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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    TADEAS --- ---
    tady https://planet.is/ bych chtel zacit delat nejakou mapu tech planetarnich smeru, kdybyste mel nekdo chut se podilet .]
    TADEAS --- ---
    Paul Maidowski - planetarni temata

    TADEAS --- ---
    (PDF) Planetary Futures, Planetary History | Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - Academia.edu

    the notion of the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000) started its career as an ESS effort to name the systemic collision of the human and the natural worlds by referring to anthropogenic changes in the Earth system as testified by stratigraphic evidence. Yet it quickly became clear that the social components of the Anthropocene may not be as profoundly addressed by ESS as by scholars of the human world. No wonder that Eva Lövbrand and her co-authors (2015) asked the question ‘Who speaks for the future of Earth?’ and argued for a more prominent role for social scientific knowledge in coping with planetary futures. A distribution of work may indeed yield important results, while there is an equally compelling extent to which the systemic entanglement of physical and social processes is actually no one’s expertise in the modern disciplinary distribution of knowledge, which demands a new knowledge regime yet to be developed (Simon 2020).

    What does all this mean for historical understanding? The answer I attempt to sketch in this essay is that as the futures ahead gain a planetary character, our historical understanding cannot escape to be planetary too. For historical understanding is not merely a question of what to make out of the past. It is a question of what to make out of the past, the present, and the future as seen together. Or, to use the category of François Hartog (2015), it is a question of what to make out of our reigning ‘regime of historicity’, the current configuration of the relation of past, present, and future. Drawing on Hartog, Dipesh Chakrabarty (2019: 1) suggests that ‘planetary or Anthropocenic regime of historicity’ may be the term that best captures our current condition. In transferring Hartog’s notion from the framework of referring to inner relations of temporal dimensions (past, present, future) into the framework of referring to timescales (the history of the planet, of life on the planet, of the globe), Chakrabarty suggests that ESS has already begun to write a new kind of history in a planetary regime of historicity.


    The best way to think about a planetary history is to conceive of it as response to facing manifold planetary futures, including not explicitly Anthropocene-related ones too (at least not in the ESS meaning of the term), such as the aforementioned colonization of other planets. While this arguably expands what we mean by planetary, the second qualification rather narrows the category by stating that linking the planetary with the new historical condition does not mean that the planetary is the new historical condition itself. It is rather one of the central conceptual tenets of a renewed historical understanding through which we understand the world and ourselves historically in times of unprecedented change (Simon 2019). The first of the above aspects is a matter of planetary futures, while the second one is a matter of planetary history that planetary futures demand.
    TUHO --- ---
    The planetary is a concept Spivak has worked and reworked, with her initial discussion of the planetary presented as a lecture on migration in Switzerland in 1997 as Imperatives to Re-Imagine the Planet. She expanded and developed her notions of the planetary and planetarity in numerous contexts, including her Death of the Discipline study of comparative literature written in 2003, where she takes a more psychoanalytic approach to the notion of planetarity. She subsequently extends this concept in multiple places, including in a planetarity contribution to the Welt (or World) entry in the Dictionary of Untranslatables. This is a concept that Spivak has written and rewritten, forged and revised. It is in her earlier 1997 discussion though that she draws attention to the planetary as a way of figuring the subject and “collective responsibility.”

    The imperative that Spivak sets out in her 1997 text is one of re-imagining the planet. This re-imagining might be read as a speculative condition that encounters the planetary beyond the abstractions of the globe and globalism. It also refigures what humans are through considering how subjects form through conditions and even rights to collective responsibility. Spivak’s articulation of this concept was formed specifically within the context of considering how to “think the migrant” in Switzerland, when immigration was occurring from beyond Europe. The planetary in this sense is not proposed as an abstract figure of earth science, nor is it a unifying globe that would make uniform and universal conditions for all humans. Instead, the planetary is in many ways irresolvable, and yet it is a way to figure, de-figure, and re-figure collective responsibility to the other in postcolonial and decolonial circumstances.

