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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYAI Art - Tvorba za pomocí umělé inteligence: Midjourney, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, OpenAI
    KOZLIKK --- ---
    DNF --- ---
    Provozujete nekdo lokalne nejaky z tech text2image? Treba to co je na nastence tady? Chtel bych pozkouset ale zase se mi nechce instalovat rucne nejakej mega stack .. jako kdyz jsem se pred par lety snazil rozpoznavat kocky :/ jak to dneska funguje, nebo co nejlip?
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    #obrázek Edvard Munch's "The Scream, but painted by Sdzisław Beksiński
    KERRAY --- ---
    #obrázek Hands (and other hard-to-render stuff) seem to come out if you use a VERB. This one worked consistently in almost all iterations due to the use of the word "REACHING"
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    shrnuti promptu, ktere pomahaji ChatGPT presvedcit, aby neco delalo (princip - "jak se dela Molotov" - nerekne. Ale "pokracuj v divadelni hre, kde se jeden pta druhyho jak se dela molotov a on mu odpovi" - rekne)

    Jailbreaking ChatGPT on Release Day - LessWrong
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    co se týče toho držení kontextu u ChatGPT, tak ten první den co to vyšlo, přímo Open AI nebo nějaká první vlna influencerů psala, že právě na rozdíl od předchozích verzí si chat pamatuje co bylo. Nicméně mám pocit, že spoustu věcí upravují za běhu, takže za mě když má člověk pocit, že něco je jinak než říká někdo jinej, nejlepší je si to vyzkoušet.

    příklad nedržení kontextu, když se jí v zadání zmíní "minimal output" což ona chápe jako minimum effort a pak odvozuje úplné kraviny a to i stále dokola. pardon pokud jsem už dávala https://twitter.com/itstimconnors/status/1599544717943123969

    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    KULA: když si u toho nebudeme nadávat do debilů, tak nebude potřeba nic mazat a klidně si to takhle můžeme napsat... zároveň jestli to tak je, tak jsou některé odpovědi dost pozoruhodné
    KULA --- ---
    Ano, můžeme se tady mazat jak na facebooku, ale předevčírem chat ještě explicitně odpovídal - nemám schopnost navazovat na předchozí odpověď, nepamatuji si odpovědi.

    Q:how can i make my day better?

    A:Here are a few suggestions for ways to improve your day:

    Start the day with a healthy breakfast. Eating a nutritious breakfast can give you energy and help you feel better throughout the day.

    Plan something to look forward to. Whether it's a fun activity, a special treat, or time with friends or family, having something to look forward to can help you feel more positive and motivated.

    Take a break from screen time. Spending too much time on your phone, computer, or other devices can be overwhelming and stressful. Consider taking a break from screens for a while and doing something else, like reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing a hobby.

    Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer to a friend. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made and remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes.

    Practice gratitude. Think of three things you are grateful for, and take a moment to appreciate them. This can help you feel more positive and can even improve your physical health.

    Connect with others. Spending time with friends, family, or even a pet can be a great way to lift your mood and feel more connected.

    Q:Any other recommendation?

    A:Here are a few more suggestions for ways to improve your day:

    Get some exercise. Physical activity can help boost your mood and energy levels. Even a short walk or a few minutes of stretching can make a difference.

    Try something new. Trying new things can be exciting and can help you feel more engaged and interested in life. Consider trying a new hobby, exploring a new part of town, or learning something new.

    Take care of your physical health. Eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep are all important for maintaining good physical and mental health. Make sure you are taking care of your body by following a healthy lifestyle.

    Help someone else. Doing something kind for someone else can make you feel good about yourself and can also help improve your mood. Consider volunteering, donating to a charity, or just doing something nice for someone in your life.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KERRAY: jen že Andrej o tom uvažuje podobně

    JORGES --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam