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    ztracené heslo?
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    ELIDOR: valtan hodne pekny. Musim rict ze fight dal zabrat tak akorat, a vyzaduje peknou koordinaci. Celkove me to raidovani bavi mnohem vic nez klasicky 3D mmo rpg
    ELIDOR --- ---
    btw jakpak hodnotite endgame v lost arku?
    ELIDOR --- ---
    dnes udrzba v delce 5hodin
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    ELIDOR: chod to jedine v parte :) odmena se ti nasobi poctem lidi se svitkem.
    plati ale pro Epicky a legendarni
    ELIDOR --- ---
    btw ma nejakou vyhodu delat hidden dungeony ve vice lidech?
    pokazde Chaos gate je v chatu spam LFG a dany svitek co pada ..
    predpokladam, ze udelat ho solo je jednoduchy, takze me napada jen, ze by se nasobila odmena?
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    CHORCHE: sick wallet skills
    CHORCHE --- ---
    1490 sick

    ELIDOR --- ---
    Heroes of Arkesia,

    We know that bots have been causing frustration within the community, and we share in that frustration. Over the past few months we’ve made a number of changes to Lost Ark in order to combat bots. We know that there’s still work to do, and we want to share some detail on how we’re approaching this ongoing issue so we can give Lost Ark players a better experience.
    Since Lost Ark launched, we’ve been fighting a war against the bots infiltrating Arkesia. Addressing bots can be especially challenging in free-to-play games because it’s so easy to create an account and enter the game, but we’re working on multiple fronts to fight them. Here are some of the measures we’ve taken so far:
    Permanently banned several million accounts that participated in botting, hacking, or gold selling.
    Level-gated area chat to keep brand-new accounts from spamming gold-selling advertisements.
    Actively updated the game’s automatic chat moderation with lines and phrases that we know are commonly used by gold sellers.
    Changed the reward structures of quests and events to add a stronger deterrent against using bots to farm gold.
    Updated and improved Easy Anti Cheat detection capabilities to better identify and act against bots.
    Enabled a native detection system to help quickly identify bad actors and take action against them.
    Improved reporting tools in-game to help our players report bots and our support staff act more quickly on reports.
    Blocked IP from regions where we do not have publishing rights that have shown large amounts of bot activity.
    Blocked VPNs to stop bad actors from working around IP bans.

    While each of these tactics has shown some measure of success in removing bots from the game, our work is far from over. We can’t share all the details, because we don’t want to help bot users more easily adapt to our tactics, but we’re working closely with Easy Anti Cheat to improve their support of Lost Ark and with Smilegate RPG to improve the native bot detection system, while tuning events and rewards to prevent or remove paths for bot abuse. We’re also exploring new ways to help combat bots natively at scale.

    We’ve heard some questions from the community about tools like Captcha or two-factor authentication. These tools would require sizeable platform and architectural changes to implement in Lost Ark. Real-world account owner identification is another method used in some regions, but the global scale of the Western version of the game and varying laws in the territories where we operate Lost Ark make this a less realistic solution for us. We’re continuing to explore our options for additional tools that are scalable and could make a significant impact.

    As we continue our quest to rid Arkesia of bots, we are also conscious of possible pain points some of these measures might cause for our players, and are working to balance this. We appreciate your patience as we continue working to bring the best possible Lost Ark experience to our players.
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    REFLEX: hned jak je ten research dostupnej jak dodelas quest nasledujiciho tieru a obliknes gear z chaosu. Takze na 600 des na dalsi T2, tam dodelas questy, udelas si 1 chaos a okamzite mas 802 a muzes pustit research. To samy pak na 1100 skoncis T2 des do T3 a dostanes 1302 a spustis dalsi research.

    T3jkovej je az od 1370
    EVILMIND --- ---
    REFLEX: uz jenom tim, ze furt posilas lode, ho expis, neni treba vyvijet nejakou extra snahu. Vlastne ani nechapu, proc to nekdo nedela, nic to nestoji skoro, ani casove ani materialove - a ze jsem videl nejakou 1460+ whale co mela stronghold lvl 9, proste... divny. A prave expy odtud tvori drtivou vetsinu, z crafteni das prd pokud to nejedes vyslovene nonstop.

    Jedine, nad cim se da asi vahat, je jestli stavet/zkoumat treba kucharsky recepty, co stoji goldy, a i vyrobky z nich goldy, a cena vyroby je vyssi nez zakolik jsou na marketu. Jsem to teda udelal stejne kdyz jsem zrovna mel na to, abych do toho tech par tisic goldu dal, protoze mi ty 3 kucharsky recepty v tom seznamu spoustely OCD... :-)
    REFLEX --- ---
    PEDROBEAR: diky a v jake fazi mam resit ten stronghold? treba 480 ilvl? nebo proste prubezne?
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    REFLEX: express by ti mel dat dostatek materialu, jestli si zacal s nim teprve, takze zadnej stres. T2jkovy ostrovy uz bych ale delal pak jen s mainem treba.

    A doporucuju potahnout 1 postavu vzdycky do dalsiho Tieru kde muzes ve strongholdu pak vyzkoumat ty zvyseny sance a slevu na honeni. Takhle za to zbytecne platis kdyz tahas vsechny zaraz.
    REFLEX --- ---
    PEDROBEAR: shit ja to beham s altem, s mainem mam express pass a to jede rychle ted jsem dal 480 a snazim se udelat q v rohendelu nebo jak se to tam jmenuje
    ELIDOR --- ---

    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    REFLEX: nektery jo nektery jen 1. jsou roster questy a jsou character specific questy. Kazdopadne uz pro to neni duvod. Na altech mas pak vyzkoumanej stronghold research - levnejsi honeni pro alty. A staci par chaosu a mas dost na to poskocit dal. + muzes delat veze pokud mas malo materialu na altech.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    REFLEX: ne
    REFLEX --- ---
    PEDROBEAR: a tohle jde delat za kazdou postavu? :)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    PEDROBEAR: prida ti 7% critu, coz je dost jako. Ale ani za 30% to samozrejme nedelam, to radsi pockam az napadaj nahodne... :-)
    PEDROBEAR --- ---
    CHORCHE: prvni power pass dostanes za prvni postavu na 50tce se skoncenym main story pred rohendel.
    druhej power pass dostanes na te druhe postave na ktere pouzijes prvni power pass a dostanes ho do mailu kde ho musis claimnout a pouzit.

    Treti power pass byl ted rovnou na 960 (hotovej feiton), tkaze zbyva vyhonit na 1100 a jit tancit mumuland.

    k tomu vsemu je jeste super express pass, kterej se hodi na novou postavu kde mas hodne znatelny boosty na honeni + materialu, penez.

    Pak zbytek muzes pouzivat knowledge transfer ve strongholdu za 600g po T1, a jednotlivy dalsi zony jsou pak za 1000g a vic
    CHORCHE --- ---
    PEDROBEAR: no ja chci hrat socku, jen sem to zas blbe precet :D uz sem to klik na ni a 3. powerpass sem nejak prokaucoval, ale me bude stacit paladin, socka.... okrajove mam k t2 sharpshootera, ale uplne mi tam ta gameplay nesedi, stejne jako u gunslingera, takze budu dal cekat na summonera :)
    a melee me nezajimaj ted vubec, staci tahat paladina
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam