Tak ona treba prave ta vytka, ze v te studii jsou pochyby, jak konzistentne nosili ty rousky - jestli si ji v prubehu ruzne sundavaji nandavaji, jestli se dotykaji, meni ji dostatecne za novou.. jak jsem psal uz nekdy vv 2020.. to neni v moznostech normalnich lidi, kteri v tom maji zit mesice sve zivoty.
neustale jsem videl mezi lidma i v mediich televiznich debata ruznych i samotnych covidistu, jak si furt na ty rousky a respiratory sahaj, aby si ji nejak posunuli.. takze pokud neco zachytily , budou to mit na rukou. nebo si ji zejo naopak z ruky neco na rousku prenese atd. atd. noseni promocene rousky..
to dava smysl leda u nekoho, kdo je nemocnej, a jede k doktorovi. kratkodobe si muze dat pozor. 12 hodin za kasou v Kauflandu je to demence.
na co my si tu hrali spis vstoupi do ucebnic historie... o ztrate rozumu
i kdyz uz ubehl n ejaky patek od te spanelske chripky v 1918.. a kupodivu, ze i tehdy se v nekterych mestech USA nosily rousky bylo davano za priklad ormalnosti jejich povinnosti dneska.
kdyz jsem se onehda zacetl do textu historiku nebo dobovych zprav,, tak ten obrazek byl uplne jiny, nez byl predkladan, a zrovna ucinnost tohodle masoveho noseni rousek byla tehdy pak zpetne zpochybnovana.
celkkove byla ta situace v reakci lidi dost podobna covidismu.. rada lidi to odmitala nosit, popotahovani policajtama a vsudypritomna masirka
najdu vam k tomu neco
https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/04/02/everyone-wore-masks-during-1918-flu-pandemic-they-were-useless/Did Masks Work? — The 1918 Flu Pandemic and the Meaning of Layered Interventions - UC Berkeley Library Updatehttps://update.lib.berkeley.edu/2020/05/23/did-masks-work-the-1918-flu-pandemic-and-the-meaning-of-layered-interventions/...

This is from a study published in 1919 by the California State Department of Health. The above graph showed very little difference in death rates between Stockton, which mandated the wearing of masks in public, and Boston, which did not. So, early on, authorities were skeptical of the effectiveness of masks, but they also felt that masks were not used properly.
“One difficulty in the use of the face mask is the failure of cooperation on the part of the public. When, in pneumonia and influence wards, it has been nearly impossible to force the orderlies or even some of the physicians and nurses to wear their masks as prescribed, it is difficult to see how a general measure of this nature could be enforced in the community at large.”
William T. Vaughan, Influenza: An Epidemiologic Study, (Baltimore, MD: American Journal of Hygiene Monographic Series, No.1, 1921) 241.
Mask skepticism was officially sanctioned by the Surgeon General of the US Navy in a 1919 report:
“No evidence was presented which would justify compelling persons at large to wear masks during an epidemic. The mask is designed only to afford protection against a direct spray from the mouth of the carrier of pathogenic microorganisms … Masks of improper design, made of wide-mesh gauze, which rest against the mouth and nose, become wet with saliva, soiled with the fingers, and are changed infrequently, may lead to infection rather than prevent it, especially when worn by persons who have not even a rudimentary knowledge of the modes of transmission of the causative agents of communicable diseases.”
“Epidemiological and Statistical Data, US Navy, 1918,” Reprinted from the Annual Report of the Surgeon General, US Navy, (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919) 434.
fascinujici je ,ze kdyz jsem ja na tohle (nespravne noseni rousek) upozornoval, dostal jsem na nnyxu ban