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    NAGASAWAYakuza | Kultovní herní série | Tipy, meme, spin-off a popkultura | Platinový masochismus
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    A pro odvážný komplet hra Nó: Tomoe s eng subs

    Noh performance "TOMOE" by Mikata Shizuka with English Subtitles
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Mimochodem jak jsem psal, ze jsem byl na prednasce o divadle Nó i s ukazkou herce, tak u divadla byl i klasickej hudebni doprovod Kakégoé plnej vytí "yoooooooooooo", který člověka dostalo celkem rychle do tranzu, tak jsem si od pátku dohledával hudbu s tím spojenou a proklikal jsem se k téhle nahrávce z roku 1954, kde se v 27 minutě rozjede celkem solidní divočina, která se přesně takhle hrála pred 650 lety. V podstate by se dalo rict, ze Japonci hrali rock driv, nez to bylo cool. Taaaaakze pokud se s podobnym motivem potkame v Ishinu, tak budeme chytrejsi.

    Casomira na 27 minutu je nastavena. Pokud by nefungovala, nastavte si ji. Doporucuju.

    Azuma Kabuki Musicians Nagauta Music 1954 (with liner notes)

    Jinak neco malo teorie k Nó a Kabuki

    Okay, enough with the funny jokes, if there's anyone who'd like to get a deeper understanding of the music;

    These songs are from the Japanese Noh theater, which started around some 650 years ago. It's actually the world's oldest performing art that's still being performed on stage. The instrumental songs you hear here are performed by four musicians, each playing their own peculiar instruments.

    First, the flute, or the "Noh-kan(能管)" is made of bamboo and played transversely. It's lacquered black on the outside, and has a peculiar internal structure; the part between the blowing hole and the finger holes narrows to a very small diameter internally. This "throat" structure creates a venturi effect, and gives the flute its curious sound. The sound is completely out of pitch, although this isn't an issue at all, as the flute only serves to create the unique Noh atmosphere. In fact, the actors never adjust their libretto to the melody of the flute.

    The second instrument is the small hand drum, or the "Kotsuzumi(小鼓)". It's what makes that uniquely Japanese "Boink!" sound. It's a double-headed drum, with two drumheads made of foal skin and a wooden body that's shaped like an hourglass. The drum is held together by thin hemp ropes, and it's these ropes that the musician holds onto while playing the drum. The sound is adjustable just like an African talking drum by either squeezing or slacking the ropes. This drum is peculiar in that it always needs a certain level of moisture in order to produce the sonorous tone; the musician keeps breathing directly onto both drumheads during intervals to achieve this.

    The third instrument is the larger hand drum, or the "Otsuzumi(大鼓)". Although this drum looks almost exactly like the Kotsuzumi, only larger, the sound it makes is completely different; it produces a dry, hard wooden "Clack!" sound. This is very unusual, given that most instruments will produce a lower tone as it gets bigger. However the Otsuzumi is assembled with thick horsehide drumheads that are heated on coal and dried to the extreme, which is completely opposite to the smaller Kotsuzumi. The musician only puts the drum together if the drumheads have become as hard as a metal frying pan. He then binds the drumheads to the hourglass-shaped wooden body as tightly as possible using thick hemp ropes while dripping with sweat. The drum is played by slamming onto one of the drumheads with his right hand. Because slamming onto the hard drumheads for too long will surely damage his hand, the musician always wears papier-mache fingerstalls on his fingers to protect them.

    The fourth and the last instrument is the big drum, or the "Taiko(太鼓)", that produces the rhythmic thumping sounds. Some of you might have seen modern taiko performances that involve brawny drummers beating on drums the size of a small fridge, but the Taiko used in Noh is much smaller; it's only the size of a small washbowl. The Taiko used in Noh is intricately decorated with jet black lacquer and gold leaves, and is assembled with ropes. The drumheads are made of cowhide, and a small circular deerskin patch is applied right on the middle of the drumhead that's going to take all the beating. After being assembled, the Taiko is then propped on a wooden stand, and is hit with two thick drumsticks. The drummer takes extra care to hit none other than the circular deerskin patch; hitting on anywhere else might result in damaged heads.

    You might also be interested in the curious "Yo" and "Ho" howls; they're actually a vital part of the music, and are called the "Kakégoé(掛け声)". As the musicians play while staring at the audiences, they can't really look at each others and check how the others are doing. In order to compensate for this lack of visual information and synchronize the music, they howl in a prescribed moment of a rhythm in order to let the others know which part they're playing. These howls were therefore integrated into each short rhythm right when they were first composed hundreds of years ago; you cannot skip or improvise a howl by yourself. The howls are written on the scores right alongside the drumbeats, and you are required to memorize both drumbeats and howls as a musician.

