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    KAMAHLProkremelská propaganda, dezinformace a manipulace
    V tomto auditku se zaměřujeme na dokumentování a odhalování prokremelské propagandy všeho druhu. Vítány jsou relevantní zprávy z důvěryhodných médií, screenshoty ze sociálních sítí nebo i osobní zkušenosti a postřehy a diskuse k nim.

    U příspěvků dokumentujících propagandu musí být zřetelné, že se jedná o dokumentaci propagandy a pokud možno kdo a jak ji šíří. Snažme se, aby nemohlo dojít k záměně propagandy, za naše vlastní postoje. Můžete použít hashtag #propaganda. Příspěvky dokumentující propagandu můžete pro ostatní udělat zajímavější doplněním nějakých vysvětlujícím komentářů.

    ZAKÁZÁNO je zde ale vyjadřování názorů, které lze interpretovat jako schvalující k putinovskému režimu nebo relativizující jeho zločinnost. Není zde na místě ani diskuse o propagandě jiných typů.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    JONY --- ---
    Typický "rusák západní" vyrostl ještě v Rusku, ale přestěhoval se do USA, zde žije pohodlný život, přednáší na univerzitě o tom, jak je Západ zkažený a v Rusku jsou ty ryzí a duchovní hodnoty. Přestěhovat zpět ho ale ani nenapadne.

    Vladimir Golstein

    Aktuální ukázka propagandy o Mariupolu - ruské město, které trpí nikoliv od obklíčení ruskou armádou, ale díky teroru, co ve městě zavedl Azov.

    Below is the post from my friend, Ajay Goyal. A great entrepreneur, who's been doing a lot of business in Ukraine, and hopes to return there, once the war is over.
    Ajay talks about the tragedy of Mariupol, controlled not by the regular Ukrainian army, but by vicious and notorious nationalist battalion, Azov, the ISIS of Ukraine. One of their commanders delivers a speech, in which he claims that it is high time to kill all Russians in the back for what they are doing. Never mind, that for eight years, Azov has been already killing Russian speakers in the back in Donbass region. These are the people who lock civilians in Mariupol, and don't let them through humanitarian corridors. These are the people, whom FB now allows -- as a special favor to their noble racist cause - to call for murder of Russian soldiers. Obviously, that's a new community standard in FB. No calls for violence is allowed except against Russians. O tempora, o mores!
    Ajay Goyal:
    I respect moral certitude of those who are against war, any war. God Bless the pacifist Buddhist monks. I am one of you.
    Those who live in the real world and are intelligent enough to formulate questions and ask them can't have such certitude about anything, let aside a war. And I live in the real world, too.
    In the real world, we have to ask questions.
    Here is an audio of a "heroic Ukrainian commander, defending the city of Mariupol." Except that he is not a Commander of the Ukrainian armed forces. He is a commander of a Nazi militia named Azov. He is in control of the city of Mariupol. Mariupol is a Russian ethnic city in Donbass.
    This begs a question - or more than a few questions.
    Why is a Nazi militia in control of a Russian city of Donbass region? What have these Nazis been doing there in Donbass for 8 years? Where are they from? Who do they answer to? Who has been arming them ? Have they been taking orders from the Commander in Chief of Ukraine army Volodymyr Zelensky , a Jew? What do they think of him? Why is he not allowing Russian residents of the city to leave through the humanitarian corridor?
    And why, in this 21st century, in Europe, a Nazi militia is armed like SS and operates as if it were 1941 on the eastern front?
    If you ask these questions, your certitude about this war will disappear.
    Facts: Who founded Azov?
    The unit was led by Andriy Biletsky.
    In 2010, Biletsky said Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]”.
    Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014.
    The 42-year-old is nicknamed Bely Vozd – or White Ruler – by his supporters. He established the far-right National Corps party in October 2016, whose core base is veterans of Azov.
    These guys follow in the footsteps of SS Galicia.
    MATT --- ---
    kolik toho chcete? ;)

    🇷🇺 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s #interview with TV channels RT, NBC News, ABC News, ITN, France 24 and the PRC Media Corporation, Moscow, March 3, 2022.

    #Question: Unprecedented sanctions pressure is being exerted on the Russian Federation due to the recent events, primarily “on the ground.” Has Russia changed its position? Does the world hear what Russia is saying? What do you think about the ongoing talks in Belarus? What should we expect from the next round?

    💬 Sergey #Lavrov: This is a comprehensive question. You have touched on many issues. I am sure the world is listening to Russia, but it is difficult to say at this point the extent to which it hears us. The majority may understand what this is about, but they have to obey the toughest dictate.

    Speaking frankly, it is of course bad when people die: military servicemen and civilians (women and children). This has been happening in #Donbass for eight years and is now happening during Russia’s special military operation. The goal of this operation is to stop any war that could take place on Ukrainian territory or that could start from there.

    I have no doubt that a solution will be found. Our minimum terms are well known. They are being discussed, in part, at the talks with Ukrainian representatives. Talks were held in Gomel and new talks were supposed to take place today. However, the Kiev team has again found some reason to postpone the talks. There is no doubt whatsoever that #Ukraine receives instructions from Washington; they are not independent at all. Nevertheless, talks must take place. I will not go into the details of the agenda; they are well known. We can no longer tolerate the threat of direct attack on the Russian Federation from the territory of Ukraine. Such threats are fixed in the current doctrinal documents of the Kiev regime. One of the main reasons is Ukraine’s unrelenting desire to join NATO and the reluctance of the Alliance’s members to fulfil their commitments that they do not take any measures that would enhance their security at the expense of the security of others.

    In the final analysis, this is not just the situation in Ukraine, the efforts to demilitarise and de-Nazify it, to prevent the continuing manifestations of genocide on its territory, putting a stop to any violence and ensuring for the Ukrainians an opportunity to decide their destiny themselves; no, it is the world order that is at stake. This is for a reason that the West is avoiding, in any way it can, giving a response to our implicit, clear-cut proposals on the security system in Europe that rely on existing agreements.

    I mentioned the core principle endorsed at the top level by the OSCE which underlies #RussiaNATO relations. Each country has the right to choose alliances. However, no country can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of any other country. No organisation can claim dominance in the Euro-Atlantic space, which is exactly what NATO is doing now. The West strengthening its security at the expense of Russia’s security has become proverbial. We are being told “not to worry because Ukraine or any other country joining NATO will not pose a threat to Russia’s security.” Why should the West tell us what our security needs are? Just like the Americans decided for Germany and Europe what was needed for European energy security. They decided that Nord Stream 2 was something that the EU did not need for its energy security, which would be ensured instead by supplies of liquefied natural gas from the United States at multiple times the cost.

    The fact is that we are being listened to, but not heard. They are trying in every possible way to impose on us their idea of how to continue living in Europe.

    The comparison suggests itself. In their time, Napoleon and Hitler set out to subjugate Europe. Now, the United States has taken it over. There was no question about #NATO, and the European Union was shown its place. The story of Nord Stream 2 vividly illustrated the EU’s actual place in the international arena.
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