces suggesting that coronavirus models — which are now shifting death counts as people transform their behavior — are unreliable and are proof that climate models are wrong and that climate change fears are overblown.
    Heartland also has rolled out a series of climate briefs that are "designed to provide a library of solid yet simple rebuttals so that legislators, teachers, students, and laymen can easily refute the exaggerations of the so-called ‘climate crisis.’"
    It says that Greenland ice loss is nothing to be concerned about, that there isn’t a consensus among scientists on human-caused climate change and that there is a minimal acceleration in sea-level rise.

    Brothers duke it out from opposite sides of climate fight - E&E News
    TUHO --- ---
    slusnej naklep danielovi kaiserovi za clanek o ceskosaskem svycarsku. je vtipny jak je ten clovek mimo neustale (covid, klima, environmenalismus). ale nejaky sebereflexe se asi clovek nedocka

    Přihlásit se k Facebooku | Facebook
    TUHO --- ---

    Daniel Vavra
    Jen takový hloupý dotaz. Třeba se tomu někdo věnuje. Jak přesně fungují simulace a klimatické modely co předpovídají klima za 100 let?
    Klimatická simulace mi přijde jako prakticky nejsložitější věc jakou lze softwarově řešit. Respektive jako neřešitelná věc. Protože je nekonečno vstupů, se kterými musíme počítat, z nichž velké množství ani neznáme a nikdy znát nebudeme (sluneční aktivita, činnost sopek, přírodní katastrofy, události typu covid a války, změny lidského chování). A pak samozřejmě je tu samotná atmosféra, která se chová naprosto nepředvídatelně, stačí se podívat na mraky, co se s nimi děje na obloze a jak je ovlivňuje třeba jen teplota země pod nimi.
    Pokud bychom si dokázali do simulace vložit aktuální podobu nějakého mraku, dokážeme nasimulovat to, jak bude vypadat za dvě hodiny, kde bude, jestli z něj bude pršet, jestli ho rozfouká vítr? Ne.
    Aby ta simulace vycházela, museli bychom znát nekonečno vstupních dat a de facto bychom museli nasimulovat celý vesmír. Čímž bychom nový vesmír de facto stvořili.
    A co je simulace klimatu? Někdo vezme lokální nějakou aktuální situaci o počasí na celém světě. Tu musí zřejmě strašně zjednodušit, takže z extrémně složitých jevů udělá pár čísel a následně nechá tyhle data mezi sebou interagovat podle nějakých pravidel, která vypozoroval a která můžou být špatně a část z nich asi i je. A to co mu vyjde jako předpověď budoucnosti použije pro výpočet ještě vzdálenější budoucnosti a tak dál.
    Přičemž každému je jasné. Že už vstupní, správně změřená data, jsou špatná, protože nejsou kompletní a ještě se zjednodušují. To co z nich vyjde je tedy přinejmenším nepřesné. A s každým dalším kolečkem vycházejí větší a větší nesmysly.
    Protože pokud nedokážeme předpovědět na základě simulací počasí příští týden, tak nemůžeme předpovědět počasí za rok a za 100 let je to už naprosto komediální představa.
    A i kdyby ty data co vycházejí blbě nebyly, tak pak někde pár let v budoucnu vybuchne sopka, spadne kometa, v Číně vysázejí miliardu stromů, začne válka, někdo vymyslí nový zdroj energie, nebo je lockdown a ten celý systém to rozhodí tak, že data z něj jsou stejně naprosto k ničemu.
    Takže tvářit se, že ta simulace má jakoukoliv vypovídající hodnotu o čemkoliv, je naprostý nesmysl. A řekl bych, že i vědomá lež.
    Nebo se to počítá nějak líp a tohle je nějak ošetřené?
    TUHO --- ---
    trochu z pribuznyho oboru, antivax s antiklimatixkou propagandou se dost propojuje

    Dismantling the anti-vaxx industry | Nature Medicine

    Investigations show that those spreading misinformation that undermines the rollout of vaccines against COVID-19 are well financed, determined and disciplined. To counter their activities, we need to understand them as an industry actively working to sow doubts about the deadliness of COVID-19, vaccines and medical professionals’ integrity.

    The term ‘anti-vaxxer’ may evoke images of a conspiracy theorist in a grimy basement or a disheveled figure on a crate railing against ‘microchips’ and ‘global plots’. In reality, the key protagonists in the ‘anti-vaxx industry’ are a coherent group of professional propagandists. These are people running multi-million-dollar organizations, incorporated mainly in the USA, with as many as 60 staff each. They produce training manuals for activists, tailor their messages for different audiences, and arrange meetings akin to annual trades conferences, like any other industry
    TUHO --- ---
    #covid #barrington #declaration

    Jeremy Baskin at the Melbourne School of Government has noted an eerie familiarity: “‘Not again’ will be the first thought of many climate-change veterans. They will recognise in the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) echoes of the dispiriting and distracting climate-science wars.” It was a very apt comparison. The GBD, AIER, and their corporate funders are using strategies straight out of the climate denial playbook. As described in Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, the fossil fuel industry has long used conservative think tanks like the Heartland Institute to sow doubt about climate science while funding contrarian scientists who portray “inconvenient” science as “unsettled” or even corrupt, a tactic first pioneered by tobacco companies. Such interests, hostile to public health interventions and government endeavors to implement them, appear to have resurrected a similar strategy for the pandemic to sow doubt about (and give the appearance of grassroots support for their opposition to) public health interventions to slow the spread of covid-19. Their strategy has seen a band of scientists teaming up with conservative think-tanks and corporate interests and lending scientific authority to their efforts to downplay the severity of the pandemic and argue that evidence-based public health measures do not work.

