neznal jsem, pěkné, dekuji za info.
driv jsem zkousel ruzne pridavat pluginy, ale nebylo to ono, tak jsem si prosel "vimscript the hard way" a aktivne pouzivam z cizich pluginu jen esencialni: plugged, vim-easymotion, vim-commentary, itchyny/lightline a solarized schemes. Asi kazdy ma specificke potreby na nastroje ktere pouziva denne.
Pamatuji na jednu moudrost:
"Chefs know that dull knives don’t just slow them down compared to sharp ones, they also cause more injuries. The best chefs regularly take a little time to keep their tools sharp so they can work most effectively. You also have tools that are critical for your job. And, just like a chef, if your tools are dull, they may be silently hurting you every time you use the"
Sharpen your Vim
with snippets. Save time and effort, and maximize your… | by Joe Lencioni | Medium