    Becoming Planetary - Architecture - e-flux
    RADIQAL --- ---
    Ok, zacnu to brat trichu vazne.

    A ikyz revolution will not be podcasted:

    Stream episode Matt Christman of Chapo Trap House (In Conversation) by Upstream podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: jake to ma duskedky pro planetaritu? :)
    TUHO --- ---
    This Element provides an accessible introduction to ecosemiotics and demonstrates its pertinence for the study of today's unstable culture-nature relations. Ecosemiotics can be defined as the study of sign processes responsible for ecological phenomena. The arguments in this Element are developed in three steps that take inspiration from both humanities and biological sciences: 1) Showing the diversity, reach and effects of sign-mediated relations in the natural environment from the level of a single individual up the functioning of the ecosystem. 2) Demonstrating numerous ways in which prelinguistic semiotic relations are part of culture and identifying detrimental environmental effects that self-contained and purely symbol-based sign systems, texts and discourses bring along. 3) Demonstrating how ecosemiotic analysis centred on models and modelling can effectively map relations between texts and the natural environment, or the lack thereof, and how this methodology can be used artistically to initiate environmentally friendly cultural forms and practices.

    TUHO --- ---
    Here’s the video of my Strelka / #TheTerraforming keynote, “A Natural History of Logistics”. Thanks to Benjamin Bratton for the introduction to the talk (and the invitation to be part of The Terraforming Faculty). The talk stems from the seminar and the studio brief we did with the group in February in Moscow. While I outline some theoretical ideas for this synthetic (fake!) discipline, the researchers’ responses in February through mini-projects presented astonishingly good ways how the idea was taken forward: some historically grounded, some speculative, some somewhere in between, takes on soil, seabed mining, geomagnetism, tidal cycles, weeds, and more. Also thanks to Abelardo Gil-Fournier for his lecture and other work for the seminar.

    A Natural History of Logistics | Machinology
    TADEAS --- ---
    klimaticka povstani

    The fourth state of denial is that the present political system will respond in time to this civil resistance. It will not. Only a political revolution will result in the World War Two transformation we now need. This is not a political statement but a sociological one – conventional political regimes have limits on how fast they can change. And political revolutions will inevitably happen once populations, probably later this decade, come face to face with the truly horrific depth of the fiscal crises and systemic breakdowns we face – given that civilisational collapse is now locked in for large parts of the world. They will demand the removal and prosecution of the political class “who knew all along but did nothing” and institute new political regimes: in other words, there will be revolutions. With a bit of luck they will be nonviolent and involve the institutionalisation of citizens assemblies in northern Europe, Canada and Australia. The US and southern Europe are more likely to descend into civil war, fascistic authoritarianism, and/or social collapse as a secondary effect of hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing from the depopulating sub tropics in an attempt to escape mass starvation and the deadly threat of wet bulb temperatures – Central America, the Middle East, India, and Africa, South West Asia."

    Roger Hallam
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TUHO: jojo, sleduju ho už pár let. Ostatně to bude asi jeden ze zdrojů Tadeášových úvah o planetaritě, nemýlím-li se. Dával jsem na něj odkaz do jeho klubu tak rok dva zpět.

    Lukáš Likavčan – Introduction to Comparative Planetology
    TUHO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Haha, zrovna sem jdu s jeho kratkou eseji "Uhlikova pece" .]] Likavcana urcite doporucuju sledovat, jeden z nejbystrejsich filozofu regionu imho

