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    NAGASAWAYakuza | Kultovní herní série | Tipy, meme, spin-off a popkultura | Platinový masochismus
    rozbalit záhlaví
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: ze to taky jednou nedaj nekomu jinymu :))
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: jj :)) zase Tristan Ogilvie - Mirka Spacilova Yakuzy
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: fakt dali zas 7!? :D ono to tam slo uz davno do riti...
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: haha IGN klasicky drzi tradici s 7/10 :)) Ti uz z toho fakt udelali meme pro reddit a vyssi znamku uz dat nemuzou
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: Zbezne jsem kouknul na kotaku kde psali, ze je to jako miso polivka. Znama chut, nostalgie, jistota, ale porad je to predkrm urcenej pro LaD: IW. To mi bohate staci. Miso mam rad.
    BOBESH --- ---
    asi padlo embargo. ani na to nebudu koukat. stacil hned ten prvni koment na meta

    "Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is much more than 'just a spin-off'. This entry not only provides context for Kiryu's reapparance as a headliner within the Like a Dragon franchise, but also introduces tons of nostalgia as well as some new gameplay elements. Overall, it may not be as long as the main Like a Dragon entries (but don't fret, it cannot be considered 'short'), although it stands its ground as a video game that should be considered a must-play franchisewise."

    Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Review
    GEE --- ---
    Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name - Metacritic

    Uz nam to naskakuje :-)
    BOBESH --- ---
    pro platinovy masochisty, ale ted by to mohlo pusobit jako spoiler ;)
    Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Trophies - PS5 - Exophase.com
    BOBESH --- ---
    hraje pan Horii
    PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!『龍が如く7外伝 名を消した男』Vol.01
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: lol. ten musi brat taky neco dobryho :))

    btw Studio Nagoshi oslavilo 2. rok
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Koukam, ze se s tím Kuroda na Twitteru taky nesere

    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: tohle na twiteru? S dabingem souhlasim. Ten je naprosto perfektni. Navic kdyz tam prisel doktor, tak jsem si rikal: no neni to Takaya Kuroda? ale na imdb jsem ho nenasel. Mel tam akorat jednu vetu.


    Just finished watching the last episode of "Pluto”.

    It's wonderful! This is the soul of Tezuka sensei! Naoki Urasawa's prayer to carry on his legacy! Mr. Maruyama's love for the production! The passionate performances of the voice actors! Everything has come to fruition! This is not just a fighting robot anime or hero anime. This is Japanese manga and animation.
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Pluto frcim taky, ale nak se nemuzu naladit. cetl sem treba jak to chvalil Kojima. i tak uz se mi u toho podarilo usnout. mno aspon sem sfouknul Onimushu!

    ja se tesim fest! srdcovka! a zas bude po delsi dobe titul u kteryho chvili vydrzim a dohraju!
    in memoriam: ACVI, Starfield, Cyberpunk, atd. atd. :))
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: fuuuuu. O vikendu mi to psalo, ze bude pre-download zrovna od zitrka, tak to tam asi rovnou hodi. Cool. Mno zrovna jsem si vcera rikal, ze se zacinam tesit, pac jsem si pustil na Netflixu naprosto skvely anime Pluto, kde dabuje Koichi Yamadera (Akiyama) a Shinshu Fuji (Kaito)
    BOBESH --- ---
    nevim coe na tom pravdy. nikde jinde sem to nezaznamenal. kazdopadne uz je to tuuuuuu! :)

    "Unleash Joryu’s combat on the upcoming Combat Demo of Like A Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name for Free on Monday, November 6th for the West, and Tuesday November 7th for the rest of the world. See you there!"

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    NAGASAWA: plus druhej dil rozhovoru. Pro fanboye povinnost.

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    The Like a Dragon series producers talk about the “Don’t change anything” policy they upkeep and fandom behavior that has surprised them  - AUTOMATON WEST

    The Like a Dragon series producers talk about the “Don’t change anything” policy they upkeep and fandom behavior that has surprised them


    ──And then comes Like a Dragon Gaiden, followed by Like a Dragon 8…the speed of your releases is astonishing. Do you have three separate teams working in parallel? How are you able to realize such quick releases?


    Actually, it’s just one team for the most part.

    ── Just one team…?


    For example, for the Like a Dragon Ishin! remake, we used Unreal Engine, but the programmers using Unreal Engine were the same ones who were also using Dragon Engine for other titles. This is especially the case for programmers, but one of the most unique characteristics of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio is that we don’t have one person dedicated entirely to one project.
    CROME --- ---
    V novy Yakuze bude v herne hratelny port Daytona 2! Yaaay

    Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden | Time Extension
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