    Covid-19 and the new merchants of doubt - The BMJ
    TUHO --- ---
    Od klimatu ke covidu a zase zpatky....


    Members of an online movement infected with pandemic conspiracies are shifting their focus - and are increasingly peddling falsehoods about climate change.
    Matthew is convinced that shadowy forces lie behind two of the biggest news stories of our time, and that he's not being told the truth.
    "This whole campaign of fear and propaganda is an attempt to try and drive some agenda," he says. "It doesn't matter whether it's climate change or a virus or something else."

    Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus - BBC News
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: No, hele ty linky mezi covid a climate denialem nemam tak najety. Nicmene timhle se zabyva uz Naomi Oreskes s Ericem Conwayem v Merchants of Doubt, kdyz popisujou, jak radu vyznacnejch climate denial vedcu spojuje vyhrocenej antikomunismus a odpor k silny vlade. Ten ciste financni kalkul neni pritomnej vzdy, nekdy je pouze zcasti, nekdy uplne chybi. Lidi i organizace maji ruzny motivace. A climate denial se stal popularni tak v pravicovejch kruzich prevazne proto, ze se pomerne vhodne doplnuje s freemarket ortodoxii.
    TUHO --- ---
    Covid19 denial kisses climate denial

    Organisers of anti-lockdown declaration have track record of promoting denial of health and environmental risks - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

    Covid-19 and the new merchants of doubt - The BMJ
    TUHO --- ---
    Well, COVID-19 is a little bit different than climate change and evolutionary theory. Scientists have been working on evolutionary theory for the past 150 years and climate change for, say, 70 years – so the science is very well established and well settled. COVID-19 is different because there are many things about it, and coronaviruses in general, that we don’t understand; we can’t say the science is settled.

    But we can see that even in the very different scientific situation, some of the same kinds of political and ideological issues are kicking in. People reject scientific advice [about COVID-19] because they see it as the government telling them what to do: “I don’t want the government telling me that I have to wear a mask.” And that overlaps a lot with the rejection of climate change, where the rejection of government and market fundamentalism is also tied to a kind of radical individualism: “My life is not for someone else to tell me what to do.” That’s okay, up to a point. But when what you do hurts other people, then it gets problematic.

    Naomi Oreskes on the science of climate change and COVID-19 – and those who deny it - McGill Reporter
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Zubarovi uz je expertiza na Covid malo. Asi kouka, kde by blbejma radama mohl zabit jeste vic lidi
    TUHO --- ---
    LONDON, April 27 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Widespread mistrust of science and disputes over basic facts, tied to growing political polarisation and disinformation campaigns, are undermining efforts to tackle climate change globally, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry warned.

    During a virtual summit organised by the Nobel Foundation and major science academies this week, Kerry said building greater public understanding and agreement on the world's "existential" challenges was crucial to addressing them.

    "We have to establish a baseline of truth or we can't build consensus in a democracy," he said.

    "Paid-for denial" about climate change by big polluters and political disregard by some governments of scientific warnings about COVID-19 risks are "costing us enormously", he added.

    Kerry said achieving climate goals fast enough amounted to "a moonshot on steroids" - and called on scientists to help communicate to the public the urgent need for swift action.

    "Scientists want to avoid the fray - but we are in a war against denial," he said. "I think we have to fight back, and I think scientists have to be at the front of that fight."

    John Kerry asks scientists to lead fight against climate denial
    TUHO --- ---
    An open letter that emerged earlier this month opposing COVID-19 shutdowns and calling for a “herd immunity” approach to addressing the coronavirus — which already has claimed over 220,000 American lives — is one of the latest examples of how right-wing ideology and think tanks that have long cultivated climate science denial are now engaging in COVID disinformation and promoting messaging dangerous to public health.

    Known as the Great Barrington Declaration, this statement advocating for herd immunity was introduced in early October at an event hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, a conservative free-market think tank located in the western Massachusetts town of Great Barrington. This think tank, funded in part through a corporate investment firm with holdings in major oil and petrochemical companies, operates a network for the international business community that partners with other institutions backed by Koch and fossil fuel cash.

    A Right-Wing Think Tank Is Behind the Controversial Great Barrington Declaration Calling for COVID-19 Herd Immunity | DeSmog
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