    That's pretty much a very over-the-top introduction of each instruments; I'm currently studying Kabuki and Nagauta music, which are composed hundreds of years after Noh became a thing. Most songs I play are around one to two hundred years old, and they frequently make use of rhythms and instruments used in Noh music, which is why I know all this.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: No ted ty ctyri mesice budou jeste delsi. Preseknuty holeně od Izo... skvely.
    BOBESH --- ---
    Like a Dragon: Ishin! 15 Minutes of Night Mode Demo Gameplay
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    LOPIK: jinak jj. V Like a Dragon bylo rozhodne prijemnejsi dve hodiny farmit Invested Vagabonda na max level, nez v Persone 5 cekat na spravny pocasi, nez se ti spawne reaper, nebo jak to tehdy bylo a projizdet tyden dalsi a dalsi patra metra.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    LOPIK: jak preskocit.... JAK PRESKOCIT!?!

    GEE --- ---
    LOPIK: Proto je super, ze ted vyjde trojka - je kratsi, jednodussi, primocarejsi, ale porad kouzelna. Porad muj nejoblibenejsi dil a Switchi nebo Steamdecku bude sluset stejne jako kdyz vysel na PSP
    LOPIK --- ---
    MATICZECH: Vítej.. u tý Persony je blbý, že tam fakt hodiny a hodiny člověk fakt jen odklikává věci - já bych to někomu koho baví Yakuza ani moc nedoporučil.. Ta hra je dost hardcore v tom jak žere čas - 40% doslova odklikáváš nepřeskočitelný dialogy nebo volby typu "jdi spát" nebo "dej si kafe", 40% grindění a 20% je zbytek hry, kde teda taky čumíš víc na animace, než cokoliv jinýho..
    Třeba ten Like a Dragon, co je v těch bojích podobnej, je aspoň tak lehkej, že nemusíš skoro vůbec grindit, když nechceš a ty dialogy se dají přeskočit, v Judgmentu zase ty středoškolský patálie můžeš z velký části úplně vynechat.
    MATICZECH --- ---
    Yakuza je přístupnější a člověk rychleji skočí zpátky do hry... v Personě 5 je hodně věcí, které musí mít člověk na paměti. To je pravda. Je taky časově náročnější než jakákoli Yakuza nebo Judgment :/ Je to na dlouhé lokty no
    MISEC --- ---
    Ja som P5 zacal 2x, tym ze je to taka rozsiahla hra, sanca ze mi do toho nie ine pride je velka. Potom sa mi do toho tazko vracia naspat, ovladanie, techniky a pod. V tomto mi prisla Yakuza priatelskejsia.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    GEE: ne ze bych u skolni sestrz Kyoko Hakase v Lost Judgmentu celou dobu necekal na moment, kdz prehodi nohy stejne, jako Takemi v Persone.. kazdopadne alespon na to guinea pig doslo.

    MATICZECH --- ---
    Ahoj. Zdravím všechny :) a taky bych naordinoval dohrání Persony 5 minimálně jednou do roka.
    GEE --- ---
    Všem těm neznabohům já a Tae Takemi ordinujeme tu Personu odehrát
    DEEFHA --- ---
    LOPIK: ...ráno vstaneš, musíš jít do školy, pak odpoledne někam můžeš jít, ale jakože jen jednou, dvakrát, pak musíš jít spát... Týjo, to mi zní jako Bully :-) To jsem taky nedohrál...
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Jinak vitam noveho aniki kolegu z Japonskych dnu - id MATICZECH
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    VITEKK: Jasna vec. V tomhle ohledu to podobny je. Na Personu jsem si vzpomnel treba u Judgmentu, kde si musis budovat pratelstvi ve vsech tech bistrech a podobne a tim se ti oteviraly dalsi moznosti. V Yakuze mas ale svobodu. V Persone musis resit regulerni time namagement, kde planujes co, kde, kdy jak a kam.
    LOPIK --- ---
    VITEKK: Je to dost jiný - Persona hlavně fakt není o tom, že bys tam někde procházel městem a chodil na karaoke atd.. - v tomhle smyslu tě vodí dost za ruku, jakože ráno vstaneš, musíš jít do školy, pak odpoledne někam můžeš jít, ale jakože jen jednou, dvakrát, pak musíš jít spát.. Ne že budeš běhat dva dny po Tokyu. Je to spíš jak nějakej dating simulator v tomhle ohledu..
    VITEKK --- ---
    ja personu nehral (zadnou) ted koukam na ty recenze, protoze se na ni chystam na switchi a prislo mi to prave podobny tim tokyem, tim ze tam si delas ty pratele a delas tisic ruznejch mini kvestu a cinnosti, pusobi to na me podobne
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