RUDOLF: yes, Like A Dragon Ishin isn't going to convert those who dislike Yakuza. It still carries some of the series' historic frustrations and feels like a bit of a step backward when you compare it to Yakuza: Like A Dragon's turn-based shake-ups and modernisations. Although, a step backward isn't a bad thing at all! Ishin feels most like Yakuza 0 (my fave) that's sure to please longtime fans, and its standalone nature means that it is, without a doubt, one of the strongest starting points for newcomers. Now excuse me, I best get back to harvest my radishes.
Ono je to asi v podstatě jedno. Zero i Ishin jsou prequel a fanservis, tak je otázka, kterou si vyberes. Mě k Yakuza přivedlo demo šestky. U obou je výhodou to, ze znáš postavy, které se tam ukážou, ale zase je můžeš poznat zpětně u cele série. Pokud jsi odhodlanej do série jít, ber cokoliv.