"One of the most distinguishing features of human speech is displaced reference, or the ability to discuss objects and events not physically present at a given time. [...] A new study led by researchers from Scotland’s University of St. Andrews suggests orangutans can “talk” about the past, too. [...] The team’s findings, published in the journal Science Advances, revolve around seven orangutan mothers tricked into thinking they’d spotted potential predators. [...] [The orangutans] raised the alarm did so after waiting an average of seven minutes. [...] Lameira tells Science that the orangutan’s ability to wait before responding to stimuli is a sign of its intellectual capacities."
Takže takové to, jak s někým mluvím a projevuju se jako úplný tydýt, a o tři dni později mě při čištění zubů napadne trefná odpověď, znamená, že jsem génius!
Jinak tedy představa dvou vážených vědátorů, jak pobíhají po Sumatře v prostěradlech natřených napruhovano ("two scientists, Adriano Reis e Lameira and Josep Call, draped in sheets featuring tiger stripes, spotted patterns and various colors."), mě pobavila.
Orangutans Are the Only Non-Human Primates Capable of ‘Talking’ About the Past | Smithsonianhttps://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/orangutans-are-only-non-human-primates-capable-talking-about-past-180970827/