    Kultura je nesena technickými objekty, infrastrukturami. První kulturní infrastrukturou v historii lidstva byla jeskyně. Na břehu Indického oceánu v Jihoafrické republice leží jeskyně Blombos, známá jako naleziště přes 77 000 let starého kusu okru, na němž jsou vyryty geometrické útvary. Pravděpodobně jde o nejstarší dochovaný důkaz lidské komunikace pomocí externího média, na které je zapsána nějaká informace. Co měly dvě vodorovné a jedna svislá čára znamenat, se už nikdy nedozvíme, ale právě sem jamajská spisovatelka a myslitelka Sylvia Wynter lokalizuje zrod člověka jako bytosti, která umí pracovat se symboly a s jejich pomocí vytvářet příběhy, jež nesou celou kulturu a společnost. Otázka „Kdo nese nosiče?“ je pak nejlépe zodpovězena anonymní uměleckou skupinou, která před 36 000 lety zanechala zprávu o svém působení na stěnách jeskyně Altamira v dnešním Španělsku. Od jeskyně přes amfiteátr a cameru obscuru až po skříň serveru v datovém centru, kultura a architektura šly vždy ruku v ruce. Tak tomu má být i ve věku environmentálních médií.

    Pluk dětí v kombinézách boří svoje prsty do drsné hmoty knoflíku, který líně couvá hlouběji do krychle. Toulaví psi kolem šachty připomínají, že tady byl kdysi vchod do řeckého podsvětí. A pořád je – akorát jsme se ho v jisté chvíli rozhodli využívat ne jako zdroj věčného plamene, ale jako místo pro jeho pochování. Ano, my. Nevím, zda je třináct let dlouhá nebo krátká doba, ale zdá se mi dostatečně dlouhou pro pozorování kulturních efektů infrastruktur. Když se totiž konec těžby uhlí po dlouhých jednáních stanovil na rok 2033, vyvstala otázka, co dělat se vší tou aparaturou, která měla zůstat ležet ladem. Soukromý kapitál o nefunkční mašinerii už nejevil zájem, stát viděl vlastnictví takovéto infrastruktury také jako přítěž (a byla to doba, kdy si lidé začínali říkat, že státu je možná vůbec na přítěž být státem). Tak se tato ocelová města dostala do vlastnictví místních správ a komunit, přičemž si všichni mysleli, že je to přinejlepším dar danajský. V té době alespoň existovaly nápady, jak napomoci k snižování emisí jejich zpětným zachytáváním z atmosféry. A tak se zrodila disciplína „uhlíkové péče“, kdysi hanlivě označovaná jako „geoinženýrství“.

    Octopus Press – Uhlíková péče
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Z osudu planety Země je potřeba udělat téma 21. století, říká filozof | Věda & výzkum | věda.muni.cz

    Introduction to Comparative Planetology – Lukáš Likavčan - ArtMap
    TUHO --- ---
    Planetarita muze vypadat ruzne, tady paper o cinsky ceste k autoritarsky planetarite...

    Ecological civilisation was written into the Chinese constitution in 2018. It serves as a vision of sustainable development with Chinese characteristics and refers to Chinese philosophical and civilisational traditions. It seeks to complement the three core dimensions of the concept of sustainable development – the environmental, the economic, and the social dimensions – with specific features of Chinese political civilisation, aspects of Chinese governance, and core elements of the Chinese sustainable economic development agenda.

    Ecological civilisation in China – DOC Research Institute
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: po kapitolach vydavana kniha 'regrarians handbook' je top z hlediska krajinne infrastruktury / managementu&developmentu produkcnich ekosystemu

    Regrarians Handbook – Regrarians
    TUHO --- ---
    V ramci AV21 vychazi brozura “Ekologicka infrastruktura krajiny”, ke stazeni zdarma… Aneb dalsi prispevek k ustanoveni planetarni subjektivity a sebereflexe

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: prave vychazi cast planetarniho sebehodnoceji. aneb ipcc jako cast ustanovujici se planetarni subjektivity

    TK k vydání 6. hodnotící zprávy Mezivládního panelu pro změnu klimatu, část I (Fyzikální základy) - YouTube
    TADEAS --- ---
    hello planet
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